Dynasty & Decadence/Timeline: Difference between revisions

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* 400 RY - Peleps Taric born as Pelep's fifth daughter's oldest child.
400 RY - Peleps Taric born as Pelep's fifth daughter's oldest child.
* 404 RY - Peleps Alaric born
407 RY - Pranzha born
* 407 RY - Pranzha born
409 RY - Peleps Alaric born
* 418 RY - Boating accident kills Peleps Myrie
424 RY - Boating accident
* 426 RY - Sworn Brotherhood created
426 RY - Sworn Brotherhood created
* 450 RY - Taric marries to-be-named Mnemon sorceress
433 RY - Alaric joins the Order
* 466 RY - Taric joins the Air Fleet
450 RY - Taric marries to-be-named Mnemon sorceress
* 480 RY - Peleps Aisha born
456 RY - Taric joins the Air Fleet
* 496 RY - Peleps Hinoko born
470 RY - Peleps Aisha born
* 511 RY - Peleps Sikandi born
483 RY - Aisha graduates from Cloister rather than the Heptogram (father overrode mother)
* 514 RY - Tributary of Phumurngun claimed (working title only!)
489 RY - Peleps Hinoko born
* 518 RY - House of Peleps Taric endorsed by Peleps in his dying days
514 RY - Tributary of Phumurngun claimed  
* 520 RY - Taric retires from the Navy to head his house
518 RY - House of Peleps Taric endorsed by Peleps in his dying days
* 521 RY - Mnemon sorceress killed in summoning accident; Mnemon takes interest in her descendant's motherless progression into the Arts.
519 RY - Peleps Sikandi born
* 523 RY - Hayabusa born
520 RY - Taric retires from the Navy to head his house
* 524 RY - Hinoko joins the Water Fleet
521 RY - Mnemon sorceress killed in summoning accident; Mnemon takes interest in her descendant's Heptogram-free progression into the Arts.
* 529 RY - Pranzha goes to Phumurgun to oversee interests and learns their art
524 RY - Hinoko joins the Water Fleet
* 539 RY - Taric marries his second wife - a bureaucrat working in the House Peleps trading group
526 RY - Aisha marries Calto
* 540 RY - Peleps Taric Onais born
529 RY - Pranzha goes to Phumurgun to oversee interests and learns their art
* 546 RY - Peleps Taric Grolush born
539 RY - Taric marries his second wife - a bureaucrat working in the House Peleps trading group
* 566 RY - Hayabusa adopted (rather than acknowledged, though it is an open secret) as Peleps Taric Hayabusa
540 RY - Peleps Taric Onais born
* 600 RY - Sikandi dispatched to deal with trouble in the tributary
546 RY - Peleps Taric Grolush born
* 604 RY - Peleps Taric Taen born
555 RY - Alaric raised to the 4th Coil and becomes Celestially Guided Itinerant
* 607 RY - Pranzha and Sikandi married; becomes Peleps Taric Pranzha
564 RY - Hayabusa born
* 616 RY - After internal troubles and external wars, Phumurngun quadruples in size and becomes a Satrapy. Sikandi made Satrap.
575 RY - Onais joins the Eye
* 642 RY - Korel defects the 7th Legion to join the Realm
583 RY - Hayabusa exalts and arrives at Untamed Storm
* 644 RY - Taen is accepted into the Great Chamber of the Deliberative
585 RY - Hayabusa adopted (rather than acknowledged, though it is an open secret) as Peleps Taric Hayabusa
* 682 RY - Korel marries into House Taric and is offically adopted; become Peleps Taric Korel
588 RY - Hayabusa's first marriage
* 693 RY - Second wife dies of health complications
600 RY - Sikandi dispatched to deal with trouble in the tributary
* 741 RY - Taric betrays House Peleps to support House V'Neef and things begin to fall apart
602 RY - Peleps Taric Medoina born
* 745 RY - Taric dies in a boating accident
604 RY - Peleps Taric Taen born
607 RY - Korel born
609 RY - Pranzha and Sikandi married; becomes Peleps Taric Pranzha
613 RY - Grolush marries a Patrician
616 RY - After internal troubles and external wars, Phumurngun quadruples in size and becomes a Satrapy. Sikandi made Satrap.
639 RY - Medoina founds The Workers of Materials Mundane and Exalted
637 RY - Hayabusa's second marriage
642 RY - Medoina marries Ragara Noltis
643 RY - Korel defects from the 7th
644 RY - Taen is accepted into the Great Chamber of the Deliberative
657 RY - Korel marries Sikandi's eldest daughter
663 RY - Grolush appointed prefect of Wavehold Prefecture
684 RY - Onais promoted to section head of Eyes Turned Inwards
693 RY - Grolush' wife dies of old age
740 RY - House V'Neef founded
743 RY - Taric betrays House Peleps to support House V'Neef and things begin to fall apart
745 RY - Taric dies in a boating accident

Revision as of 13:50, 9 December 2011

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400 RY - Peleps Taric born as Pelep's fifth daughter's oldest child. 407 RY - Pranzha born 409 RY - Peleps Alaric born 424 RY - Boating accident 426 RY - Sworn Brotherhood created 433 RY - Alaric joins the Order 450 RY - Taric marries to-be-named Mnemon sorceress 456 RY - Taric joins the Air Fleet 470 RY - Peleps Aisha born 483 RY - Aisha graduates from Cloister rather than the Heptogram (father overrode mother) 489 RY - Peleps Hinoko born 514 RY - Tributary of Phumurngun claimed 518 RY - House of Peleps Taric endorsed by Peleps in his dying days 519 RY - Peleps Sikandi born 520 RY - Taric retires from the Navy to head his house 521 RY - Mnemon sorceress killed in summoning accident; Mnemon takes interest in her descendant's Heptogram-free progression into the Arts. 524 RY - Hinoko joins the Water Fleet 526 RY - Aisha marries Calto 529 RY - Pranzha goes to Phumurgun to oversee interests and learns their art 539 RY - Taric marries his second wife - a bureaucrat working in the House Peleps trading group 540 RY - Peleps Taric Onais born 546 RY - Peleps Taric Grolush born 555 RY - Alaric raised to the 4th Coil and becomes Celestially Guided Itinerant 564 RY - Hayabusa born 575 RY - Onais joins the Eye 583 RY - Hayabusa exalts and arrives at Untamed Storm 585 RY - Hayabusa adopted (rather than acknowledged, though it is an open secret) as Peleps Taric Hayabusa 588 RY - Hayabusa's first marriage 600 RY - Sikandi dispatched to deal with trouble in the tributary 602 RY - Peleps Taric Medoina born 604 RY - Peleps Taric Taen born 607 RY - Korel born 609 RY - Pranzha and Sikandi married; becomes Peleps Taric Pranzha 613 RY - Grolush marries a Patrician 616 RY - After internal troubles and external wars, Phumurngun quadruples in size and becomes a Satrapy. Sikandi made Satrap. 639 RY - Medoina founds The Workers of Materials Mundane and Exalted 637 RY - Hayabusa's second marriage 642 RY - Medoina marries Ragara Noltis 643 RY - Korel defects from the 7th 644 RY - Taen is accepted into the Great Chamber of the Deliberative 657 RY - Korel marries Sikandi's eldest daughter 663 RY - Grolush appointed prefect of Wavehold Prefecture 684 RY - Onais promoted to section head of Eyes Turned Inwards 693 RY - Grolush' wife dies of old age 740 RY - House V'Neef founded 743 RY - Taric betrays House Peleps to support House V'Neef and things begin to fall apart 745 RY - Taric dies in a boating accident