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==Heroic Motivations==
==Heroic Motivations==
''(Seeks Justice, Seeks Thrills, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, etc)''
Mary wants to repent for her awkward year spent trying to take hat she wanted... a year she remembers as amazingly unfulfilling. She also wants to live up to the sorts of ideals put forward by great (and amusingly perverted) patriots like Franklin and Jefferson.

Revision as of 23:30, 8 February 2006


M&M2e Stats

PL: 10 (120 pp)


Mary Todd Mathers is a bit of a bookworm; not necessarily shy so much as quiet and a touch cynical. She's fairly intelligent, but definately knows she's no Einstein; still, she often uses very cerebral humor and always seems confused when no one but her gets it. She can be anal retentive to a fault and likes things to be clean.

As Surge, she doesn't really have much of a mean streak and made a terrible villain. She's not terribly violent and worries about hurting people with her powers. Still, while inside a machine Mary gets a little bit of a rush from feeling so much bigger and stronger than her little frame could everhave hoped to be, and she is a little more confident and less cynical while controlling a device.

Mary has a great love of history, especially American history, and usually prefers to read or debate with other history or civics geeks. Her heroes are Abraham Lincoln, Samuel Adams, and Franklin Roosevelt, and her primary motivation for heroics is to try and pay some respect to those patriot's legacies.

Part Time Jobs or Internships

Mary works part-time at the Hunter Museum of Natural History (ironically, a museum she herself once robbed) as a filing clerk. She spends her hours organizing the museum's thousands of tons of archeological minutia, especially Pre-Columbian Meso- and North-American pot sherds. Her two co-workers are Edmond and Francine, a married couple who possibly pre-date the museum (they met there) and are as disgustingly romantic at age 85 as they were at 20.

Mary's department is run by the ham-fisted Pension Hughs, a short man just bright enough to think he should have gotten better in life. Despite his dreams or archeological granduer, Hughs is a beuracrat through and through; he loves needless organization, feels paperwork is the foundation of western civilization, and loves nothing more than lording his imaginary power over others. He's aware of Mary's status as a juvenile delinquent (he had to fill out a number of forms when she was hired to that effect) and lords it over her while threatening to fire her over any percieved official or personal infaction. His is completely unaware that his newest clerk has powers, however, and would likely be terrified of her if he did.

School Funding

Thanks to an outstanding high school record, impressive SAT scores, and several letters of recomendation from various educators both pre- and post-arrest (including Duncan Summers), Mary is handling a great deal of her schooling through scholarships. Many of them are dependant on her maintaining her ties with the Hunter Museum of Natural History (she'd much prefer working at the Freedom City Historical Museum by the park, but such is life).

What scholarships don't cover, her parents help pay for. The Mathers' are happy to have their daughter back and thrilled that she's working on the straight and narrow towards her degree.


Not being a very big 'people person', Surge tends to shy away from romantic encounters; they're the one area of personal interaction she's actually uncomfortable with, not just uninterested in.

Like most high school girls, Mary lost her virginity awkwardly and quickly, after her homecoming dance sophmore year. She was 16 at the time, and hasn't had a real relationship to speak of since. She does, however, harbor a secret crush on her history professor, Mr. Niya.

Where do you like to Hang Out when not in class or at work

Where else is their besides class and work? Libraries and museums are Mary's two favorite places, followed closely by auction houses, archives, and large personal collections. She gets excited about the Constitution like most college girls get excited over Madman Finale.

There's an old-fashioned soda fountain near Liberty Park that her parents used to take her to when she was younger. On rainy days, she likes to head out that way and try to drown her troubles in their home-brewed ginger ale. Unfortunately, Mary technically has to violate her parole to do so, slipping off her ankle bracelette and popping it onto the cat while she's out.

Physical Appearance

Mary isn't unattractive, but she's no looker, either. She lets her shoulder-length, chocolatey-brown hair cover half her face more out of grudging surrender than desire (it's never been 'style' hair) and carries a few extra pounds in her hips. She has nice eyes and a genuine smile, usually being shown off while discovering a new manuscript in the museum's archives or finding an error in a history textbook.

Surge's old costume was a work shirt and trousers along with old army boots and a long coat with a black-and-blue lightning-bolt motif. Obviously she has no desire to take on her old mantle and hasn't really thought of a new costume idea yet. She's definately thinking MASK this time, though.

Heroic Motivations

Mary wants to repent for her awkward year spent trying to take hat she wanted... a year she remembers as amazingly unfulfilling. She also wants to live up to the sorts of ideals put forward by great (and amusingly perverted) patriots like Franklin and Jefferson.


(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)

History & Heroic Origin


Battle Tactics


3x3 NPCs


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