D&D 5E Between Shadow And Flame:Main Page: Difference between revisions

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Dragonbone Lake
Dreadwood, The
Great Barrier Mountains
Green Heart, The
Guardians, The
Lake Tiral
Lake Vleris
Northern Marches
Southern Marches
Winterhorn Range


Revision as of 03:02, 15 October 2014


As night falls farmers bar their doors, and town watchmen huddle close around their lanterns. For an ill wind stirs in the great valley, the dead do not lay quiet in their graves, strange creatures are said to lurk in the forests, and at night flame can be seen atop the snow-capped mountains.

This is the wiki page for D&D 5e Shadow & Flame, a Play-by-Post in planning, that will be run on the rpg.net PbP forum. I'm Waiwode, the GM. We're at barebones right now, but more will be added as things get rolling.

Player Characters

Important Non-Player Characters

Heroes and Villains

Supporting Cast

Important Places


Dragonbone Lake

Dreadwood, The

Great Barrier Mountains

Green Heart, The

Guardians, The

Lake Tiral

Lake Vleris


Northern Marches

Southern Marches

Winterhorn Range




Holy Tiral

New Rhuth


Tal Ellindor


Yul Ethyr

Yul Osru

A Brief History

No Elf still-living, less the Queen,witnessed the imprisonment of the God of Death, Morgath. His tomb has been lost for one thousand years.

Only the eldest Elves alive witnessed the Autumn Crusade, where the armies of the Elven Queen hunted down the priest-kings of Morgath, threw down their towers, and scattered their hosts.

No Dwarf still living witnessed the Dragon Rage, where Ixu Maugh, daughter of Tiamat, and her brood spread flame and destruction across this land. No Dwarf who lived within survived the sundering of Rhuth the Great, mightiest of the Dwarven Holds. No Dwarf still living remembers the Elven Queen wrapping layer after layer of enchantment around Tal Ellindor, hiding it from the Dragons and the rest of the world, and slipping into a deep, unending slumber.

Every Elf alive knows that the Elven Queen still sleeps, they share her dreams each night. They count their calendar in Years of the Queen's Slumber, as do we all.

No Human alive today witnessed the rise of Warlord Kulgur Voz, not fought in the great battles, nor witnessed the death of Fair King Leric, although many Elves and Dwarves alive today did.










House Rules