Horror on the Hill: Difference between revisions

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'''Class:''' Fighter
'''Class:''' Fighter

'''Alignment:''' ???
'''Alignment:''' Lawful


Revision as of 18:11, 18 March 2013

A play-by-post game using Douglas Niles' B5 - Horror on the Hill module. This uses the 1981 version of Dungeons & Dragons, edited by Tom Moldvay (B/X series).

Recruitment Thread [1]

Player Characters

Amarinth the Medium

played by Madcat

Level: 1

Class: Magic User

Alignment: Neutral


  • Str 10
  • Int 16 (+2 languages: ???)
  • Wis 9
  • Dex 10
  • Con 9
  • Cha 10 (4 followers with morale 7)

Hit Points: 3 (current: 3)

Armor Class: 9

Miscellany: Spells 1; Spells known: Read Magic, Charm Person

Equipment: Normal dagger x2, Silver Dagger, Backpack, Lantern, Iron rations 1 week, Tinderbox, 5x flask of oil, Mirror, 2x water-skins, 50' rope, small hammer, Iron spikes, Gold 30gp

Encumbrance: 140 cn

Move: 120’ (40’)

XP: 0; Needed: 2,500 (+10% bonus)

Fruben the Halfling

played by Fistula

28yrs, 2'11", 60lbs

Level: 1

Class: Halfling

Alignment: Lawful


  • Str 9
  • Int 8 (reads simple Common words)
  • Wis 7 (-1 on magic-based saving throws)
  • Dex 13 (+1 to missile, -1 to AC, +1 to initiative)
  • Con 13 (+1 to HP)
  • Cha 12 (max retainers: 4, morale: 7)

Hit Points: 2 (re-roll if 1 or 2)

Armor Class: 6 (4 vs. large)

Miscellany: +1 to missile weapon attacks, -2 to AC vs. creatures larger than man-sized, +1 to initiative, detected in wilderness only 10% of time and 1-2 on d6 in dungeons.

Equipment: short sword 1d6, curved dagger 1d4, leather vest, backpack, 2wk rations, prison tats, gold 75gp

Encumbrance: 395 cn

Move: 120’ (40’)

XP: 0; Needed: 2,000 (+0% bonus)

Oswyn the Wise

played by Keal

Level: 1

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Law


  • Str 12
  • Int 10 (read/write Common)
  • Wis 15 (+1 bonus to magic-based saving throws)
  • Dex 10
  • Con 09
  • Cha 14 (+1 Reaction Adjustment; 5 followers with morale 8)

Hit Points: 4 (1d6 hit die)

Armor Class: 5

Miscellany: Height: 5 ft. 8 in. Weight: 1,550 cn

Equipment: Mace 1d6 damage, 30 cn. Scale Mail AC 6, 300 cn. Shield AC -1, 100 cn. Backpack 20 cn. Clothes, middle Belt Pouch, belt x2, 4 cn. Boots, plain Cloak, long Rations, stand. 1 week Torch x3, 60 cn. Waterskin 30 cn. (5 cn. when empty)

Encumbrance: 610 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)

Move: 60’ (20’)

XP: 0; Needed: 1,500 (+5% bonus)


played by Vektunaxa

Level: 1

Class: Thief

Alignment: Neutral


  • Str 11
  • Int 16 (+2 languages: ???)
  • Wis 11
  • Dex 16 (-2 AC, +2 missile attack, +1 initiative)
  • Con 13 (+1 hp/level)
  • Cha 7 (+1 reaction adjustment, 3 followers with morale 6)

Hit Points: 5 (current: 5)

Armor Class: 5 (Leather AC 7, -2 Dex)


  • Can't wear armor heavier than leather
  • Backstab ability (Must move silently and hide in shadows, +4 attack bonus, x2 damage)
  • Pick Locks 15%
  • Find and Remove Traps 10%
  • Pick Pockets 20%
  • Move Silently 20%
  • Climb Walls 87%
  • Hide in Shadows 10%
  • Hear Noise 1-2 on 1d6

Equipment: Hand Axe (1 gp, 1d6 damage, 3 lbs), Dagger (3 gp, 1d4 damage, 1 lb), Silver Dagger (30 gp, 1d4 damage, 1 lb), Shortbow (25 gp, 2 lbs), Quiver and 20 arrows (5 gp, 1d6 damage, 3 lbs), Leather Armor (6 gp, AC 8, 15 lbs), Gold 41 gp

  • Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs), Winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lbs), 10 candles (10 cp, - lbs), Map case (1 gp, 0.5 lbs), Crowbar (2 gp, 5 lbs), Flint and Steel (2 gp, - lbs), 1 oz vial of ink (8 gp, - lbs), Quill pen (1 sp, - lbs), 4 sheets parchment (8 sp, - lbs), 2 days trail rations (1 gp, 2 lbs), 50' silk rope (10 gp, 5 lbs), 2 large sacks (4 sp, 1 lb), Thieves' tools (30 gp, 1 lb), Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs)

Encumbrance: 401 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)

Move: 90’ (30’)

XP: 0; Needed: 1,250 (+10% bonus)

Thodrin Ironskull

played by Bloodwolf

Level: 1

Class: Dwarf

Alignment: Lawful


  • Str 14 (+1 to hit)
  • Int 6 (no read too good)
  • Wis 13 (+1 to magic-based saving throws)
  • Dex 12
  • Con 13 (+1 hp/hd)
  • Cha 6 (-1 reaction)

Hit Points: 6

Armor Class: 2 (plate + Shield)

Miscellany: Speak, but not read: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold. Infravision 60 feet

Equipment: Plate Armor, Shield, Hand Axe, Crossbow and 30 Quarrels, Backpack: Iron rations, 1 week, Waterskin, 9 Gleaming gold coins

Encumbrance: 769 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)

Move: 30’ (10’)

XP: 0; Needed: 2,200 (+5% bonus)

Becknal of Macjorrin

played by ncc2010

Sex: Female

Level: 1

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Lawful


  • Str 17 (+2 To hit, damage, open doors)
  • Int 13 (+1 added language)
  • Wis 9
  • Dex 16 (+2 to hit, -2 AC)
  • Con 13 (+1 HP)
  • Cha 13 (+1 React, 5 max retainers)

Hit Points: 5

Equipment: Chain Armor (AC5) - 40 Battle Axe - 7 Normal Sword - 10 Shield (+1 AC, only w/sword) - 10 Normal Dagger (2) - 6

  • Backpack - 6

Normal Clothes Iron Rations (1 week) - 15 Torches (12) - 2 wine (2qt) - 2 Tinderbox - 3 Iron Spikes (12) - 1 Rope - 1 Gloves 46 gp

Encumbrance: 756 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)

Move: 30’ (10’)

XP: 0; Needed: 2,000 (+10% bonus)

Lecais Prenta

played by phil6294

Level: 1

Class: Elf

Alignment: Lawful


  • Str 15 (+1 to hit, damage; forcing doors)
  • Int 17 (+2 languages, reads & writes)
  • Wis 4 (-2 saving throw against magic)
  • Dex 14 (AC-1, to hit missile +1, initiative +1)
  • Con 9
  • Cha 9 (4 retainers, morale 7)

Hit Points: 4/4

Armor Class: 6

Miscellany: Infravision 60', detect hidden/secret doors on 1-2/6, Resistant to ghoul paralysis. Speaks: lawful, common, elvish, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc, ??, ??

Spells: level 1 -- 1; spells known: read magic, ???

Equipment: Long sword, Leather armour, Longbow, Quiver & 20 arrows, Backpack, Bedroll, Grappling hook , Lantern, Oil -- 5 x 1pt flasks, 5 days' trail rations, Rope, 50' hemp, Spell book, Ink, Quill pen, Waterskin, 18 gold, 8 silver.

Encumbrance: 396 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)

Move: 120’ (40’)

XP: 0, Needed: 4,000 (+10% bonus)