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*'''Base Attack:''' +1
*'''Base Attack:''' +1
*'''Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage'''
*'''Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage'''
**Elven sword/B, +1 to hit/1d8
**Light crossbow/B/1d6 (range 60/120/180)
**Light crossbow/B/1d6 (range 60/120/180)
**Dagger/N/1d2 (range 10/20/30)
**Dagger/N/1d2 (range 10/20/30)

Revision as of 17:33, 26 March 2013

In Search of Adventure Group Two:Home Page

  • Character Name: Ragnar
  • Class: Thief
  • Level: 2
  • XP/XP Needed: 2364/2400

Ability Scores

  • Strength: 13 (+1)
  • Intelligence: 7 (-1)
  • Wisdom: 11
  • Dexterity: 13 (+1, Initiative: +1, +5% XP)
  • Constitution: 9
  • Charisma: 7 (-1, Max Hirelings: 3, Hireling Morale: 6, Reaction: -1)


  • AC: 6 (leather armor: 7, dex: +1)
  • HP: 8/8
  • Base Attack: +1
  • Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage
    • Elven sword/B, +1 to hit/1d8
    • Light crossbow/B/1d6 (range 60/120/180)
    • Dagger/N/1d2 (range 10/20/30)

Saving Throws

  • Death Ray/Poison: 13
  • Magic Wands: 14
  • Paralysis/Petrify: 13
  • Breath Weapon: 16
  • Rod/Staff/Spell: 15

Class Abilities

  • Sneak Attack
  • Open Locks 20 %
  • Find Traps 15 + 5 = 20 %
  • Remove Traps 15 %
  • Climb Walls 88 %
  • Move Silently 25 + 5 = 30 %
  • Hide In Shadows 15 + 5 = 20 %
  • Pick Pockets 25 %
  • Hear Noise 35%



  • Escape Artist (1 + Dex = 14)
  • Find Traps (+ 5 %)
  • Move Silently (+ 5 %)
  • Hide In Shadows (+ 5 %)

Weapon Feats

  • Sword (B)
  • Light crossbow (B)


  • Traladaran
  • Thyatian (common)
  • Thieves' Cant


  • Leather armor (200 cn)
  • Sword (60 cn)
  • Light crossbow (50 cn)
  • Quiver (5 cn)
    • 10 Bolts (5 cn)
    • 3 Silver bolts (1 cn)
  • Dagger (10 cn)
  • Peasant clothes (20 cn)
  • Belt (5 cn)
    • Thieves' tools (10 cn)
    • Purse (holds 50) (2 cn)
      • Money and gems (see below)
      • 2 Holy water, small vials (2 cn)
  • Plain boots (10 cn)
  • Long cloak (15 cn)
  • Backpack (holds 400) (20 cn)
    • Waterskin, full (30 cn)
    • Rope, 50' (50 cn)
    • Oil, flask (10 cn)
    • Tinderbox (5 cn)
    • Mirror, steel (5 cn)
    • 5 iron spikes (25 cn)
    • Small hammer (10 cn)
    • Sack (holds 600cn) (5 cn)
  • Money: 5 pp, 20 gp, 8 sp, 6 cp, 6 gems (100 gp, 5 x 50 gp) (purse)
  • Total Encumbrance: 600 cn
  • Move: 30'

Footprint, War Horse (carries 4,000 cn)

  • Saddle and tack (holds 200) (300 cn)
  • Saddle bags (hold 800) (100 cn)
    • Rations (6 days', dried) (60 cn)
    • 15 Bolts (5 cn)
    • 3 Torches (60 cn)
    • 2 large sacks (hold 600 each) (10 cn)
    • 2 nets (80 cn)

Bank account

  • 330 gp


Ragnar comes from a farm near Threshold, from where he left at the time of his Shearing. He lived since then doing various jobs, not always legal. He's lean and little, with an uneven beard, and usually wears dark clothes.