Wolf", wild boy: Difference between revisions

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'''Name:''' Wolf
This page was misnamed and the information on it has been moved to a correctly named page. ([["Wolf", wild boy|here]]) If you are a mod, please delete it.
Agility d8
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Climbing d6
Fighting d6
Knowledge (animals) d4
Notice d6
Repair d6
Shooting d6
Stealth d6
Survival d8+2
'''Charisma:''' +0
'''Pace:''' 6
'''Parry:''' 5 (6 with spear)
'''Toughness:''' 5 (6 with armour)
Soft Leather Suit
Spear (Str+1d6+1, AP 1)
Sling (Str+1d4, 15/30/60)
100 Stars' worth of portable travel equipment

Latest revision as of 13:09, 26 October 2014

This page was misnamed and the information on it has been moved to a correctly named page. (here) If you are a mod, please delete it.