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A town of only 1240, the people of Sandpoint know each other far better than some might wish.

Revision as of 10:45, 8 April 2015

This page is a resource for players to keep track of characters and connections. The game is a modified Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path set in a custom world.


A small town on the northern edge of the Earncynn Confederacy, Sandpoint has drifted through history as too unimportant to destroy. Unfortunately dark acts and grim omens suggest the quiet past has ended for good...


The ancient ruins suggest this region was once elvish lands, but no writing has survived (at least were humans can find it and the elves and dwarves aren't telling). Three thousand years ago, when the Uruk burst forth from their homeland in the South to conquer the western half of the continent this land marked the northern edge of their territory. Farther north elves and monsters held the wildlands, and so civilization never conquered the vast forests.

Modern Sandpoint began as a tiny Uruk industrial town, dedicated to the production of quality glass from the fine, white sand that gives the town its names. After the rise of Seaxneat and the beginning of the War of the North, Sandpoint kept its business making glass and generally staying out of politics.

In recent years the dwarves of the mountains have started trading with the West once more, and Sandpoint's location on the Haewen Sea and Dweorgsflot river has made trade with their lands into a new source of profit. Still to small and unimportant to be a threat to anyone, it would seem that Sandpoint has a future of prosperity and peace.

Recent Events

Sandpoint's peace was broken five years ago, first by "The Chopper," a serial killer preying on the people of the town, and then a fire that started in the temple and destroyed nearly 1/4 of the town. After those events, within only a month of each other, things seemed to settle back to their quiet standard.

Then, on the Autumn Equinox, as the new cathedral was being dedicated, a mass goblin raid broke the town's peace once more, and this time it looks like the worst is yet to come.


Sandpoint is located on the Northeast shore of the Haewen Sea, where the Dweorgsflot river joins with its waters. It is surrounded North and East by unconquered forest. The high road travels West to Highkingsburg, some three days travel away. The "wild" elves of Velkiles claim the land to the North, but their representative is generally friendly (or at least not hostile) and works with the town to defend both. The location of the city, towns, or tribal villages (for the humans have no idea how these elves live) are located somewhere in the vast forest. Attempts to find their homelands have resulted in explorers captured and bound, then politely to the town Sheriff for punishment.


A town of only 1240, the people of Sandpoint know each other far better than some might wish.




Beyond Sandpoint

The North

The Confederacy of the Earncynn






The Uruk Empire



Beyond the Mountains
