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*Kidsavior as [[Justice_Lords/Billy_Marvel|Billy Marvel]]
*Kidsavior as [[Justice_Lords/Billy_Marvel|Billy Marvel]]
*David Goodner as [[Justice_Lords/Sapphire|Sapphire]]
*David Goodner as [[Justice_Lords/Sapphire|Sapphire]]
*Nalyd as [[Justice_Lords/Tellurian|Tellurian]]


Latest revision as of 19:51, 19 September 2011

A post-apocalyptic DC Adventures game run on RPG.net


In Final Crisis the forces of Apokalypse invaded earth, organised resistance was exterminated, billions died and the remaining humans were soon placed under Darkseid's mind control. The superhuman resistance fought back, villain and hero uniting to fight the forces of Darksied. He was eventually defeated though the sacrifice of Batman and the efforts of Superman but the cost to earth was staggeringly high. One cannot kill a god without consequences and Darkseids death created cracks in the fabric of reality that ravaged the earth in other worldly energy, to this day warpstorms rage across parts of the planet. With Darkseid death his leaderless army fled but not before destroying everything they could reach leaving earth a sorched ruin haunted by weapons and monsters left behind by the forces of Apokalypse.

In the Aftermath the surviving heroes did what they could to restore order but soon it became apparant that earth was now too dangerous for humanity to survive without constant protection. The war weary supers fell back fortifying safe zones under their protection, and the villains followed suit. In practice the safe zones became feudalistic territories where the superhuman guardians ruled like Lords over the human survivors. 20 years later the world is only now clawing its out of the wreckage of Final Crisis. Metropolis under the guardianship of an aged Superman is at the centre of a loose alliance of neofeudal city states.

Surviving Heroes[edit]

Batman "died" killing Darkseid, though the familiar cowl did not stay gone long cynics says its a new man in the costume but many believe that it is the ghost of Batman returned to punish evildoers even in death. Gotham is a smoking ruin, haunted by Apokalypse's abandoned weapons and Batman is its warden.

Superman survived the battle with Darkseid but was infected with Kryptonite poisoning which slowly spread throughout his entire body, in the present day he is a shadow of his former self relying on Kryptonian armour to replicate the effects of his old powers.

When Magic was Destroyed in the Crisis, Diana of Themiscara lost her godly powers but remained one of the most dangerous warriors on earth in skill alone. Today she leads her people as Queen of Elysium.

A much reduced JSA struggle to protect what's left of New York

Tim Drake's Titans currently defended the twin cities of Keystone/Central City

Aquaman lives though his kingdom has turned inwards struggling against some underwater threat that the surfacers know little of.



New Metropolis : During the Final Crisis Superman's Fortress of Solitude was destroyed. What he could salvage from his fortress was used to rebuild Metropolis, which today is protected by walls of Kryptonian Sunstone and has the Citadel of Justice at its centre. New Metropolis is a shinning beacon of hope in the otherwise desolate wasteland. However Superman could not turn away those in need and even with Kryptonian technology the cities resources are stretched dangerously thin to accomodate its huge refugee population.

Neo-Seattle Enclave (NSE): Lex Luther survived the war (at the cost of several hundred of his minions lives), he claimed Seattle as his territory and gathered together several of of the worlds most dangerous scientific geniuses to serve him, including Veronica Cale, Doctor Death, I. Q., T. O. Morrow (whose sudden and inevitable betrayal shocked no one), Komrade Krabb, Dr. Tyme, and Rigoro Mortis. Seattle developed into a technological wonderland, science unchained free from the concerns of human morality. Inside the Enclave life is cuthroat and competitive but it is idyllic compared to the outlands. Surrounding the walled city is a fast slum of desperate people scraping a meager existence providing the inner city with salvage and test subjects in return for protection and medecine.

Elysium: When Darkseid destroyed the Rock of Eternity, the centre of magic in the DCU, the mystical island of Themiscara tore itself apart in violent earthquakes. The amazons refugees sailed west and made landfall in southern Florida. No longer blessed by the gods but possessing centuries of military training and advanced ttechnology they declared the ruins of Miami their demense, renamed Elysium. The city is a rare safe haven in the ruined world, citzenship was originally limited to Amazons but is now open to anyone who completes a 7 year term of service to the city (usually women are selected for military duty and men for support roles such as agriculture or construction)

Gotham: Gotham was destroyed in the Crisis, the armies of Apokalypse indulged thier "appetites" in the city. When the crisis was finally over what residents survived fled and the city has become a haunted ruin.

Keystone/Central: In order to end Darkseid in the Final Crisis, all of the world's speedsters had to outrace the Black Runner. They succeeded, but at the cost of all of those who rode the lightning being drawn back into the Speed Force, leaving Keystone/Central City undefended. In the aftermath of the fall of Gotham, Tim Drake took on a new costume, seeing that others he trusted would carry on the legacy of the Batman, and set out to discover the truth of what happened to Bruce Wayne. Soon enough, though, he came upon the undefended Central city and his conscience and training refusing to let him move on when the city needed a new hero to defend it, settled down in Central City. What Drake lacks in superpowers he makes up for in brains and leadership in time attracting a small band of former teen titans to help defend the twin cities.

New York : The Justice Society were on the front lines of the attack on New York and lost a lot of good people trying to keep the city safe. After the war was eventually won most of the survivors either went their own way or retired. Now the Justice Society consists of the adult Star Girl, who uses Cosmic Gloves to much the same effect as her old staff, Mr Terrific, for whom the guilt of not seeing the attack coming still weighs heavy and the servo powered pugilist, Wildcat. While they have abadoned their colourful costumes (except for Terrific who still dons the Fair Play jacket), they do what they can to keep the city safe but with all of the warring gangs and the rise of The Purge they are often overwhelmed. With new member Josh Carter now being trained ther in a new optimism to the Society, a hope that the ideals that so many of their friends died for can live on in a new generation of heroes.

Los Angeles : The Final Crisis broke the World and no where is this more evident than in California, where vast tracks of land have begun sinking into the pacific. The partially submerged city of Los Angeles is one of the few safe areas in the united states, where Atlantean and human refugees are under the protection of Queen Mera (former Queen of Atlantis, now in self imposed exile on the surface)

Vegas: In the old world Las Vegas was a glittering oasis in the desert, sustained by the sophisticated infrastrucutre, once that broke down the city dried up and began to turn to dust. Into this dusty chaos came the Secret Six, they holed up in the casino's on the strip and began a swift but brutal conquest of the cities gangs. Once they had control of the city they restored water and power (both supplied from Hoover Dam). Life under the rule of the Six is harsh but stable. The Six gained a reputation for fairness and keeping their word if not for kindness.