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*'''Onais''' - I remember that he taught me Gateway, even though I was a mother by then and he was a boy. I hope he's up on his game.
*'''Onais''' - I remember that he taught me Gateway, even though I was a mother by then and he was a boy. I hope he's up on his game.

*'''Medoina''' - My sweet daughter, with subtle hands that make rock and clay and metal sing, who makes sculpture breathe.  My first dragon-graced child - I hope you can forgive me, for the burden I am about to place on you.


Revision as of 20:45, 31 October 2011

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Peleps Taric Aisha is a player character in Dynasty & Decadence played by (Kaiu Keiichi)

Peleps Taric Aisha

  • Aspect: Water
  • Concept: Immaculate Sea Sorceress
  • Motivation: Establish House Tanic as a Great House.
  • Anima: A magical circle made of shimmering water
  • Anima Power:


(see pic below)



  • Str 2, Dex 4, Sta, 2
  • Cha 5, Man 4, App, 4
  • Per 2, Int 4, Wit, 3



  • Bureaucracy 4
  • Investigation 1
  • Larceny 2
  • Martial Arts 5 (Water Dragon +1)
  • Sail 4


  • Occult 5 (Sorcery +3)
  • Socialize 4 (Dynasts +1)
  • Integrity 5


  • Linguistics 4 (Old Realm, Low Realm, Seaspeech, Riverspeak)
  • Lore 4
  • Awareness 3
  • War 2
  • Archery 1
  • Medicine 1
  • Performance 2
  • Ride 2
  • Athletics 2
  • Dodge 4
  • Melee 1
  • Presence 4 (Dynasts +1)



  • Breeding 4
  • Resources 5
  • Manse 4 (her personal Manse, the House of )
  • Manse 1 (donation to the family seat)
  • Allies 1 (House V'Neef)
  • Connections 3 (The Immaculate Order)
  • Allies 1 (Sesus Calto, Husband)
  • Retainers 5
  • Artifact 4 (Old Man Tanic’s Stash)
  • Reputation 1
  • Mentor - Mnemon 1

Common Pool

  • Command 2 (Tanic House Guard)
  • Arsenal 2 (arms for Tanic House Guard) (Daiklaives and Jade Armor for the Terrestrial Officers, Exceptional quality for the unExalted troops. Support comes from Aisha's immense wealth and legions of subjects (Retainers 4 and Resources 5)


Martial Arts

  • 1st Martial Arts Excellency
  • Pasiap’s Humility
  • Moment of Daana’d
  • Flowing Water Defense
  • Rippling Water Strike
  • Drowning In Blood Technique
  • Shrugging Water Dragon Escape
  • Water Dragon Form


  • 1st Occult Excellency
  • The Salinan Absorption
  • Elemental Bolt
  • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
  • Emerald Countermagic
  • Emerald Banishment
  • Death of Obsidian Butterflies
  • Demon of the 1st Circle
  • Summon Elemental
  • Invulnerable Skin of Bronze
  • Stormwind Rider
  • Impervious Sphere of Water
  • Invocation of the Living Ship


  • 1st Dodge Excellency


  • 2nd Bureaucracy


  • 2nd Socialize Excellency


  • Effortlessly Rising Flame


  • Compassion 2
  • Conviction 4
  • Temperance 3
  • Valor 2
  • Willpower 10

Defense Values

  • DDV: (Unarmed base) 6
  • PDV: (Staff of Veltro) 6
  • DMDV: 9 (10 WP+5 Integrity+4 Essence=One Very Stubborn Dynast)
  • PMDV: 5 (6 Vs Dynasts)

Other traits

Essence 4

  • Personal motes 18
  • Peripheral motes 40
  • Committed motes (peripheral) 8

Willpower 8


  • Love - Dead Parents
  • Devotion - The Immaculate Faith
  • Hunger - Secrets of Sorcery
  • Love - Family
  • Love - House Tanic
  • Love - Husband and Daughter


  • Authoritative Seal (2) - The custom seal that Peleps Taric used in the administration of his house and dominions, now passed onto his heir.
  • The Staff of Veltro (3) – Treat as a Black Jade Wrackstaff (Speed 4, Acc +2, Defense +4, Rate 3, Attune 5, Dmg 7L(P)/+14B), and also reduces the costs for all Sorcery spells by 5 Motes, to a minimum of 1 Mote). Veltro was an accomplished 1st Age Sorcerer who mastered sea magic. It can carry 2 Hearthstones. Commit cost 8.
  • Sorcery Capturing Cord (3) - Mnemon's only gift to her grand daughter. It has saved Aisha's life often.
  • Hearthstones - Jewel of Danaa'd (3) and a Jewel of the Clever Merchant (1), both Water Hearthstones, split up when Aisha founded her Manse. This was her very first Manse redesign project she engaged in with Medonia.

Background and such

The daughter of Mnemon Shira and Peleps Tanic, Aisha is graced to be arguably 3rd in line for the actual throne itself! However, the 2 century old Water Aspect knows that she doesn't come near to matching either her mother or grandmother in majesty - she's something her mother isn't - content. One of the finest sorcerers in House Peleps, Aisha deals heavily with the various sea-aspected courts that surround the Blessed Isle, particularly working with the Salt Gods to make sure that the Salt Rate is stable. In this, she's a dutiful, hard working daughter, and an exemplar of the Immaculate philosophy. But she also makes sure that she keeps certain sections of her life to herself. Her grandmother likes to meddle and use her descendants as tools, and Aisha really has no time to be used as a chess piece.

In terms of her sorcerous interests, she's most fascinated by the use and binding of elementals, and by the construction of manses. Underwater manses are her current passion, and she delights in design of manses that can only be fully used by water aspected dragon blooded.

If she has a dark streak, it concerns her husband, Sessus Caltho - married to him when she was 50, they've given birth to 3 beautiful children, all of whom Exalted. However, Val Kora was crippled by a platoon of Outcastes in the employ of Lookshy. Strangely, she doesn't bear any sort of grudge against Korel, as she suspects that the Lookshy mercenaries were in the pay of another Dynast house that wanted to hurt her.

Aisha, being a faithful immaculate, has attended the Heptagram, but teaches advanced Sorcery as an attached lecturer at the Cloister of Wisdom. She prefers to teach an Immaculate approach to the 5 trials, and finds working with Demons distasteful, although she's familiar with Abissic theory and can easily call up demons at need. She advises the various ministries of the Order on all matters relating to Sorcery, especially spirit court negotiation, and for 10 years accompanied teams of Immaculate monks on rectification missions - where the smart attitudes of local Terrestrial gods were rectified with sorcery and martial arts.

Now, the burden of house leadership lays heavily on her shoulders. What path will she take?

The Five Questions

  1. ) Why are you devoted to keeping this sub-House alive against all odds? Aisha loves her mother and father deeply, and is doing it for equal parts love and revenge. The bastards took her mom and dad away and she will not have that, but she also is a patriotic dynast and bears the house no ill will, just the people in it who gave the assassination orders. They will pay but in such a way that only a Dynast can understand - they will gnash their teeth as House Tanic eclipses their own households. This is a knife that will twist in those bastards's chests, maintain the Dragon Blooded host's strength and will be perfectly legal.
  2. ) The Dynasty isn't all about family. What loyalties and causes compete with your loyalty to House Peleps Taric? Aisha, before father's death, wanted to revolutionize Realm sorcery by straining current Heptagram teachings through a purifying lens of wise Immaculate doctrine. Having spent the 10 years there, she feels that there is too much Anathema influence and attitudes within the Heptagram, by way of studying ancient writings from the 1st Age that were written by the ands of the foul ones. She'd prefer that all Sorcerous education were conducted by the Immaculate Order and that demon summoning were much more tightly controlled. She thinks she's being a reasonable Immaculate and Realm patriot, and other Sorcerers see her as a bigoted zealot. This is where the distant influence of Mnemon is seen.
  3. ) In what ways are you products of the Dynasty? This is more plain in Aisha than the others - she's almost the perfect Dynast from the Bronze Faction point of view. The Immaculate Way is as easy for her to live as breathing, although aside from the Sorcery issues she's generally a faithful, nuanced moderate. She's also a product of the Dynasty in terms of her fierce devotion, recently awoken, in regards to her desire to protect and expand the house and her newfound interest in politics.
  4. ) What have you openly achieved in the past century that makes you a worthy subject for historians of the next Age to investigate thoroughly? When the restored Solar Deliberative creates it's official history - Twilight to Dawn - a concise history of the Age of Sorrows, Peleps Tanic Aisha will not appear in those histories, because she was one of those Dragon Blooded who made the realm function as one of it's pillars. Her only influence will be Walking The 5 Poles - An Immaculate Approach to Sorcery, in which Aisha uses Immaculate parable and metaphor to avoid the traps that can make one fail the 5 stage initiation into Terrestrial Sorcery. The companion volume, Living The 5 Poles, is a text written a century later detailing the responsibilities of a Sorcerer and how one can rely on the Immaculate Way to avoid temptation and ruin. Her exhaustive Seleric Negotiations is a multi-volume guide used to negotiate with elemental courts and lords, where in the preface Aisha makes it clear that the wise Immaculate negotiates in good faith with allies, as opposed to making use of the easy tools of Hell. "We owe them not release - let the demons languish and suffer, as the Elemental Dragons have decreed."
  5. ) What weaknesses do you possess that aren't just personal failings, but could be exploited by your enemies to cost you the Game of Thrones? What are the fields of engagement where you can't just apply Game Theory analysis, but instead will act against your own interests? Aisha is driven to revenge herself upon the Dynasts who ordered the deaths of her parents. If she were to learn who they were, she could be distracted into bending every resource she had available to ruin them. She will abide by the wiser counsel of her other family members, especially considering that she's spent much of her life in contemplation in recent decades, but it will involve much resentment, scowling and shouting. She recognizes this, but she often still can't help herself.

Aisha on her family

  • Alaric - My Uncle,so guilt wracked and retiring after that drowning, must realize his fire nature even as I realize mine, amidst my normal whirlpool self. I will need his counsel in the coming days of war, and I will need his wise heart and soul in not becoming that which I hate most.
  • Pranzha - To be honest, I barely know him, aside from his essays and plays and other works of art. But, as much of the war will be fought with paint and brush and calligraphy in the salons as with words, we will need him. And I think he actually loved father, as opposed to merely worshipping him.
  • Hayabusa - Oh, my goodness! She was the bad girl and I was the good! How things are changing. 5 Dragons fight as one, indeed! I think I shall take much delight in her lovely poison. I think I can trust her deeply.
  • Hinoko - A more serious woman than she thinks she is, with many accomplishments. I may be the head of the family, but she seems to be the heir. If the cut of her jib is trim enough, so to speak, I may pass this onto her when I am ready.
  • Grolush - Younger brother with fingers of blood, I'm sorry, but I must pull you back to the nest. I have need of your beak and talons to rend and to tear. I know you wish to maintain your own counsel and fly free, but now is not the time for aloofness.
  • Sikandi - Sikandi, Sikandi, Sikandi. You crave the meat of a challenge - by the Dragons and the Empress, oh shall I give you one.
  • Taen - Taen. Little Taen, whom I chased through the gardens playing tag. You're more like father than you think, and it's time for you to shake away your irresponsibility and playing at villainy and become truly great.
  • Onais - I remember that he taught me Gateway, even though I was a mother by then and he was a boy. I hope he's up on his game.
  • Medoina - My sweet daughter, with subtle hands that make rock and clay and metal sing, who makes sculpture breathe. My first dragon-graced child - I hope you can forgive me, for the burden I am about to place on you.
