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Combo 2
Combo 5

Defense 3
Defense 3

Revision as of 21:14, 7 August 2010

Archie D'arqueHardt


Strength 1

Speed 1 (Control 1)

Stamina 0








Sharp Dressed




Bad Reputation





Bumbling Friend (Butler; also Followers)




Combo 5

Defense 3


Property Damage 1

Thug Thrashing 2

Awareness 2

Deduction 2

Perception 1

Climactic Super Move 1

Endure Great Hardship 1

High Society 1

Street Society 1

Technological Aptitude 3

Special Moves


(▼►P): L3: Easy to Combo, Fast Recovery, Increased Damage (1d8+1), Mobile (2 Move) Archie lunges forward in a sudden lunge with his sword extended, driving directly for his foe.

Handbot Attack

(▼►K): L3: Reach, Easy to Combo, Harry, Fast Recovery A Handbot jumps off Archie's shoulder and rockets forth a limited distance, striking and boomeranging back.

Massive Handbot Crush

(►▼◄P): L4: Throw, Sustained Hold, Fast Recovery, Easy to Combo A gigantic Handbot jumps out of Archie's coat and grabs the foe, squeezing hard.

Push Them Down

(HP+LK): L2: Throw, Easy to Combo, Fast Recovery, Reduced Damage Archie steps past the foe with one leg, puts one hand on their shoulder, and quickly pushes them down to the floor before they realize what just happened.

Personal Information

Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160 lbs

Blood Type: AB

Style: D'arqueHardt Family Fencing

Reason for Fighting: "In battle, there is peace. No, seriously. Have you looked at what I have to put up with?"

Win Quotes: "Was all that really necessary?"

"I'm sorry about all that, but letting you win was out of the question."

"Try to think of this as an opportunity to improve."

"...Have you considered a career change?" (Perfect)

Opening Pose: Draws rapier, minions remove cape.

Winning Pose: Handbots give "V for Victory" with mini-fireworks; Archie cleans glasses. Butler arrives with glass on a tray, while Handbots give shoulder rub. Minions and butler give massive celebration with salutes, banners, and fireworks; Archie looks embarrassed and facepalms.

Taunts: Sighs and facepalms, shaking his head sadly.

Quick summary background: The D'arqueHardt family are master criminals, scions of the Silver City Guild, would-be world conquerors, aided by the Iron Hand Army. Archie is the heir apparent... but he doesn't particularly want to be. He still winds up helping out the SCG, at times, but his butler, Ghormenghast, and followers, the Iron Hand Army, are vastly more eager than he is, and will often do things on their own initiative that get him into more trouble, anticipating crimes that he wasn't planning on committing, and generally causing him trouble. He's participating in the Evo Crusade in theory to get more power and to get a chance to seize the Prima source, but actually Archie's just curious.