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* '''Essentials'''
** '''Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive:''' Generates 45 power for the ship.
** '''Strelov 1 Wrap Engine:''' Allows wrap Jump. Takes 10 power.
** '''WarpBane Hull:''' Geller Field, +10 to Wrap Navigation tests. Roll twice for wrap encounters, Navigator pick the one he wants. Takes 1 power.
** '''Repulsor Shield:''' 1 void shield and No manoeuvre penalties for moving though celestial phenomena made of small particles. Takes 6 power.
** '''Exploration Bridge:''' +5 to Active Detection and +50 Ap for exploration Endeavors. Takes 4 power.
** '''M-1.r Life Sustainer:''' Bare Bones life support, does little to improve the smell. +1 all morale loss. Takes 3 power.
** '''Voidmen crew Quarters:'''  Standard Long distance living Quarters. Takes 1 power.
** '''Deep Void Auger Array:'''  +10 ship detection(factored in), External. Takes 7 power.
* '''Non-Essentials'''

Revision as of 15:41, 26 January 2012

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Ship Name Class Speed Detection Maneuverability Hull Integrity Armor Turret Rating Weapon Capacity
Ulysses Ascendent Cobra 10 +20(+25 active) +30 30 15 1 1 Dorsal,1 Keel

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Location Class Range Crit Rating Damage Strength Power space
Sunsear laser Battery Bs Keel Macrobattery 9 4 1d10+2 4 6 4
Weapon Name Skill Location Class Range Crit Rating Damage Strength Power space
Mars Pattern Macrocannons Bs Dorsal Macrobattery 6 5 1d10+2 3 4 2

  • Initiative 1d10+2
  • Current Hull integrity: 30
  • Crew skill level: Competant - 30
  • Supplies: 203 days
  • Morale: 103 - bright eyed, bushy tailed and raring to go!
  • Crew:' 100%


  • Vessel of the Fleet
    • Implacable fore The Ulysses Ascendent is a stolen Fleet vessel. All crew aboard her gains the Enemy (Imperial Navy) talent.
    • His Word Obeyed Any crew member who makes a command test aboard the ship gain a +10 to such tests.
    • Duty Unto Death When crippled the captain may make a challenging (+0) command test to not suffer the effects of being crippled its next turn. Command:40


  • Essentials
    • Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive: Generates 45 power for the ship.
    • Strelov 1 Wrap Engine: Allows wrap Jump. Takes 10 power.
    • WarpBane Hull: Geller Field, +10 to Wrap Navigation tests. Roll twice for wrap encounters, Navigator pick the one he wants. Takes 1 power.
    • Repulsor Shield: 1 void shield and No manoeuvre penalties for moving though celestial phenomena made of small particles. Takes 6 power.
    • Exploration Bridge: +5 to Active Detection and +50 Ap for exploration Endeavors. Takes 4 power.
    • M-1.r Life Sustainer: Bare Bones life support, does little to improve the smell. +1 all morale loss. Takes 3 power.
    • Voidmen crew Quarters: Standard Long distance living Quarters. Takes 1 power.
    • Deep Void Auger Array: +10 ship detection(factored in), External. Takes 7 power.

  • Non-Essentials