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1> Far Shot: Increase projectile weapon range by 5 squares. (Rogue: Sharpshooter Talent Bonus)
1> '''Far Shot''': Increase projectile weapon range by 5 squares. [Rogue: Sharpshooter Talent Bonus]

2> Two-Fisted Shooter: You can treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and you can reload it one-handed as a free action. When you score a critical hit and have a hand-crossbow in your off-hand, you can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon. (Character Creator : Martial Power) (Bonus Human Feat)
2> '''Two-Fisted Shooter''': You can treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and you can reload it one-handed as a free action. When you score a critical hit and have a hand-crossbow in your off-hand, you can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon. (Character Creator : Martial Power) [Bonus Human Feat]

3> Versatile Duelist: Gain proficiency in all one-handed, Military Heavy Blades, and can use them for all Rogue powers that has Light Blade as a keyword, and for dealing Sneak Attack damage with that power. (Character Creator : Dragon Magazine 381)
3> '''Versatile Duelist''': Gain proficiency in all one-handed, Military Heavy Blades, and can use them for all Rogue powers that has Light Blade as a keyword, and for dealing Sneak Attack damage with that power. (Character Creator : Dragon Magazine 381)

4> Distant Advantage: Gain combat advantage with ranged and area attacks against enemies flanked by your allies. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook 2)
4> '''Distant Advantage''': Gain combat advantage with ranged and area attacks against enemies flanked by your allies. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook 2)

5> Backstabber: Sneak Attack dies increased from d6 to d8. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook)
5> '''Backstabber''': Sneak Attack dies increased from d6 to d8. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook)

6> Silent Shot Student: +2 to stealth, +3 (INT modifier) damage when using Gloaming Cut at-will power against an enemy that you are hidden from.
6> '''Silent Shot Student''': +2 to stealth, +3 (INT modifier) damage when using Gloaming Cut at-will power against an enemy that you are hidden from.

== '''''@-WILLs''''' ==
== '''''At-Will Powers''''' ==

Battlemind's Demand

I draw my foe's concentration, compelling the foe to strike at me.
1. '''Preparatory Shot'''

Augmentable, Psionic
''You feint and nick the target, inhibiting its movement to set up an even deadlier attack.''

Minor Action, Close Burst 3
Standard Action, Martial, Weapon
Ranged Weapon
Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling.
Range: 15/25 (With feat)
Target: One creature
Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC [DEX vs AC]
Damage: 7 [DEX + INT]
Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Target: One creature in burst

Effect: I mark the target until I use this power again, or until the end of the encounter.
2. '''Gloaming Cut'''

Augment 1:
''From the shadows you strike. and into the shadows you flee.''

Target: one or two creatures in burst.
Standard Action, Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged Weapon
Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling.
Blurred Step
Range: 15/25 (With feat) or Melee
Target: One creature
I bend reality with the power of my mind, flashing across the space between me and my enemy.
Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC (for Crossbow) or 1d20 +11 vs AC (for Longsword) [DEX vs AC]
Damage: 1d6 +2 (for Crossbow) or 1d8 +1 (for Longsword) [1W]
Damage (Special): +3 (INT) against enemy you are hidden from [Silent Shot Feat]
Effect: You shift 3 squares (equal to your Intelligence modifier), and you can make a Stealth check to become hidden.
Free Action, Personal
Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by me shifts.
Effect: I shift 2 squares.
Special: I can use this power only once per turn.

3. '''Deft Strike'''

Mind Spike
''A final lunge brings you into an advantageous position.''
I force my enemy to feel the pain it has inflicted upon my friend.
Force, Psionic, Psychic
Immediate Reaction, Melee 1
Target: The triggering enemy
Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by me deals damage to my ally with an attack that doesn't include me as a target.
Effect: The target takes force and psychic damage equal to the damage that its attack dealt to my ally.
Basic Melee Attack (Craghammer)
+11 vs AC
Conductive Defense
My attack surrounds a foe with a shroud of crackling lightning, threatening retribution for strikes against my allies.
Augmentable, Lightning, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee 1
Target: One Creature
Attack: +11 vs Reflex
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 lightning damage.  Until the start of my next turn, the target takes my Con modifier (4) lightning damage whenever it hits one of my allies.
Twisted Eye
I flood the mind of my foe with psionic energy, befuddling its vision and distorting its perception of nearby threats.  By increasing the flood to a torrent, I can blind the foe completely.
Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee weapon

Standard Action, Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged Weapon
Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling.
Range: 15/25 (With feat) or Melee
Target: One creature
Target: One creature
Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC (for Crossbow) or 1d20 +11 vs AC (for Longsword) [DEX vs AC]
Damage: 1d6 +6 (for Crossbow) or 1d8 +5 (for Longsword) [1W + DEX]
Special: You can move 2 squares before attack.

Attack: +11 vs AC
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 damage.  until the end of my next turn, the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to the number of my allies adjacent to it.
Augment 1:
Special: When making an opportunity attack, I can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Augment 2:
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of my next turn.
Vicious Cobra Strike
In my foe's mind, my weapon takes the form of a hissing serpent, its strikes hindering that enemy's attacks.
Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: +11 vs AC
Con (4) psychic damage and I mark the target until the end of my next turn.  if I target only one creature with this power, the attack deals (1d8+2)+7 psychic damage instead.
Augment 1:
Hit: As above, and I also mark one enemy adjacent to the target until the end of my next turn.
Augment 2:
Close Burst 1
Target: All enemies I can see in burst
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 psychic damage, the target is marked, and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls end the end of my next turn.
Lodestone Lure
As I raise my weapon, a foe is telekinetically pulled toward me.
Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee 2
Target: one creature
Attack: +11 vs Will
Hit: Con (4) damage, and I pull the target 1 square.  Until the end of my next turn, the target can move only to squares that are adjacent to me.
Augment 1:
Melee 5
Hit: As above, but I pull the target 4 squares.
Augment 2
Melee 5
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 damage, and I pull the target 4 squares and knock it prone.  Until the end of my next turn the target can move only to squares that are adjacent to me.

== ''''' Encounters ''''' ==
== ''''' Encounters ''''' ==

Adept's Insight
My mental focus provides a boost to myself or my allies.
Encounter, Psionic
Free action, Close burst 5

Trigger: I or an ally makes an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Effect: I add 1 to the triggering roll.
Augment 1
Effect: I instead add 1d4+1 to the triggering roll.
Persistent Harrier
I slip the bonds of space to strike back against a distant foe.
Encounter, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Immediate Reaction, Melee Weapon
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses me with an attack for the first time during an encounter
Target: The triggering enemy
Special: I can attack the target with this melee attack, even if the target is outside my melee reach.
Attack: +11 vs AC
Hit: (1d8+2)+7 damage and I teleport to a square adjacent to the enemy.
Telepathic Challenge
I loom large in my foes' minds, forcing my enemies to turn their attention toward me.
Minor Action, Close Burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect: I mark each target until the end of my next turn.

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Aspect of Elevated Harmony
My eyes glow as I achieve harmony of mind, body and spirit.  None can stand against me!
Healing, Polymorph, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +11 vs AC
Hit: (2d8+4)+7 damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: I can spend a healing surge.  I then assume the aspect of elevated harmony until the end of the encounter.  While in this aspect, I can use the following augmentation with my battlemind at-will attack powers that are augmentable.  This augmentation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have; this augmentation doesn't supersede them.
Augment 1
Effect: I gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + Wis (+2).  In addition, I choose a single creature hit by the at-will attack.  That creature takes extra damage equal to my Wis (+2).
Inconstant Location
My attack opens up ripples in space, letting me slip from place to place to stay one step ahead of my foes.
Psionic, Stance, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: one creature
Attack: +11 vs AC
Hit: (2d8+4)+7 damage.
Miss: Half damage
Effect: I assume the inconstant location stance. Until the stance ends, I can teleport 2 squares as a free action.
Special: I can take this free action only as the first or last actions of my turns.
Mental Triumph
By the power of my mind, I shrug off the most potent physical effects.
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: I cannot be slowed, immobilized, or restrained until the end of the encounter.

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== '''''GEAR''''' ==
== '''''GEAR''''' ==

Iron Armbands of Power (Level 6, Arm Slot)
The mighty power within these metal armbands enhances the power of my attacks!
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Level 5, Hand Slot)
These oversized metal gloves increase my strength and can be activated to increase my damage.
Property: Gain +1 item bonus to Athletics checks and Strength ability checks.
Power (Daily): Free Action.  Use this power whne I hit with a melee attack.  Add a +5 power bonus to the damage roll.
Mercurial Mind (Level 3, Psionic Talent / Boon slot)
Focusing my thoughts allows me to move with blurring speed to stay one step ahead of my enemies.
Property: While I am not bloodied, I gain a +1 item bonus to my speed.
Power (Encounter, Psionic):  Free action.  Trigger: I hit an enemy with an unaugmented at-will attack power.  Effect: I shift 2 squares once the attack is resolved.
Scale Armor
Heavy Shield
Adventurers Kit
Desert Clothing
Distillation Kit
Filter Mask
Fire Kit
Sun Balm
Pack Erdlu
Potion of Healing (Heroic)

Favor (House Tenoch) 83 gp

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Revision as of 18:59, 28 October 2010


General Info

Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Height: 5' 7" Weight: 65 kg

MAX HP: 49 Bloodied: 24 Surge Value: 12 Surge per Day: 07

Initiative: +7

Speed: 6

Power Points: 0

Background: Occupation - Thief (+2 to Stealth)

Languages: Common, Elven


AC 20 = 13 +4 (Ability Score) +2 +1 (Armor)

Fort 15 = 13 +1 (Ability Score) +1 (Race)

Ref 20 = 13 +4 (Ability Score) +2 (Class) +1 (Race)

Will 15 = 13 +1 (Ability Score) +1 (Race)

Ability Scores

Ability Bonus(B) [B+1/2 LvL]

STR 10 (+0) [+3] INT 17 (+3) [+6]

CON 12 (+1) [+4] WIS 08 (-1) [+2]

DEX 19 (+4) [+7] CHA 12 (+1) [+4]


Acrobatics (T) = +12

Arcana = +6

Athletics (T) = +8

Bluff (T) = +9

Diplomacy = +4

Dungeoneering = +2

Endurance = +4

Heal = +2

History = +6

Insight (T) = +7

Intimidate = +4

Nature = +2

Perception (T) = +7

Religion = +6

Stealth (T) = +16 [5 +4 +3 +2 (Background) +2 (Feat)]

Streetwise = +4

Thievary (T) = +12


Insight = 17

Perception = 17


1> Far Shot: Increase projectile weapon range by 5 squares. [Rogue: Sharpshooter Talent Bonus]

2> Two-Fisted Shooter: You can treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and you can reload it one-handed as a free action. When you score a critical hit and have a hand-crossbow in your off-hand, you can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon. (Character Creator : Martial Power) [Bonus Human Feat]

3> Versatile Duelist: Gain proficiency in all one-handed, Military Heavy Blades, and can use them for all Rogue powers that has Light Blade as a keyword, and for dealing Sneak Attack damage with that power. (Character Creator : Dragon Magazine 381)

4> Distant Advantage: Gain combat advantage with ranged and area attacks against enemies flanked by your allies. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook 2)

5> Backstabber: Sneak Attack dies increased from d6 to d8. (Character Creator : Players' Handbook)

6> Silent Shot Student: +2 to stealth, +3 (INT modifier) damage when using Gloaming Cut at-will power against an enemy that you are hidden from.

At-Will Powers

1. Preparatory Shot

You feint and nick the target, inhibiting its movement to set up an even deadlier attack.

Standard Action, Martial, Weapon Ranged Weapon Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling. Range: 15/25 (With feat) Target: One creature Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC [DEX vs AC] Damage: 7 [DEX + INT] Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

2. Gloaming Cut

From the shadows you strike. and into the shadows you flee.

Standard Action, Martial, Weapon Melee or Ranged Weapon Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling. Range: 15/25 (With feat) or Melee Target: One creature Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC (for Crossbow) or 1d20 +11 vs AC (for Longsword) [DEX vs AC] Damage: 1d6 +2 (for Crossbow) or 1d8 +1 (for Longsword) [1W] Damage (Special): +3 (INT) against enemy you are hidden from [Silent Shot Feat] Effect: You shift 3 squares (equal to your Intelligence modifier), and you can make a Stealth check to become hidden.

3. Deft Strike

A final lunge brings you into an advantageous position.

Standard Action, Martial, Weapon Melee or Ranged Weapon Must be wielding a crossbow, light blade or sling. Range: 15/25 (With feat) or Melee Target: One creature Attack: 1d20 +12 vs AC (for Crossbow) or 1d20 +11 vs AC (for Longsword) [DEX vs AC] Damage: 1d6 +6 (for Crossbow) or 1d8 +5 (for Longsword) [1W + DEX] Special: You can move 2 squares before attack.





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