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* Strange Vitality
* Strange Vitality
* Strangely-Jointed Limbs
* Strangely-Jointed Limbs
** ''The unleashing of warp-fire upon a group of servitors summoned forth an inferno like unto a sun, scouring them down to scorched components and sizzling flesh, but there were consequences other than the dancing tongues of flame that lingered for a few minutes in front of Mordecai's face.  While his ability to call forth cleansing fire upon his foes broadened to forever after contain a hint of that sunfire, his bones liquified and re-solidified in the backlash, sending him to the ground in agony and leaving his joints unnaturally pliable.''


Revision as of 13:34, 9 August 2012

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Navigators of the Fleet
House Aulus is a small House, as the Navis Nobilite go, and a relatively new one, being an off-shoot of House Gorgonius for a mere four hundred years. Rather than its' ancestral house's tendency to spend their lives until their mastery on a handful of Imperial core-worlds (and returning to the House's holdings after a century or so of service on the ships of the Imperium), member of House Aulus spend their whole lives on ships of the Imperial Navy; family units of navigators are kept together on the same ship while the young are raised, and are responsible for education and training - the young go from ship to ship to further their education until they are ready to assist in their elders' job of navigation through the Empyrean. All members, without exception, serve on Naval vessels for their entire lives, save for only a few who are dedicated to the management of the House.

An Inconvenience to the House
Mordecai was born on the fleet battleship "Saint Alestine" to two navigators of little consequence - at least, that's how he remembers it. He spent the first half-dozen years of his life under their tutelege and care, and then moved on to a series of other teachers, none of whom he stayed with for more than a handful of years. By the age of 16 he had developed what was seen as moderately promising talent... and an unfortunate reputation for causing trouble for other members of the House. Whether it was by forging love letters between a particularly strict teacher and the chief gunnery officer (the latter of which was horrified and spent much of her time over the next dozen years seeking solace in the ship's shrine) or whether it was his delving into some of the less desirable deeds of his ancestors, he had made a name for himself as something of an inconvenience. By the age of 24, when his training was officially done, he had managed to alienate most of the more experienced navigators... none of whom wanted him anywhere on "their" ships.

Free Thinker, Free of Responsibilities
Perhaps the most appalling for the dignity of the House was his views on the Imperial Cult and the Ecclesiarchy, which he was quite fond of expressing in ways both subtle and anything but. "Shepherds..." (which clerics sometimes liked) "... shearing the flock" was the least of his views. Corrupt, decadent, next to useless, pedantic, dull, slack-jawed fools - Mordecai thought of the members of the Ministrorum as all of these and more; a view that hasn't yet changed. The Emperor is, of course, holy (about the only thing the cassocked asses got right) - anyone who can see the eternal beacon of the Astronomicon can agree with that. But if He were to waken today (and he had to be sleeping - else He would no doubt have torched all those self-righteous pricks in a moment... Emperor knows Mordecai sometimes wished he could do so), simply seeing what the Ecclesiarchy had done to Humanity in His Name would probably put Him right back to sleep... permanently. It probably hasn't helped that most clergy he's interacted with see him as less than human, of course.

A Dismaying Post
At about this time, the pirate raider "Widowed Mother's Tears" came across a rather hard-to-explain set of documents penned perhaps a dozen decades ago by a young Navigator by the name of Titus Aulus, who had since become the head of the House. Desiring that the unfortunate documents not fall into the hands of the Inquisition, the Ministrorum or (worst of all) a rival House, Titus arranged a trade - a moderately inconvenient member of his house for the pirates, and peace and tranquility for Titus in the form of burnt parchment. This arrangement, while imminently suitable both to Titus and to Arsen, captain of the Tears, was most definitely not to young Mordecai Aulus' liking at all. He spent several years chafing at the "contract" and plotting both escape and revenge (whether upon Arsen or Titus he was most undecided). His chance came when the Tears took on a Naval logistics vessel that was carrying several smaller scouting vessels and fighters - including two warp-capable vessels little larger than shuttles. While the loot piled up and gathered dust, he carefully acquired and studied piloting manuals, systems' records and even such things as the habits and patrol patterns of the fighters that guarded the hollow asteroid where Arsen kept his findings. Taking advantage of a layover to drop off the cargo of an unfortunate free trader, he slipped through the guards patrolling the inside of the base, killing them with his deadly eye whenever he could, seized the small vessel and drove out a hole in the hanger bay door made with a torpedo from the small craft. He escaped the patrolling fighters and immediately entered the warp as soon as he could, making it all the way to Footfall, where he quietly looked for a ship that would take him on.

Never Again
To Mordecai, what will bring him out of his trials and above his enemies is knowledge; both of the power of the Navigator genes and of whatever he can find to wield against them. He desires to know more of ancient legends and hidden treasures not just for the lust for discovery, but for the power and wealth they can bring... power he can use to protect himself or even, one day, to topple those who have wronged him.


Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Mordecai Aulus Sunhawk Navigator Navigator Prime 3 12650/13300
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Battlefleet Scapegrace Renegade (Free Thinker) Press-Ganged Knowledge (Knowledge is Life) A Long and Glorious History (A Dark Secret)
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Points Insanity Corruption
25 30 25 50 40 50(x2) 60 55 35 6/9 4 6 0


  • Strength: Intimidate
  • Agility: Dodge, Pilot (Spacecraft +10), Trade (Astrographer), Sleight of Hand
  • Intelligence: Navigation (Stellar, Warp), Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader), Literacy
    • Common Lores (Int): Imperial Navy, Koronus Expanse, Navis Nobilite
    • Scholastic Lores: Archaic, Astromancy, Legend, Occult
    • Forbidden Lores: Mutants, Navigators, Warp
    • Languages: Low Gothic, High Gothic, Ship Dialect
    • Ciphers: Nobilite
  • Perception: Awareness +20, Psyniscience +20, Scrutiny
  • Fellowship: Deceive
  • Trades: Scrimshawer()


Navigator Powers:

  • (Novice) Disrupting the Empyrean (Willpower): The boundary between Materium and Immaterium is the Navigator's to pierce. Likewise, if he so wills it, it is an impenetrable barrier to his enemies.
    • Upset ships entering/leaving the Warp; -10 to Piloting Tests to do so for each degrees of success, and an unsuccessful transition does 1 Hull Damage.
  • (Adept) Gaze into the Abyss (Perception +10): Mordecai's vision pierces earth, sky, warp and flesh to perceive the underlying truth of the universe.
    • Determine if a target holds the tain of the warp (psy-rating, 20+ corruption, posessed, etc). Can be used for psychic Tracking of such.
    • Can detect major disturbances in the warp (such as a ship entering/exiting or a warp portal) within 100km * PB, or within Perception Bonus in VU in Starship Combat.
  • (Adept) Held in My Gaze (opp Willpower +10): Honed against daemonic beings and used to lock a captured Chaos Space Marine in place, Mordecai's eye can force immobility upon a target's body and soul.
    • Target within 120m, on a success target is locked and will remain so until another power is used and must beat Navigator to use powers. Daemons take 2d10 damage from Warp Instability.
  • (Master) Immolate the Soul (no Test): The soul of the righteous scorches that of the corrupt; nowhere is this more evident when Mordecai unleashes the heat of his rage through his pineal eye upon those in his path.
    • (acts as a flamer) Range 30m, Damage 2d10+4E, Penetration 4, Flame quality, does +4 damage per 10 Corruption Points a target has.
  • (Novice) Stripping the Husk (opp Willpower): Practiced as a method of narrowing the focus of the lethal pineal eye to a single target; a whiplash of warp-borne energy rips apart flesh and bone.
    • On a success do 1d10 R damage that ignores non-warded Armour; target is automatically Knocked Prone.
  • (Novice) The Lidless Stare (opp Willpower): A dangerous and fatiguing ability, Mordecai rarely unleashes the full force of his warp powers for fear of collateral damage.
    • Attack against all within 15 metres, any who fail take 1d10 + WB Energy damage (ignores non-warded armour and toughness) and is Stunned for 1 round. Costs 1 Fatigue.
  • (Master) Void Watcher (Perception +20): The eye of a skilled Navigator is hard to evade indeed; even uncounted kilometers from his ship, Mordecai can detect ships and asteroids and knows far too much about them for anyone's comfort...
    • Detect objects within 30 VU (600k km) and be able to observe them. Willpower +10 Test to gain information about the nature of the object (minerals, nature of crew, etc).

Other Talents:

  • Foresight: Can gain +10 to Intelligence Tests with ten minutes of analysis.
  • Total Recall: Has perfect memory.
  • Meditation: Can restore fatigue with extended concentration.
  • Enemy (Ecclesiarchy): -10 to Interaction Tests with members of the Ecclesiarchy.
  • Jaded: Does not gain Insanity Points from non-warp events and visages.
  • Warp Sense: Psyniscience Tests are now Half Actions to perform.



  • Void Accustomed
  • Ship-bound Fighter
  • Jealous Freedom
  • Warp Eye
  • Unnatural Intelligence (x2)
  • Regeneration
  • Natural Weapons (teeth, 1d5 damage)

Navigator Mutations:

  • Eyes as Dark as Void
  • Teeth as Sharp as Needles
  • Strange Vitality
  • Strangely-Jointed Limbs
    • The unleashing of warp-fire upon a group of servitors summoned forth an inferno like unto a sun, scouring them down to scorched components and sizzling flesh, but there were consequences other than the dancing tongues of flame that lingered for a few minutes in front of Mordecai's face. While his ability to call forth cleansing fire upon his foes broadened to forever after contain a hint of that sunfire, his bones liquified and re-solidified in the backlash, sending him to the ground in agony and leaving his joints unnaturally pliable.



  • Cadian-Pattern Storm Trooper Carapace w/ Hexagrammatic Wards: A prize from a pirate station, this immaculate silver-on-purple armour has been inscribed by the servants of the Ordo Malleus with countless hexagrammatic warding symbols and with a modified helmet for Mordecai's pineal eye.
    • AP 6, all locations, 15 kg, implanted devices (wrist auspex, rebreather, photo-visor, encrypted micro-bead).
  • Refractor Field: A prize from a pirate station, this basic defensive field is implanted in a small gorget embossed with the sign of the aquila.
    • Protection Rating 30, 2 kg


  • (Common) Inferno Pistol: Pistol, 10m range, S/-/- RoF, 2d10+8 E damage, 13 penetration, 3 clip, full reload, 2.5 kg
    • Laser Sight:
  • (Best) Hellpistol: <>
    • Laser Sight:
  • (Best) Staff: <>


  • (Good) Cortex Implants: <>
  • (Good) Augur Array: <>
  • (Good) Mind-Impulse Unit: <>

Other Gear

  • Nobilite Robes, Silk Headscarf
  • Charm, Emperor's Tarot
  • Void Suit


Path: Lineage, Motivation (300 xp)
Skill: Awareness (200 xp)

Characteristic: Intelligence +5 (100 xp)
Characteristic: Intelligence +10 (250 xp)
Characteristic: Perception +5 (100 xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +5 (100 xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +10 (250 xp)

Characteristic: Perception +10 (250 xp)
Characteristic: Toughness +5 (250 xp)

Characteristic: Perception +15 (500 xp)
Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Held In My Gaze
Skill: Navigation (Warp) +10 (200 xp)

Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Gaze Into the Abyss
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Stripping the Husk

Talent: Jaded (200 xp)
Skill: Psyniscience +10 (200 xp)
Talent: Warp Sense (500 xp)
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Void Watcher
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (300 xp) - Held in My Gaze+

Talent: Meditation (200 xp)
Skill: Dodge (200 xp)
Skill: Awareness +10 (200 xp)
Skill: Trade Scrimshawer (200 xp)
Skill: Psyniscience +10 (200 xp)

Skill: Awareness +20 (200 xp)
Skill: Psyniscience +20 (200 xp)
Skill: Intimidate (100 xp)
Skill: Cipher Nobilite (100 xp)
Skill: Forbidden Lore Mutants (200 xp)
Talent: Foresight (200 xp)

Characteristic: Toughness +5 (250 xp)
Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Disrupting the Empyrean
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (300 xp) - Void Watcher+
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (200 xp) - Immolate the Soul

EA: Talent: Navigator Power (400 xp) - Void Watcher++
EA: Talent: Navigator Power (300 xp) - Immolate the Soul+
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