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| Cargo Culture
| Cargo Culture
| None
| Rules Lawyer<br />Enforcer
| domino
| domino

Revision as of 09:19, 10 May 2012

Tangenomic V

This is the wiki page for Tangenomic V. The forum thread can be found here: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?522204-Tangenomic-V

A spreadsheet listing current propositions can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AlTZu5suoDZOdHUxZGEwckpRRlV6c3VSQk84MUxTX3c&single=true&gid=0&output=html

Last update: post #158 (5/5/2012)

Last rule passed/failed: Proposition -44 (post #155, 5/3/2012)


Immutable Rules

Rule 1 (Immutable)
This game shall be called Tangenomic V and it shall consist of rules which shall be identified by numbers and the sum of which shall be called the ruleset. Rules have two states, Mutable and Immutable. Mutable rules may be changed in any way not otherwise prohibited by the current ruleset. Immutable rules may be changed to Mutable rules, but not otherwise altered. No single action may both change the mutability of one or more rules and alter the actual text of a rule. Any new rules shall be initially mutable. Should two rules conflict, the rule with the lower number shall prevail. The ruleset shall not be altered save as described within the rules.

Rule 2 (Immutable)
This game shall contain a gamestate, being all the non rule information which the ruleset tracks and interacts with. The gamestate shall not be altered save as described within the rules

Rule 3 (Immutable)
This game shall have players. The names and number of players shall be part of the gamestate. Only registered members of RPG.net may become players. To become a player a member must post in this thread clearly indicating their intent to join the game. Players begin the game with 10 points, the number of points a player has being part of the gamestate. Players may elect to become inactive for a specified period of time, during which no alteration to their points or other aspects of the gamestate associated to the specific player shall be permitted.

Rule 4 (Immutable)
One player shall be designated the Speaker, this designation being part of the gamestate. The Speaker shall post an update of the current ruleset and gamestate no less frequently than every 50 posts as well as fulfill any additional duties assigned to him by later rules. There may be only one speaker at a time. The Speaker may resign his position by posting his intent to do so within this thread, at which time no changes to the gamestate or ruleset may be made save the selection of a new Speaker by a majority of the players who vote on the identity of the speaker within 24 hours of his resignation.

Rule 5 (Immutable)
Players may alter the ruleset and/or the gamestate. The means by which this is done is the posting of proposals. To be valid proposals must be posted as quotes with an author attribution of the proposal. No later than 24 hours after the posting of a valid proposal the Speaker shall assign that proposal an identifying number and present it for a vote. All active players may vote on a proposal presented by the Speaker. The proposal shall fail if it fails to achieve quorum within 24 hours, such being defined as receiving a number of votes on it equal to one half the number of active players at the time it was presented by the speaker, and pass if at the end of that 24 hours one half or more of the votes registered on it are in favor or if at any time the number of favorable voters is a majority of the currently active players. To be valid a vote on Proposition X, where X is the identifying number assigned by the speaker, must be a bolded statement approximating the form "I vote in favor of Proposition number X" or "I vote against Proposition X."

Rule 6 (Immutable)
In cases when rules must be clarified, the author of the proposal is the arbiter of the rule’s limits and valid contexts. The author of the proposal may, at his/her discretion, relinquish any of his/her proposals either to the Speaker or to another player of the author’s choice.

Rule 7 (Immutable)
Items are possessions of a player awarded by rules or successful proposals. The possession of an item by a player is part of the gamestate. The quantity of each type of item possessed by a player is part of the gamestate. Items are not transferable between players unless explicitly stated as such in the rules. Items are not transferable between types unless explicitly stated so in the rules. Unless otherwise stated, when a new item is introduced all players have zero instances of that item.

Rule 8 (Immutable)
A player must accrue 100 points and satisfy at least one other rule describing a condition of victory to achieve victory. There may be more than one victor.

Mutable Rules

[0] Each proposal a player makes costs 1 5 points if it should fail and awards 5 points should it succeed.

[-1] All Propositions proposed by players shall be enumerated by the Speaker in descending integer order from -1. Thus, the Proposition which created this rule is Proposition -1, and the subsequent Proposition to be proposed shall be Proposition -2, and so on. All Mutable Rules created via Propositions must end with the Proposition number that created them, in brackets. [-1]

[-2] Players may be bestowed Titles by the Speaker, by fellow players, or by themselves. Some Titles may have benefits which may affect the gamestate.

[-3] Ialdabaoth is bestowed the Title of Demiurge.

[-5] That Rule 9 be changed so that a failed proposal costs 5 pts.

[-7] There exists a player-state to be referred to as "in the box". One can move to place another player in the box. If a motion to place another player in the box has at least three votes above majority at the time of either of the next two rule-change posts, the motion succeeds and that player is in the box. If by that second rule-change post no such level of assent has been achieved, the motion fails and the player's spatial proximity to the box remains unchanged.

At this time, ryven and shanoxilt are in the box.

[-8] Amendments to rules and propositions will each receive a color and designation, to be specified by the player who proposed the amendment or by the Speaker if no such specification has been made by the time the amendment is passed. Each amendment to a given rule or proposition must have a different color. The designations must take the form of a two- or three-word phrase in ALL CAPS (e.g. NIGHTMARE GREEN, or DEEP BLUE ROULETTE, or SEVENTEEN BASILISK, or HONEY BADGER DANCE).

Rule X (Mutable) This is the amended substance of the rule.

Amendment DESIGNATION: The text "the substance" in the body of Rule X was replaced with the text "the amended substance".

[-9] I [Phonzy] have a cookie.

[-11] There shall exist an institution of players known as the Conscience of the Court. Said institution shall be comprised of a(n)
Debbie Downer, whose duty is to remind the players of the misfortunes, tragedies, and/or sorrows in the gamestate. Debbie Downer shall be granted an item, namely, a wet blanket.
Even Steven, whose duty is to demonstrate to the players any power imbalances, double standards, and/or unfairness in the gamestate. Even Steven shall be granted an item, namely, a spirit level.
Devil's Advocate, whose duty is to criticize, dispute, and contradict the players' propositions in order to prevent an Echo Chamber. The Devil's Advocate shall be granted an item, namely, a briefcase.
Voice of Reason, whose duty is to mollify, moderate, and caution the whims of the players. The Voice of Reason shall be granted an item, namely, a podium.

All of the titles of the Conscience of the Court are gender neutral and may be held by any player regardless of actual gender or lack thereof.

[-12] Kremlin KOA is to be bestowed with the Title "Devil's Advocate" with all privileges and responsibilities associated therein. Lenin is to be granted the title of "Even Steven" with all privileges and responsibilities associated therein. Inyssius is to be cursed with the title of "Debbie Downer" with all privileges and responsibilities associated therein.

Amendment SILHOUETTE EZEKIEL: Minor spelling corrections. In addition, append to body of proposition the text "Inyssius is to be cursed with the title of "Debbie Downer" with all privileges and responsibilities associated therein."

[-13] There shall be a Law of Conservation of Existence which has the following effects on the gamestate:

No player may be permanently removed, disqualified, eliminated, and/or disenfranchised from Tangenomic V. Once permitted in the gamestate, no Abstract Quality may be permanently removed, disqualified, reduced, and/or eliminated.

For example, if Abstract Quality: Evil were permitted into the gamestate, then the exact amount of Evil would remain constant. However, it could be isolated, segregated, ostracized, confined, and/or concealed to prevent devastation to the players and the gamestate.

[-17] Any time a player enters or leaves the box, they gain a cookie.

[-20] Any player making a proposition is considered to be voting in favor of that proposition, unless the player making the proposition states otherwise. The proposer of an amendment is assumed to vote in favour of said amendment. Amendment AVOCADO ARMADILLO Amendment Chartreuse Chrysanthemum to Prop -20: The proposer of an amendment is assumed to vote in favour of said amendment.

[-22] All votes on amendments must refer to the Proposition to which they amend, using the syntax "I vote [in favor of|against] Amendment XXXXX XXXXX to Proposition -XX."

[-25] No player may be granted Veto power over Propositions or Amendments.

[-26] Any player in the game state may initiate a Motion to Repeal an existing Mutable Rule. A Rule must receive a majority of votes in order for it to be repealed. A repealed Rule is stricken from the game state. All changes to the game state arising from events while the stricken Rule was effective remain and are not nullified.

[-28]There shall exist an intermediary known as the Psychopomp. Said intermediary shall have complete, unlimited, and unrestricted access to any and all locations regardless of said locations' quality or quantity of security. To elaborate, the Psychopomp may enter or exit any location despite any physical, mystical, and/or legal restrictions which would hinder other entities in the gamestate.

However, the Psychopomp shall not receive any beneficial effects which the location would normally grant an entity, unless otherwise specified. Furthermore, the Psychopomp, in order to prevent thievery and abuse of the position's privileges, shall be unable to remove, transport, damage, or interact with any item(s) in a location.

The Psychopomp's duties shall consist of navigating, guiding, escorting, and providing safe passage for players and/or characters in the gamestate.

[-30] Every time a proposition is passed, the proposer gains a cookie.

[-32] I Propose Proposition -32 That the game space be divided into seven zones as defined by their primary geographic features and an adjoining title in the format of The X of Y. Further, the seven proposed Zones as follows. Zone 1 is the Forest of Truth. Zone 2 is the Valley of Discord. Zone 3 is the Tower of Humility. Zone 4 is the City of Yesterday. Zone 5 is the Mountain of Inequity. Zone 6 is the Desert of Inundation. Zone 7 is the Ocean of Desiccation.

[-33] All players constituting the Conscience of the Court at the time this proposition is passed shall be placed in the Box. Any player later becoming a member of the Conscience of the Court shall be immediately placed in the Box.

[-35] This game shall have Wars. A War is a contest between two players, in which one player (deemed the Attacker) tries to wrest a single item, title or point (deemed the Spoils of War) from another player (deemed The Defender). A war begins with a Declaration of War and ends with a Battle.

A War is declared by a player in a post (this post deemed their Declaration of War). In a Declaration of War, the player (who becomes the Attacker) must name another player (the Defender), what they wish to take from that player should they win (the Spoils of War) and the reason they have decided to issue a Declaration of War with that player (their Justification for War). From the time of a Declaration of War being posted until it is resolved, the Attacker and Defender are given a new designation: "At War with X" where X is the opposing player.

No player may issue a Declaration of War against the Speaker. A player may only be the Attacker in a single Battle at any time, and furthermore, a player may not issue a Declaration of War against a player who they are already At War with.

At the time of posting the current gamestate, the Speaker should adjudicate a Battle between each set of players who are At War, and, once resolved, should post the results of each Battle. From this moment on, the two players involved in the War are no longer deemed to be At War.

To fight a Battle, the Speaker takes the most recent post number of each participant (the Attacker and Defender) and adds a random integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive) to get a total (deemed their Military Power). Whichever participant has the higher Military Power wins the Battle. If the Attacker wins, they receive the Spoils of War from their Declaration of War (if the defendent possesses it). If the Defender wins, they receive 1 point from the Attacker. The Speaker decides ties in whichever way he sees fit but must explain the tie-breaking process used along with the result.

[-36] Players may not propose Amendments to Propositions, only enacted mutable Rules currently in effect.

[-37] All Rules in effect at the time this Proposition takes effect that concern the proposer of Propositions or Amendments automatically voting in favor of said Propositions or Amendments are stricken or otherwise removed from the existing Rules.

Starting immediately when this Proposition takes effect, the proposal of an Proposition or Amendment is considered a vote for that Proposition or Amendment by the proposing individual.

This is not retroactive.

[-39] The list of all existing mutable and immutable Rules, including nullified Rules and Amendments, shall be referred to as the Rules of Order.

[-44] Each player may have only one vote per rule, law, proposition, or other legislation.

Inactive Players



Player Titles
Cargo Culture Rules Lawyer
domino None
Ialdobath Demiurge
Innysius Debbie Downer
Kremlin KOA Devil's Advocate
Lenin Even Steven
Phantomcrossing None
Phonzy None
ryven None
shanoxilt None
voidstate Speaker

Nobody yet has the titles of "the Voice of Reason" or "Psychopomp".


The Box

The following players are in the box:




Player Cookies
Cargo Culture 0
domino 0
Ialdobath 0
Innysius 0
Kremlin KOA 0
Lenin 0
Phantomcrossing 0
Phonzy 1*
ryven 0
shanoxilt 0
voidstate 0
  • Denotes Historic First Cookie.


Player Cupcakes
Cargo Culture 0
domino 0
Ialdobath 0
Innysius 0
Kremlin KOA 0
Lenin 0
Phantomcrossing 0
Phonzy 0
ryven 0
shanoxilt 0
voidstate 0

Miscellaneous Items

Player Titles
Cargo Culture None
domino None
Ialdobath None
Innysius a wet blanket
Kremlin KOA a briefcase
Lenin a spirit level
Phantomcrossing None
Phonzy None
ryven None
shanoxilt None
voidstate None

States of War

Declaration Post # Attacker Defender Spoils Justification Status
#161 voidstate phonzy Historic First Cookie Greed, mostly. Declared, unresolved.


Cargo Culture
10 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Proposition -22, -5 points for Proposition 23, +5 points for Proposition -25, +5 points for Proposition -26, -5 points for Proposition -27, -5 points for Proposition -34, +5 points for Proposition -37, -5 points for Proposition -38, +5 points for Proposition -39, -5 points for Proposition -40)

10 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3)


20 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Proposition -7, +5 points for Proposition -8, +5 points for SILHOUETTE EZEKIEL, -5 points for Proposition -24)

Kremlin KOA
-5 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, -5 points for Proposition -4, +5 points for Proposition -12, -5 points for Proposition -18, -5 points for Proposition -19, +5 points for Proposition -20, -5 points for Proposition -31, -5 points for Proposition -41)

15 points (initial staring points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Proposition -5, -5 points for Proposition -10, +5 points for Amendment CHARTREUSE CHRYSANTHEMUM)

15 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Amendment AVOCADO ARMADILLO, -5 points for Proposition -21, +5 points for Proposition -32)

15 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Proposition -9)

0 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, -5 points for Proposition -6, -5 points for Proposition -43)

40 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, +5 points for Proposition -2, +5 points for Proposition - 3, +5 points for Proposition -11, +5 points for Proposition -13, +5 points for Proposition -28, +5 points for Proposition -44)

10 points (initial starting points as per Rule 3, -5 points for Proposition -14, -5 points for Proposition -15, -5 points for Proposition -16, +5 points for Proposition -17, -5 points for Proposition -29, +5 points to Proposition -30, +5 points for Proposition -33, +5 points for Proposition -35, +5 points for Proposition -36, -5 points for Proposition -42)

Adjudicating Propositions

Passes: 5 points [-0] & 1 cookie [-30]

Fails: -5 points [-0]