Falls the Shadow: Chargen and Setting: Difference between revisions

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==General Rules==

1. All powers must possess limitations. Limitations should actually be limiting, not just an excuse to reduce the cost of powers.
*Be courteous one to another. Take your turns, and be patient. Also, have fun.
*No player killing unless it's a plot point (and both discussed with and approved of by both the DM and the player of the character in question). No exceptions.
2. Active powers which draw upon your body's own reserves should cost fatigue. Active powers which draw upon mana or some other source of mystical energy should cost energy. The more powerful the effect, the greater the cost.
*Training time works as follows: you put in the training time first, and then you are eligible to spend the XP. Training may take many forms, depending on the stat in question, and there are as many ways to train as you can think of. Raising your strength might be represented by long months of weight lifting, but it might also be represented by working for months as a miner, or engaging in some other long activity that requires strength. Raising your dexterity might involve months of doing nothing but learning how to juggle, or it could involve working as an acrobat or other circus performer for a few months, and so on. All that to say, there are many ways to justify raising attributes in character. Be creative. Obviously, it will be easier to justify raising attributes that your character makes extensive use of in his or her every day life, on screen and in character, as it requires less 'downtime.'
*If it is your turn to post, post within a reasonable amount of time.  If you will not be able to post for a while, inform the DM and your fellow players in advance. Common sense applies.
3. Active powers should require a relevant attribute roll.
4. Enhanced Defenses may be taken a maximum of three times per active defense (+3 each, total)
5. All character builds, powers and advantages are subject to GM review and approval.
6. The base TL for the game is 9. Some items of higher tech level are available. Anyone purchasing such an item will need to pay the base cost for such, plus the additional cost for the higher tech level of the item.  
7. There is one and only one source of supernatural power in the Sixth World: Magic. While other systems can be said to exist, they all still fall under the heading of magic. Can you take Chi manipulation powers with the 'Chi' limitation as supernatural powers? Absolutely. Does it still need the 'Magic' limitation? Yes it does. In this context, 'Chi' would represent a subdivision - a particular magical paradigm - which still falls under the larger context of magic. The same goes for psionic powers.


Revision as of 03:45, 11 January 2015


General Rules

  • Be courteous one to another. Take your turns, and be patient. Also, have fun.
  • No player killing unless it's a plot point (and both discussed with and approved of by both the DM and the player of the character in question). No exceptions.
  • Training time works as follows: you put in the training time first, and then you are eligible to spend the XP. Training may take many forms, depending on the stat in question, and there are as many ways to train as you can think of. Raising your strength might be represented by long months of weight lifting, but it might also be represented by working for months as a miner, or engaging in some other long activity that requires strength. Raising your dexterity might involve months of doing nothing but learning how to juggle, or it could involve working as an acrobat or other circus performer for a few months, and so on. All that to say, there are many ways to justify raising attributes in character. Be creative. Obviously, it will be easier to justify raising attributes that your character makes extensive use of in his or her every day life, on screen and in character, as it requires less 'downtime.'
  • If it is your turn to post, post within a reasonable amount of time. If you will not be able to post for a while, inform the DM and your fellow players in advance. Common sense applies.