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* Despite attempts by the Realm to stamp out its existance, pockets of secret worshipers remain scattered in towns and villages throughout the Realm
* Despite attempts by the Realm to stamp out its existance, pockets of secret worshipers remain scattered in towns and villages throughout the Realm
'''Contacts: 1'''
* Captain within the resistance in Thorns
* Captain within the resistance in Thorns

Revision as of 01:25, 10 July 2010

Widening Gyre - Main Page

Basic Info

Name: Jeradin
Caste/Aspect: Night caste Solar exalt
Concept: Former investigator/assasin for the Realm
Motivation: Seeks to restore the Realm to a former glory that never really existed
Intimacies: Devotion to the order that the Realm represents. Distrust and anger towards the Houses for the mess they have made of the Realm. Desire to kill Lahor and Marad
Appearance:Jeradin's appearance shouts "nothing to see here!" He isn't handsome and he isn't grotesque. He is of average height and build, if a bit on the lanky side. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. If you had seen him once you might still not be able to pick him out of a line up.
XP: 34 gained / 21 spent

Current Stats


Strength  ●●       Charisma     ●●●     Perception   ●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●●    Manipulation ●●●     Intelligence ●●●
Stamina   ●●●●     Appearance   ●       Wits         ●●


  • Strength 2 (average strength; lift 160 lbs)
  • Dexterity 5 (almost inhumanly swift and graceful)
  • Stamina 4 (exceptional stamina; soak 4 bashing / 2 lethal)


  • Charisma 3 (likeable, makes friends with little effort)
  • Manipulation 3 (has a clever tounge, can convince most people to trust him)
  • Appearance 1 (very plain)


  • Perception 4 (keeps track of all minute details around him, can catch a pickpocket before he strikes)
  • Intelligence 5 (quite bright, might make a good scholar)
  • Wits 2 (passable at thinking on his feet)


Archery               Integrity             Craft                 Athletics  ●●●●       Bureaucracy  ●
Martial Arts  ●●●●●   Performance           Investigation  ●●●    Awareness  ●●●        Linguistics  ●●
Melee                 Presence              Lore           ●●     Dodge      ●●●●●      Ride        
Thrown        ●●●●●   Resistance   ●●       Medicine       ●      Larceny    ●●●●●      Sail        
War                   Survival     ●        Occult                Stealth    ●●●●●      Socialize


  • Athletics (4) can work as the featured acrobat in the palace of the Empress
  • Awareness (3) is usually the fi rst one to notice a pirate ship on the horizon
  • Dodge (5) can escape harm when fighting an inhumanly skilled cataphract of the Fair Folk
  • Larceny (5) is a master thief, who could likely steal the rings off the Despot of Gem’s jewel-encrusted fingers
  • Stealth (5) can sneak past an ever-watchful demon guarding a crypt in Sijan


  • Martial Arts (5) can fight a dozen thugs while simultaneously showing off all of his moves in a precise and beautiful manner
  • Thrown (5) can throw a knife so as to clip a single tail feather off of a divine firebird in flight
  • Resistance (2) can keep his head after days of heavy drinking, can run 8 miles without stopping or can fairly easily recover from infection
  • Investigation (3) can reconstruct the details of a crime from small fragments of evidence or locate an obscure passage in a large ill-organized library
  • Linguistics (2) knows Forest-tongue as well as High Realm and Riverspeak


  • Survival (1) can probably find a decent shelter in the woods or tame a hawk
  • Lore (2) knows a good deal of the customs of lands thousands of miles away, can help operate many First Age devices
  • Medicine (1) can probably stitch up a shallow head wound or set a simple fracture
  • Bureaucracy (1) can probably bribe a slightly corrupt official or sell aging horses at the same price as a young ones

Willpower and Virtues

Willpower: 6 (desc)

  • Compassion: 3 "regularly comes to the aid of others in need"
  • Conviction: 3 "rarely breaks under torture and can use drastic measures, given no other choice"
  • Temperance: 2 "I'm not going to kill you... yet."
  • Valor: 1 "Someone with Valor 1 is a sniveling coward" (Jeradin's somewhat proud of it. "It doesn't benefit anyone to enter a fight you can't win.")

Essence and Anima

Essence: 2

  • Personal Essence: 12
  • Peripheral Essence: 29
  • Committed Essence: 0

Anima Banner

  • Owl with flame flicking from the tips of its wing-feathers


Cult: 2

  • First Age cult dedicated to worship of his Soul
  • Despite attempts by the Realm to stamp out its existance, pockets of secret worshipers remain scattered in towns and villages throughout the Realm

Contacts: 1

  • Captain within the resistance in Thorns



  • Graceful Crane Stance


Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Rate Min Tags
Punch 5 +1 +0B +2 3 STR ● N
Kick 5 +0 +3B -2 2 STR ● DEX ●● N
Clinch 6 +0 +0B +0 1 STR ● C, N, P



XP and Training

  • XP Gained: 34
    • Episode 1: Of Falcons & Falconers: 5
    • Episode 2: Points of Departure: 5
    • Episode 3: Wangler's Knob: 5
    • Episode 4: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?: 9
    • Episode 5: A Dream Given Form: 10
  • XP Spent: 21
    • athletics +1 (to 4)= 5 xp
    • larceny +1 (to 5)= 7 xp
    • resistance +1 (to 2)= 1 xp
    • lock-opening touch = 8 xp
  • Debt XP: 0
  • Unspent XP: 13
  • Currently training:

Character Creation Questions

How old are you?

  • a

What was your family life like?

  • a

Where are you from?

  • a

How were you Exalted?

  • a

When did you meet your companions?

  • a

How has power changed you?

  • a

What do you think of mortals?

  • a

What motivates you to be a hero?

  • a

Who or what do you worship?

  • a

What would drive you to commit murder?

  • a