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'''Ksul the Skald''''s Camel, Parda
'''Ksul the Skald''''s Camel, Parda
*Move 150
*Equipment:  80 cn
*Encumbrance 80/3000
*Treasure: 0
**Miscelleaneous 80 cn
*Total:  80 cn
*Movement: 150/50/150


Revision as of 15:14, 16 July 2015

Idle and Sturdy Vagabonds: A game of B/X D&D, run by Julius Sleazer.


  • Sample, Class 2, X/Y HP, AC Z
  • Bjorn the Brash Fighter 2, 16/16, AC 2, Two-Handed Sword (+3 hit/damage), +1 Initiative (but goes last)
  • Laf the Lefthanded Fighter 3, 19/19, AC 3, Sword (+2 hit/damage), -1 Initiative
  • Ksul the Skald Magic-User 2, 10/10, AC 9, Dagger (+0 hit/damage), +0 initiative
  • Smiling Pete Magic User 3, 10/10, AC 9, Dagger (+1 hit/damage), -2 initiative
  • Jan Wroth Cleric 2, 10/10, AC7, Mace (+2 to hit/damage), +1 Initiative
  • Blank Character Sheet (Please do not save over the original, and when character sheets are completed, please change the link at the top of the finished sheet to refer back to the "Idleandsturdy" page)

Boot Hill and the Departed


  • Rations: 36 days iron rations, 0 days standard rations, updated to end of 16 Regal Serpent
  • Ksul the Skald 3 torches, 14/24 turns of light left in lantern, 6 flasks of oil
  • Jan Wroth 6 torches

Lifestyles of the Idle and Sturdy

  • Ksul the Skald 2nd-level lifestyle costs paid up until 11 Silent Scream
  • Bjorn the Brash 2nd-level lifestyle costs paid up until 11 Silent Scream
  • Smiling Pete 2nd-level lifestyle costs paid up until 11 Silent Scream
  • Laf the Lefthanded 2nd-level lifestyle costs paid up until 11 Silent Scream
  • Jan Wroth 2nd-level lifestyle costs paid up until 11 Silent Scream

Encumbrance Ape

New PC

  • Equipment: cn
  • Treasure: cn
  • Total: cn
  • Movement: 120/40/120

Ksul the Skald

  • Equipment: 98 cn
  • Treasure: Tawdry charm worth 5 gp, 120gp,130gp, 70gp arm rings
  • Total: 148 cn
  • Movement: 120/40/120

Bjorn the Brash

  • Equipment: 735 cn
  • Treasure: 2500gp necklace, 100gp gem, 10gp gem, 150gp, 90gp arm rings
  • Total: 767 cn
  • Movement: 60/20/60

Laf the Lefthanded

  • Equipment: 773
  • Treasure: 16 gp, 300gp torc, 500gp gem
  • Total: 800
  • Movement: 60/20/60

Smiling Pete

  • Equipment: 130
  • Treasure: awesome sword (60), 1000gp necklace and 20gp bangle
  • Total: 210
  • Movement: 120/40/120

Jan Wroth

  • Equipment: 314
  • Treasure: 3 x110gp arm rings, 2 x 10gp base jades (gems)
  • Total: 346 cn
  • Movement: 120/40/120

Mule 1

  • Equipment: 0
  • Treasure: 1956gp coin
  • Total: 1956 cn
  • Movement: 120/40/120

Mule 2

  • Equipment: 0
  • Treasure: 1738gp coin
  • Total: 1738 cn
  • Movement: 120/40/120


Ksul the Skald's Camel, Parda

  • Equipment: 80 cn
  • Treasure: 0
  • Total: 80 cn
  • Movement: 150/50/150


  • Fancy orcish floppy hat, Tawdry charm worth 5 gp (Ksul)
  • 2500 gp dwarven necklace (Bjorn)
  • One gilded torc, weight 10 cn, worth 300 gold pieces (Laf)
  • Awesome sword, 60cn, 1000gp necklace, 20gp bangle (Pete.)
  • 1 sp, carried by Laf
  • gems - 1x500gp (Laf)
  • gems - 2x10gp, (Jan)
  • gems - 1x10gp, 1x100gp (Bjorn)
  • jewellery (3 x110gp (Jan)
  • jewellery (90gp, 150gp) (Bjorn)
  • Jewllery (120gp, 130gp, 70gp) (Ksul)
  • 692 gp coin (mule 1 - belongs to Jan)
  • 722 gp coin (mule 1 belongs to Ksul)
  • 542 gp coin (mule 1 belongs to Laf)
  • 692 gp coin (mule 2 belongs to Bjorn)
  • 1042 gp coin (mule 2 belongs to Pete)

Marching Order

  • Laf | Bjorn
  • Jan | Ksul (with lantern)
  • Pete (lantern)

Watch Order

  • Jan, Bjorn
  • Laf
  • Pete, Ksul

Standing Orders for Missing Players


  • Missile fire if no friendly in melee
  • Drop bow, draw sword, move silently, and backstab if conditions allow
  • Drop bow, draw sword and engage in melee otherwise


Equipment Information

List of Important Non-Player Characters

List of Rumors

At a table near the door, two worthies with the look of tinkers are deploring the actions of the "Valorous and Lawful Brotherhood." Overheard snatches of conversation indicate that this group seems to bear more resemblance to a skulking assemblage of arboreal assassins or boreal banditti. Holding wandering tradesmen for ransom seems to be among this group's alleged misdeeds.

Sitting by the fire, a sextet of swains discusses a ruined village said to lie about twenty-five miles to the west of Newstead, over and across a northward-reaching spur of the Dividing Range. One of the loitering loons avers that within the same spur, perhaps twelve or fifteen miles northwest of Newstead, there lies a cavern said to be inhabited by a scurrilous sept of kobolds. These hinterland humanoids are said to make their living by stealing from honest travelers and isolated settlers.

A pair of puerile potboys discuss a great temple to Odin, which apparently lies about a week due east through the mountains, or perhaps accessible by a longer, more comfortable voyage skirting the peaks. Several worshipful bishops, or at least eminent prelates of some sort, are said to dwell at this noble fane. Hard by the temple, bands of unruly humanoids hold sway, and the clergy are apparently free with rich rewards to any men willing to act as Paladins of Law by driving back the deplorable denizens of the dark lands.

Several long-bearded loafing lumberjacks share a rumor that a few aged dwarves still dwell in the mountains above Newstead. They hold that if these dwarves could be captured and constrained, they would surely surrender the location of many hidden treasures which rightfully belong to human men. Only one among the woodcutters, more portly and perhaps less fond of high-altitude jaunts than the others, claims that all of the dwarves hereabout died decades ago, and that knowledge of the location of their treasures died with them.

One of the young men tells a tale of a hero who fell in the mountains nearby some years ago. His body was never found, and apparently he bore "Risglaeder the Wyrmslayer." There are higher and loftier peaks immediately to the northwest, southwest, south, and southeast of Newstead. I would begin my search there.

Agi the Aggressive, farmer, tells of mysterious noises emanating from a sinkhole near his farm.


Kobold Lair