Horror on the Hill: Difference between revisions
Line 355: | Line 355: | ||
* ''Potion of Healing'' (2 doses) | * ''Potion of Healing'' (2 doses) | ||
* Holy symbol — with a two-headed snake; the token of Sgral Serpentius, chaotic god of poison and seduction | * Holy symbol — with a two-headed snake; the token of Sgral Serpentius, chaotic god of poison and seduction | ||
* | * 8 magical berries of healing (1-4). Exp date: 3:00 PM, day 4 | ||
'''Total weight of goods:''' 126 cn | '''Total weight of goods:''' 126 cn |
Revision as of 18:36, 4 April 2013
A play-by-post game using Douglas Niles' B5 - Horror on the Hill module. This uses the 1981 version of Dungeons & Dragons, edited by Tom Moldvay (B/X series).
Recruitment Thread [1]
Player Characters

Thodrin Ironskull
played by Bloodwolf
Level: 1
Class: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
- Str 14 (+1 to hit)
- Int 6 (no read too good)
- Wis 13 (+1 to magic-based saving throws)
- Dex 12
- Con 13 (+1 hp/hd)
- Cha 6 (-1 reaction)
Hit Points: 6 (current: 6)
Armor Class: 2 (plate + Shield)
Miscellany: Speak, but not read: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold. Infravision 60 feet
Equipment: Plate Armor, Shield, Hand Axe, Crossbow and 30 Quarrels, Backpack: Iron rations, 1 week, Waterskin, 9 Gleaming gold coins, 10 nasty biting fleas!
Encumbrance: 769 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)
Move: 30’ (10’)
XP: 42; Needed: 2,200 (+5% bonus)
Becknal of Macjorrin
played by ncc2010
Sex: Female
Level: 1
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful
- Str 17 (+2 To hit, damage, open doors)
- Int 13 (+1 added language)
- Wis 9
- Dex 16 (+2 to hit, -2 AC)
- Con 13 (+1 HP)
- Cha 13 (+1 React, 5 max retainers)
Hit Points: 5 (current: 5)
Equipment: Chain Armor (AC5) - 40 Battle Axe - 7 Normal Sword - 10 Shield (+1 AC, only w/sword) - 10 Normal Dagger (2) - 6
- Backpack - 6
Normal Clothes Iron Rations (1 week) - 15 Torches (12) - 2 wine (2qt) - 2 Tinderbox - 3 Iron Spikes (12) - 1 Rope - 1 Gloves 21 gp Fleas!
Miscellany: Speaks (but not read) Bugbear. 17 years old, 5'11, 1750 cn weight.
Encumbrance: 731 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)
Move: 30’ (10’)
XP: 22; Needed: 2,000 (+10% bonus)
played by Vektunaxa
Level: 1
Class: Thief
Alignment: Neutral
- Str 11
- Int 16 (+2 language)
- Wis 11
- Dex 16 (-2 AC, +2 missile attack, +1 initiative)
- Con 13 (+1 hp/level)
- Cha 7 (-1 reaction adjustment, 3 followers with morale 6)
Hit Points: 5 (current: 5)
Armor Class: 5 (Leather AC 7, -2 Dex)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Bugbear
- Can't wear armor heavier than leather
- Backstab ability (Must move silently and hide in shadows, +4 attack bonus, x2 damage)
- Pick Locks 15%
- Find and Remove Traps 10%
- Pick Pockets 20%
- Move Silently 20%
- Climb Walls 87%
- Hide in Shadows 10%
- Hear Noise 1-2 on 1d6
Equipment: Hand Axe (1 gp, 1d6 damage, 3 lbs), Dagger (3 gp, 1d4 damage, 1 lb), Silver Dagger (30 gp, 1d4 damage, 1 lb), Shortbow (25 gp, 2 lbs), Quiver and 13 arrows (5 gp, 1d6 damage, 3 lbs), Leather Armor (6 gp, AC 8, 15 lbs), Gold 21 gp, fleas!
- Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs), Winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lbs), 10 candles (10 cp, - lbs), Map case (1 gp, 0.5 lbs), Crowbar (2 gp, 5 lbs), Flint and Steel (2 gp, - lbs), 1 oz vial of ink (8 gp, - lbs), Quill pen (1 sp, - lbs), 4 sheets parchment (8 sp, - lbs), 2 days trail rations (1 gp, 2 lbs), 50' silk rope (10 gp, 5 lbs), 2 large sacks (4 sp, 1 lb), Thieves' tools (30 gp, 1 lb), Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs), Mirror
- Treasure: 12 gp, 34 sp
Encumbrance: 427 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)
Move: 90’ (30’)
XP: 34 Needed: 1,200 (+10% bonus)
Lecais Prenta
played by phil6294
Level: 1
Class: Elf
Alignment: Lawful
- Str 15 (+1 to hit, damage; forcing doors)
- Int 17 (+2 languages, reads & writes)
- Wis 4 (-2 saving throw against magic)
- Dex 14 (AC-1, to hit missile +1, initiative +1)
- Con 9
- Cha 9 (4 retainers, morale 7)
Hit Points: 4 (current: 4)
Armor Class: 6
Miscellany: Infravision 60', detect hidden/secret doors on 1-2/6, Resistant to ghoul paralysis. Speaks: lawful, common, elvish, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc, dwarvish, goblin
Spells: level 1 -- 1; spells known: read magic, sleep Memorised: sleep
Equipment: Long sword, Leather armour, Longbow, Quiver & 17 arrows, Backpack, Bedroll, Grappling hook , Lantern, Oil -- 5 x 1pt flasks, 5 days' trail rations, Rope, 50' hemp, Spell book, Ink, Quill pen, Waterskin, 28 gold, 8 silver.
Encumbrance: 396 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)
Move: 120’ (40’)
XP: 17, Needed: 4,000 (+10% bonus)
Amarinth the Medium
played by Madcat
Level: 1
Class: Magic User
Alignment: Neutral
- Str 10
- Int 16 (+2 languages: Elvish, Dragon)
- Wis 9
- Dex 10
- Con 9
- Cha 10 (4 followers with morale 7)
Hit Points: 3 (current: 3)
Armor Class: 9
Miscellany: Spells 1; Spells known: Read Magic, Charm Person; Memorized: spent
Equipment: Normal dagger x2, Silver Dagger, Backpack, Lantern, Iron rations 1 week, Tinderbox, 5x flask of oil, Mirror, 2x water-skins, 50' rope, small hammer, Iron spikes, Sling, 20 Sling Stones, Gold: 14 gp, 7 sp
Encumbrance: 131 cn
Move: 120’ (40’)
XP: 72; Needed: 2,500 (+10% bonus)
Fruben the Halfling
played by Fistula
28yrs, 2'11", 60lbs
Level: 1
Class: Halfling
Alignment: Lawful
- Str 9
- Int 8 (reads simple Common words)
- Wis 7 (-1 on magic-based saving throws)
- Dex 13 (+1 to missile, -1 to AC, +1 to initiative)
- Con 13 (+1 to HP)
- Cha 12 (max retainers: 4, morale: 7)
Hit Points: 6 (current: 6)
Armor Class: 6 (4 vs. large)
Miscellany: +1 to missile weapon attacks, -2 to AC vs. creatures larger than man-sized, +1 to initiative, detected in wilderness only 10% of time and 1-2 on d6 in dungeons.
Equipment: short sword 1d6, curved dagger 1d4, leather vest, backpack, 2wk rations, prison tats, gold 35gp, fleas!
Encumbrance: 355 cn
Move: 120’ (40’)
XP: 55; Needed: 2,000 (+0% bonus)
Oswyn the Wise
played by Keal
Level: 1
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Law
- Str 12
- Int 10 (read/write Common)
- Wis 15 (+1 bonus to magic-based saving throws)
- Dex 10
- Con 09
- Cha 14 (+1 Reaction Adjustment; 5 followers with morale 8)
Hit Points: 4 (current: 4)
Armor Class: 4
Miscellany: Height: 5 ft. 8 in. Weight: 1,550 cn
Equipment: Mace 1d6 damage, 30 cn. Chain Mail AC 5, 400 cn. Shield AC -1, 100 cn. Backpack 20 cn. Clothes, middle Belt Pouch, belt x2, 4 cn. Boots, plain Cloak, long Rations, stand. 1 week Torch x3, 60 cn. Waterskin 30 cn. (5 cn. when empty) Fleas!
Encumbrance: 610 cn (based on weights shown in the sidebar tables)
Move: 60’ (20’)
XP: 84; Needed: 1,500 (+5% bonus)
Bareth, son of Sareth (NPC)
Bareth (charmed): AC 5; F 1; hp Dead; #AT 1; D 1-8; MV 90' (30'); Save F 1; ML 7; AL L; S 12; I 8; W 9; D 6; C 8; CH 10; XP 0 (2,000 needed); battle axe, hand axe, chain mail, backpack, 0 gp, fleas!
Bareth is a sturdy, strapping young man with dirty blonde hair pulled to a tail. He's naive and a country bumpkin, but has a natural honest charm about him.
Posting Protocol
During non-combat scenes, the DM will roll for ability checks, search attempts, thief abilities, and the like where the outcome should be kept secret from players. During combat scenes or tasks not requiring a secret result, players will handle their rolls as well as any rolls of monsters. Each player posts one "turn".
A "turn" is defined as a number of combat rounds ending in one or more of the following criteria:
- The need for character movement (pursuit, retreat, or withdrawal)
- All of the character's opponents are defeated
- The character reaches a point of crisis, either dying, or needing the assistance of another player
Situations of movement or ranged combat will be handled by the DM, or at least the situation will be outlined in a way so that the player will know how many attacks he or she may be allowed. Any character using spells will be considered using "ranged combat" unless it's a touch or melee range spell. Any characters not wishing to engage foes in hand-to-hand combat but forced to (due to tactical movement or situational circumstances) must face at least one round of attack before his "turn" is over (in other words, if a magic-user faces three goblins and calls "Help!", he must face them for at least one round before his call for help can be answered).
All asynchronicity will be assumed to equal out at the end of all player turns. All monster stats will be listed. Use the cheat sheets here for "to hit" numbers and saving throws.
Once per engagement, a player can roll for enemies' morale. This can be done at any time during any round within a "turn" after at least one opponent has fallen. The roll is always 2d6 and with a -1 penalty, and only affects those opponents with which a PC is currently engaged. A second roll can be made by the DM after all players have posted at least one "turn". The second roll will involve all remaining opponents.
You needn't list the details for each and every round, but can summarize your entire turn with a few colorful or descriptive phrases. List rolls in an sblock out-of-character text callout. You can use short notation for this, such as "R1 - PC miss (11), Gob1 miss (4), Gob2 hit (17) - D: 2" or any other short means you can use. After everyone gets the hang of this, we may abandon the need for posting rolls.
You do not need to use Invisible Castle, but may if you choose. You can roll real dice, an app dice roller, or whatever you have on hand. We will use the "trust" system. Mistakes may be made and all will be forgotten/forgiven.
In the case of a ratio of less than one-to-one monsters vs. PCs, the combat will revert to a round to round "DM rolls all" method. This will mean that some combats will begin with the "player rolls all" and then switch to a "DM rolls all" situation.
Character Death
PC's will probably die in this adventure. When this happens, roll a new one, and the character will be introduced within the adventure as soon as possible, possibly in a harrowing circumstance requiring the party's rescue, assistance, or what have you.
Party XP & Treasure
XP: 768
- pp:
- gp: 12
- ep:
- sp: 34
- cp:
Rare or Magic Items:
- Coil rope
- Small hammer
- Spikes
- Mirror
- Crow bar
- Potion of Healing (2 doses)
- Holy symbol — with a two-headed snake; the token of Sgral Serpentius, chaotic god of poison and seduction
- 8 magical berries of healing (1-4). Exp date: 3:00 PM, day 4
Total weight of goods: 126 cn
House Rule Repository
- A natural roll of 20 allows you to re-roll minimum damage until it's no longer a 1.
- Starting characters re-roll if their hit points are 1 or 2 until they are no longer 1 or 2.
- A natural roll of 1 forces you to roll DEX or less on d20 or fumble your weapon.
- Characters can be revived if their hp total is not lower than -5. Other characters administering first aid can make a Wisdom check using d20 and applying a positive penalty equal to the victim's negative hp total.
Time Tracking/Notes
Current Time: 3:00 PM
- 3:00 PM - Company is rested and ready to go from the cave of the neanderthals
Day Three
- 3:00 PM - Return to neanderthal clan; encounter with Dram
- 12:30 PM - Encounter with hobgoblins on trail near waterfall
- 11:00 AM - Company meets up with trail between camp and graveyard
- 7:00 AM - Company sets out toward goblin camp from neanderthal cave
Day Two
- 9:10 PM - Arrival at neanderthal tribe cave
- 5:50 PM - Encounter with neanderthals along south ridge
- 4:40 PM - Rest and berry picking
- 4:30 PM - Berry patch found by the southeast lake and falls
- 3:30 PM - Lizard killed and dead buried
- 2:00 PM - Company doubles back to lizard sighting killing beast and finding two former victims
- 1:00 PM - Fork on trail at higher elevation
- 12:30 PM - Killer bee encounter
- 11:20 AM - Kestrel climbs to the top; encounter with horned chameleon
- 11:10 AM - Arrival at the first cliff
- 10:40 AM - Arrival in shady glade of flowers
- 9:30 AM - Landfall on north bank