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'''Minartyr Cleareyes'''
'''Minartyr Cleareyes'''

Once a marine-signaller with the Royal Coast Guard stationed at Kenstone Island and from a family that had long-served in same, Minartyr was drummed out of the service for botching a close shore drill that left the Swift Justice aground with a cracked hull. His family were surprisingly unimpressed and his father, Ingold, banished him just to rub the lesson in.  
Minartyr's family are huscarls, minor nobility, to Earl Andrin of Kenstone island. The Royal Coast Guard of the Hendriki is a levy of sorts upon a subset of noble houses and their vassals. Each Earl or Sherrif provides the means for one or more ships to be built and maintained and their vassals in turn provide crew and fighting men. This is both an honour and a duty, passed down through generations.

Now selling his skills to anyone who'll take them and more adrift than aground.
Minartyr was raised into that duty and took it seriously, rising to the rank of marine-signaller. As such he commanded men in battle as well as taking responibility for communications and the manouevres of the ship, Swift Justice, within the fleet. Years of service came to an end when Minartyr was drummed out of the service for botching a close shore drill that left the Swift Justice aground with a cracked hull. Ordinarily a failure of this magnitude would have seen Minartyr executed however Minartyr's father, Ingold, intervened with a personal plea on behalf of his second son. Earl Andrin, in light of the family's long service and his personal friendship with Ingold, commuted the sentence to exile from Hendriki lands.
His elder brother, Oranvil, took his wife, Druva, and his two children, Huma (F/5) and Bren (M/3), into his household rather than see them follow Minartyr into exile.
Since then Minartyr has drifted, working as both ship's crew (he is, in fact, a fine officer) and, when nothing else is available, as a sellsword. These days he is more adrift than aground.


Revision as of 05:03, 10 September 2011

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Minartyr Cleareyes

Minartyr's family are huscarls, minor nobility, to Earl Andrin of Kenstone island. The Royal Coast Guard of the Hendriki is a levy of sorts upon a subset of noble houses and their vassals. Each Earl or Sherrif provides the means for one or more ships to be built and maintained and their vassals in turn provide crew and fighting men. This is both an honour and a duty, passed down through generations.

Minartyr was raised into that duty and took it seriously, rising to the rank of marine-signaller. As such he commanded men in battle as well as taking responibility for communications and the manouevres of the ship, Swift Justice, within the fleet. Years of service came to an end when Minartyr was drummed out of the service for botching a close shore drill that left the Swift Justice aground with a cracked hull. Ordinarily a failure of this magnitude would have seen Minartyr executed however Minartyr's father, Ingold, intervened with a personal plea on behalf of his second son. Earl Andrin, in light of the family's long service and his personal friendship with Ingold, commuted the sentence to exile from Hendriki lands.

His elder brother, Oranvil, took his wife, Druva, and his two children, Huma (F/5) and Bren (M/3), into his household rather than see them follow Minartyr into exile.

Since then Minartyr has drifted, working as both ship's crew (he is, in fact, a fine officer) and, when nothing else is available, as a sellsword. These days he is more adrift than aground.


People you know.

Character Details

  • Name: your PC's name goes here
  • Race: human
  • Cults:-
    • Rune Level:
    • Initiate: This is the main religions that you follow. One of these must be Pavis
      • Sub Cults: This is a narrowing of focus in your religion, many cults do not have sub-cults
    • Lay Member: These are religions that you are affiliated with in a small way
  • Social Condition: Insert Social Rank
  • Sex: Your Pc's gender goes here
  • Previous Experience: This is the breakdown of your experience before the game. It's a bookkeeping thing but useful for backstory


Str: 16', Con: 15, Siz: 9, Int: 12, Pow: 12, Dex: 18:, App: 11.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +/-xx
  • Encumbrance limit: xx Encumbrance.

Skill Groups

  • Agility: +/-xx%
    • Boat (05): xx%
    • Climb (40): xx%
    • Dodge (05): xx%
    • Jump (25): xx%
    • Ride (05): xx%
    • Swim (15): xx%
    • Throw (25): xx%

  • Knowledge: +/-xx%
    • Animal Lore (05): xx%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Evaluate (05): xx%
    • First Aid (10) : xx%
    • Human Lore (05): xx%
    • Martial Arts (00): xx%
    • Mineral Lore (05): xx%
    • Plant Lore (05) : xx%
    • Read/Write xxx (00) : xx%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Shiphandling (00): xx%
    • World Lore (05): xx%

  • Manipulation: +/-xx%
    • Conceal (05): xx%
    • Devise (05): xx%
    • Sleight (05): xx%
    • Play Instrument (00): xx%

  • Perception: +/-xx%
    • Listen (05): xx%
    • Scan (25): xx%
    • Search (25): xx%
    • Track (05): xx%

  • Stealth: +/-xx%
    • Hide (10): xx%
    • Sneak (10): xx%

  • Communication: +/-xx%
    • Fast Talk (05): xx%
    • Orate (05): xx%
    • Sing (05): xx%
    • Speak (Native Language) (30): xx%
    • Speak TradeTalk (15): xx%
    • Speak:Pavic Argot xx%
    • Speak: xx%

Hit Points and Armour

Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head bronze helm x 5 1 19-20
Left Arm Cuirboilli x 3 .5 16-18
Right Arm Cuirboilli x 3 .5 13-15
Chest Cuirboilli x 3 2 12
Abdomen Cuirboilli x 3 1 09-11
Left Leg Cuirboilli x 3 1 05-08
Right Leg Cuirboilli x 3 1 01-04
  • Total Hit Points: xx HP

Weapons and Shields

  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-xx%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-xx%
  • Strike Ranks: Siz: x +Dex: x = x
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
RH Weapon Club 1d6 x x xx% xx% xxm .5
2H Weapon xx xx xx xx% x% xxm xx
RH Hurled Stone 1d4 x -- xx % -- 20m xx
2H Missile Weapon xdx x xx 35% xx% 100m .1
LH Shield Target 1d6 x xx xx% xx% xxm 3
RH Dagger 1d4+2 x x xx% xx % xxm .5
Fist 1d3 8 xx xx% xx% xxm xx
Kick 1d6 8 xx xx% xx% xxm xx
Head Butt 1d4 x xx% xx% xxm xx
Grapple Special x special xx% xx% xx xx


  • Power:-
    • Current Characteristic POW: xx
    • Current Available POW: xx
    • Current Stored POW: xx


  • Spirit One
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Two
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Three
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:

  • Battle Magic:
    • This is where your magic goes.

  • Rune Magic:
    • This is where your powerful rune magic goes


  • Name: xx
  • Breed: xx

Str: xx, Con: xx, Siz: xx, Int: xx, Pow: xx, Dex: xx.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: /-xx'
  • Move Rate: xx
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head hide x x xx 17-20
Left Foreleg hide x x xx 14-16
Right foreleg hide x x xx 11-13
Forequarters hide xx x xx 08-10
Hindquarters hide xx x xx 05-07
Left Hindleg hide x' x xx 03-04
Right Hindleg hide x x xx 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: xxHP
  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-xx%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
bite 1d8 x xx%
kick 1d6+3d6 x xx%
Attack Type Damage xx%
Attack Type Damage xx%


  • Weapons: .
  • Armour:
  • Other:Mule, .
  • Magic Items:

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