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Lightshow/Black Light PL 10

John Lennon used to call her "The Girl with Kaledoscope Eyes"


Lucille Diamande Lux was one of the headliners in the early 60's in both the supers and art scene. Her publist said that she managed to crawl out the slums of New Orleans, through a combination of determination, grit, talent, good looks, and extra-sized double helping of charisma. While generally true, teh part about teh ghetto is a fabrication. Her father is a respected doctor who worked at a "colored hospital" in Louisiana. She started off as a backup singer to Jackson Brown, then lead singer of Dee Lux and the Bouffants and their one hit "I'm far too good for you." Although a one hit wonder, it paid her way through college with a major in art. When she saw the direction of rock and roll and pop art about to change, she hopped on board. With her contacts in the music world, her career skyrocketed.

She was hired to create one of the first laser and liquid lightshow extravaganza for a huge concert. It was like a dream come true. However, a long time rival artist, who bacame Crazy Quilt showed up with a plan to take over the concert's cutting edge laser light show. Which by the way featured the recently developed technology of holograms. Crazy Quilt, mad genius that he is, augemented the eqipment to emit solid light and tied up poor Lucille to the transmitter. At midnight when eyes were upon here, he would pull the switch and everyone watching in person and on TV would be under his control. To make a long story short, the SWAT team came and saved the day. Almost. Unable to turn off the device Lucille sacrificed herself and absorbed all the higly charged psychodelic light energy, eating her up alive. Almost. Lucille is now composed of living psychodelic light, and can summon swirling masses of solid light to entrap, damage or entrance her opponents. Lucy can also transform herself into solid light to teleport and fly away, leaving images of diamonds in her wake.

While she can re-assume her human form, she cannot hide her "kaleidoscope eyes." She normally wears big sunglasses to hide them.

Officially goes by the name "Lightshow." However the newpapers and people seemed fixted on the fact she was black and so she is commonly known as "Black Light." Which still sounds cools, so she only stresses the piont if the person is being a jerk.

Oh, and if the team wants a submarine she knows where you can get a yellow one, cheap

Character Sheet


  • Strength 0
  • Stamina 3
  • Agility 2
  • Dexterity 1
  • Fighting 1
  • Intellect 1
  • Awareness 4
  • Presence 6


  • Light my fire - Liquid Light Control [The ability to summon and control blobs and streams of ""liquid light"" usually involving psychodelic patterns.](43 points):
    • Reach out, I'll be there (Dyn): Create 7 [Movable +1 Continous +1 Dynamic +1;  ; Innate (+1) and Precise (+1) and Accuracy +2 (+1)]
    • Dyn: You got hold on me: Move Object 7 [Damaging +1 Perception Ranged (+1); Precise (+1) Throwing Mastery (+1)]
    • Alt: Day Tripper: Affliction 10 [Resisted by Will +0 Consentration +1 Perception ranged +2; Instant recovery -1]
    • Alt: Dyamite with a laser beam: Damage 15 [Ranged +1] (Pure power littel control)
    • Dyn: In the sky, with diamonds: Flight 15 [Continuous; Aquatic (+1)]
    • Alt: We hope you will enjoy the show: Illusion 10 [Sight +2 and sound +1 Independent +1; Obvious illusion -1]
    • Alt: I Can See For Miles : Remote Sensing 8 [Range 2 miles Vision and hearing; Simultaneous; Noticable (-1)]
    • Alt: Dazed and confused: Affliction 4 [Euphoria/Ecstasy/Unaware; Ranged +1 Area +3 Selective +1 Cumulative +1 Consentration +1]
    • Alt: The Wall: Create 10 [Selective (+1) Stationary (0)]
  • Fade away and Radiate:(17 points)**
    • Alt: Energy form: Insubstantial 3
    • Alt: Liquid form: Insubstantial 1 [Reaction +1, ; Precise (+1) Affects Corporeal (+1)]
    • Alt: Force Field: Protection 15 [Sustained (0)]
  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida:(31 points)*
    • I'll be watching you: Senses 8 [Darkvision (2 Ranks) Radius for vision (2Ranks) UV (1 Rank) IR (1Ranks) Counters Illusion (2 ranks); [Innate (+1) Noticable (-1)]
    • Sunshine Superman: Immunity 10 [Immunity to light effects]
    • Space Oddity (LS): Immunity 10 [Basic Life Support]
    • I couldn't sleep at all last night: Immunity 1 [Does not sleep]


A house in New Orleans that she calls the "Raising Sun"(0)


Attractive 1


  • Athletics (+0)
  • Deception 2 (+8)
  • Expertise: Art 6 (+7)
  • Expertise: Music 4 (+5)
  • Insight 4 (+8)
  • Intimidation 2 (+8)
  • Perception (+4)
  • Persuasion 4 (+10)
  • Ranged Combat: Array 4 (+5)
  • Stealth (+2)


  • Initiative +2
  • Array +3, Damage 15


  • Dodge 2, Parry 1
  • Toughness 18 (Def Roll 0)
  • Fortitude 3
  • Will 12

Power Points

Abilities 36 + Powers 91 + Advantages 1 + Skills 13 + Defenses 8 + Base 2 = Total 150


  • Recognition:Wants Publicity
  • Identity:Public
  • Rivalry:Crazy Quilt
  • Weakness:Unsure of powers. They are still new to her. as well as potential loss of her humanity.
  • Weakness: her current body is not a biological one, so if severly wounded she needs special healing. IE high intensity lights.

Design Notes

Lightshow is meant to be a powerful but inexperinced superheroine. She is new to the combat and espionage thing.

Here new body gives her many abilities. But she can no longer needs to breathe eat or drink or sleep, she can no longer breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. She has also has anosmia.

She is nearly useless in stealth condition since she her powers, even flight, attact attention. Also although she has light powers, its "hard light," so her blast are actually physical impacts rather than lasers.

She sees via a sixth sense. Her "eyes" do not function normally. Originally, blinding her was a cruel joke by a jealous Crazy Quilt.