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== Background ==
== Background ==

Revision as of 21:51, 29 July 2013

Main Page


Raised by his grandfather Elijah aboard the Redemption of Man Zaharks upbringing was relatively Idyllic, he took well to his studies and enjoyed the privileges of his houses (diminished) status.

All this ended when the Redemption was Attacked and boarded by Chaos marauders. Zahark was captured and taken from the vessel before an emergency translation attempt caused it to be lost to the warp with all hands.

Now treated more like a prized slave than the scion of aristocracy he knew himself to be, Zahark endured privation and hardship at the hands of his captors. Their cruelty forged a deep pragmatism within him alongside an eternal enmity and will to survive.

Hope came at last when the Imperial navy ambushed his captors, taking the opportunity afforded by the laxity of imprisonment due to his long captivity, he turned his powers on his captors Sowing discord on the ship and allowing it to be boarded. It was during this escape that he acquired a Xenotech Disintegrator Cannon from the raiders cache of rare treasures, a weapon that served him well as he fought his way to the navy lines and has never left his side since.

He served for a while within the navy, but suspicious eyes were ever upon him. Few were accepting of the strange habits and dark appetites his stay with the unclean had left him with, and he knew his station would be forever frozen as long as he had no compact of his own.

Simple Merchant work was out of the question, his former captors were not wiped out, and he feared that they would seek him out, to bend him once more to their service. He needed protection more complete than a merchant could grant and prestige and wealth far greater than the navy would offer. His house had fallen because of a rogue trader, perhaps with a rogue trader it would rise again.


Zahark is of above average Height with a slim build, utterly hairless with chalk white skin and pure black eyes. Classically aristocratic features with high cheekbones and an aquiline nose, his skin is unscarred and unblemished. His normal attire consists of fine black silks over his finely crafted armor. Sable of hue and with the symbols of the Navis Nobilitae picked out in gold thread. A hood of the same material customarily covers his head. He carries his primary weapon as a large silk wrapped bundle on his back, the wrapping clasped for quick release and easy access.

Although his speech is cultured and aristocratic, he draws no distinction between those of high birth and low, merely between those competent and not. His temperament is unstable and varies wildly between icy calm and almost incandescent rage.

Character Sheet


Voidborn-> Scrapegrace-> Tainted-Mutated-> Hand of War-> Fear- Enemy Ascendent-> A long and Glorious History - Dark secret


WS BS S T Ag Int Per Wil Fel
30 44 32 52 36 41 61 56 33

Wounds: 15
Fate points: 4
Insanity points: 3
Corruption Points: 4

SL:Ship dialect (Redemption of Man)
slight of hand
CL: navis nobilite
FL: navigators
FL: warp
Navigation: Stellar
Navigation: warp
CL: Astromancy
SL: high gothic
SL: low gothic

Hatred: Chaos Worshippers
Resistance: Fear
Pistol Weapon training Universal
Melee Weapon Training: Primitive
Exotic Weapon Training: Disintergrator Cannon

void accustomed
the face of the enemy
Dark sight
Fruits of Corrupted Blood (The Lidless Stare, The Inward Gaze, Cloud in the warp)

The Lidless Stare (Novice)
The Inward Gaze (Novice)



Hellpistol (BQ)
Metal staff (BQ)
Xeno-Mesh (BQ)
Emperors Tarot Deck
Silk Headscarf
Nobilite Robes
Charm: Grandfathers Skull
Micro Bead
Conversion Field (GQ)
Navis Primer (BQ)
Servo Skull With Auspex, Multikey and Injector rig (Wideawake)
Disintergrator Cannon With Suspensor and Motion Predictor (GQ)