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This section contains the current tally of funds available as general group money, and a list of any unclaimed items.
This section contains the current tally of funds available as general group money, and a list of any unclaimed items.

'''Current Funds:'''  160 gp (most recent withdrawl: Arcane Lock ritual + components - Book of the Mark)
'''Current Funds:'''  2,860 gp (most recent withdrawl: Dhakaani mercenary fees)

'''Other Items:''' Forgery Kit (+2 to forging documents), three sets of false travelling papers, a quantity of Dragon's Blood (the drug) worth 80gp, two Potions of Mimicry, 1cc vial of Absolute Truth
'''Other Items:''' Forgery Kit (+2 to forging documents), three sets of false travelling papers, a quantity of Dragon's Blood (the drug) worth 80gp, two Potions of Mimicry, 1cc vial of Absolute Truth

Revision as of 09:53, 15 January 2012

A place for recording any miscellaneous notes the players wish to keep concerning the plot or setting of Morgrave High: Passing Marks


“I saw fire, and smoke, and… lava. I’m pretty sure it was lava. I saw lightning strike a ship. I saw dancing shadows with hands like knives. I saw an ocean of rats. I saw an army with grey faces and cold blue eyes. I saw an elf, impossibly old, with blank white eyes. I saw an old book, with a black leather binding, that spoke in a language I didn't understand. And I saw this place. Morgrave.”

Prophecy Info

Any additional info we get about the Prophecy goes here.

Prophecy Theories

Add stuff here should we ever come up with something.

Other Stuff

Other stuff, not related to the Prophecy.

  • There are no books written in the Supernal script with a title that may be translated as “The Book of the Mark” currently contained within the library. However, there are references to three such books located within archival memory. Each book is listed as being part of the private collections of one of the University’s faculty. It has listed them for your convenience.
    • “The Book of the Mark” by Selorask Dresk, circa -1,050 YK. In the collection of Dr. Malina Bourdain.
    • “The Book of the Mark” Author unknown. Date unknown. In the collection of Grace Shadar.
    • “The Book of the Mark” Author unknown. Date unknown. In the Collection of Dr. Shusane.

  • Selorask Dresk was an elven religious figure who rose to prominence during the time of Karrn the Conqueror. Originally a Priest of the Sovereign Host, he eventually schismed with the church: Dresk was a Unificationist who believed that the Church of the Host should recognize the gods of the Dark Six as belonging to the same pantheon. His Unification movement had a moment of brief popularity during the time of Karrn’s rule, when numerous sects were forced by the Conqueror to unify into a national church. You don’t find any texts that reference his name with a “Book of the Mark”, but there is a reference to him having “peculiar ideas” concerning Dragonmarks and the Draconic Prophecy. While the official position of the Church is agnostic when it comes to the Prophecy, Dresk felt that the prophecy was divinely inspired.

  • Fatio ir'Wynarn is/was one of 12 students from Morgrave Junior Associate's incoming 998 class who never arrived or went missing. At least two of these students were nobility and at least three were associated with the Dragonmarked Houses. In light of information gleaned from one of House Tarkanan's agents, it's extremely likely that these missing students all possessed Dragonmarks, either true-breeding or aberrant, and were abducted and/or killed because of it. [1]

General Eberron Information

A section for recording useful relevant information about the world of Eberron, for ease of reference.

Kell Scorecard

Spokes-Kell: Tall, angular features, violet eyes, glossy, jet-black hair. Calm, calculating, and rational. Tends to respond to every situation in the most efficient method possible. Secretly kalashtar. Psion.

Real name: Nishasitari

Scarlet Kell:Tall, athletic build, curly red hair. Straightforward, businesslike, and emotionally and physically aggressive. Least charismatic Kell (still charismatic). Swordmage.

Real name: Molly

Brunette Kell: Medium build, busty, dark brown skin and hair. Cruel, catty, flirty, and competetive. Often seen with Scarlet. Probably Rogue.

Real Name: Unknown

Blonde Kell: medium height, olive skin, green eyes, long,pale golden or silver hair. Extremely intelligent, cheerful, down-to-earth. Most normal Kell. Seems to have affection for Lilac Kell. Probably Wizard.

Real name: Unknown

Lilac Kell: Short, pale, curvaceous, with curling pale-lavender hair and eyes. Sulky, recalcitrant, secretive, often bored. Seems to have affection for Blonde Kell. Raised by changelings, without cover identity. Probably Warlock or Sorcerer.

Real name: Lim

Kell-y: Ponies, Renaya, rainbows, cupcakes, awesome, ponies, Vailea, pink, Renaya, totally awesome, ponies, dancing, fantastic sex, sugar, ponies. Ponies. Ardent.

Real Name: Emily Kimble


Eberron's year is 336 days long, with 12 months, each with 28 days. The months of the year , and their associated dragonmarks, are listed below in the same order as the Roman calender months to which they roughly correspond:

Month Dragonmark
Zarantyr Storm
Olarune Sentinel
Therendor Healing
Eyre Making
Dravago Handling
Nymm Hospitality
Lharvion Detection
Barrakas Finding
Rhaan Scribing
Sypheros Shadow
Aryth Passage
Vult Warding

Days of the Week

The days of the week are as followed (with Sul roughly corresponding to Sunday and the remainder of the week proceeding accordingly)

Sul Mol Zol Wir Zor Far Sar

Nobility and Titles

This is the list of nobility and rank for existing characters, and their proper titles, so that I can keep it straight.

Argo ir'Witt: third brother to the Viscount of Witt, a minor landed family with smallholdings in The Hilt. Proper address: Lord ir'Witt.

Percival ir'Tarn: heir designate to the Baron Tarn, non-landed hereditary Baron in Sharn. Proper address: Lord ir'Tarn or My Lord ir'Tarn if directly acting in role of heir designate.

Idun ir'Britacia, second daughter to the Margrave of Britacia, an ancient lineage, Eastern Warden and former holders of the March of Britacia, now located in Darguun. Proper address: Lady ir'Britacia.

What this means: the hierarchy of nobility below royalty (who are always ir'Wynarns) but above commoners is as follows, from highest to lowest: Duke/Duchess, Marquis/Marquess/Margrave, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness. Landed gentry generally outrank appointed, non-landed gentry of the same rank. By ancient decree, not even the king can parcel out land within Sharn itself, so most of Sharn's major nobility are either non-landed, or possess tiny nearby plots of land. Landed nobility always have "of" between title and land in their formal appellation. Galifar, and by default, Breland, practice full cognatic primogeniture: all land passes to the eldest surviving child, regardless of gender.

In modern Breland, many of the existing social orders are in the process of being overturned. For instance, despite being only a non-landed Baron, Lord ir'Tarn is more personally powerful than many Earls, Marquesses, or even Dukes, because of his potent business holdings and key access to Sharn's commercial traffic thanks to his position within the city's political machine. When push comes to shove, actual power in he realm is always measured by coin in the vault or boots on the ground.

Titles: Generally, you can't go wrong with calling someone Lord or Lady, if unsure. My Lord or My Lady is reserved for the current ruling head of a family, their spouse, and potentially their principle heir or any regents. The "ir" prefix is only used with the lesser address of Lord or lady: in the full address, you would omit it, making it The Baron Tarn, not the Baron ir'Tarn.

Also, anyone with a dragonmark has the right to be called lord or lady, although no other deferment need be accorded and this doesn't denote greater or lesser status. In private, among the dragonmarked, insisting on the Lord or Lady is considered to be something of a dick move, like a professor of anthropology insisting on being called "Doctor".

Group Funds

This section contains the current tally of funds available as general group money, and a list of any unclaimed items.

Current Funds: 2,860 gp (most recent withdrawl: Dhakaani mercenary fees)

Other Items: Forgery Kit (+2 to forging documents), three sets of false travelling papers, a quantity of Dragon's Blood (the drug) worth 80gp, two Potions of Mimicry, 1cc vial of Absolute Truth

Residuum: 20 gp value

Mark Powers

Descent to the Underworld You tear your foe away from the world and send it on a journey to Dolurrh, where it wanders for a time in the realm of ghosts and shadow. Daily Shadow, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Effect: The target is banished to Dolurrh (save ends). While banished, it is removed from play. When the effect ends, the target reappears in the space it last occupied or in the nearest unoccupied space of its choice.

Needle Tears a Hole You enhance your weapon attack with the substance of your mark, causing it to deal wounds that suppurate and refuse to close. Daily Shadow, Necrotic, Reliable, Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon Target: One creature Attack: Primary ability vs. AC Hit: 3[W] damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). The first time the target takes the ongoing necrotic damage, it takes a -4 penalty to its next saving throw against the ongoing damage. The target is also slowed until the start of its next turn.

Dark Conduit Clouds of animate darkness roil around your foes both close and far, your power drawing you from one cloud to the other in the blink of an eye. Daily Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Shadow, Teleportation Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Primary ability vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + primary ability modifier necrotic damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: Each creature adjacent to you takes 10 necrotic damage, and you can teleport to an unoccupied square in the burst.

Summon Wraith You draw a lesser wraith forth from Dolurrh. Daily Arcane, Implement, Cold, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect: You summon a Small wraith in an unoccupied space within range. The wraith has speed 4, fly 6 (hover), and resist 5 necrotic. You can give the wraith the following special command. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Primary ability vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Primary ability modifier damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). The wraith becomes invisible until the start of your next turn.

Intrinsic Nature: If you haven’t given the wraith any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy that grants it combat advantage. If it can’t do that, it turns invisible and moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. In addition, you grant combat advantage to all enemies until the end of your next turn.

Symbiosis: While the summoned wraith is present, you deal 1d6 extra cold damage with attacks when your target grants you combat advantage.

Halo of Transience A ring of pale grey light surrounds you and your allies, blurring the distinction between the living and the dead. Daily Shadow, Weapon, Zone Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Primary Ability vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Primary ability modifier damage. Effect: The attack creates a zone in a close burst 1. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. When you move, the zone moves with you, remaining centered on you. While within the zone, your allies gain a power bonus to damage rolls equal to your secondary ability modifier, and their melee attacks ignore the insubstantial quality. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

Servitude in Death A dark wave of necrotic energy washes over your foe, draining its life and planting within it a seed of shadow magic that will seal its fate. Daily Implement, Necrotic, Shadow Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One enemy Attack: Primary ability vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + primary ability modifier necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The first time the target dies before the end of the encounter, it rises at the start of its next turn as an undead creature allied with you and your allies. Until it dies again, the creature is dominated by you. It has 1 hit point (the creature takes no damage from an attack that misses), cannot heal, and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses.