DXHP:Veronica: Difference between revisions

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Line 23: Line 23:
*'''Social:''' 2
*'''Social:''' 2
*'''Max HP:''' 35
*'''Max HP:''' 35
**'''Current HP:''' 35
**'''Current HP:''' 22
*'''Initiative:''' 5
*'''Initiative:''' 5
*'''Move/Dash:''' 10m/20m
*'''Move/Dash:''' 10m/20m
*'''Base Encroachment:''' 31
*'''Base Encroachment:''' 31
**'''Current Encroach:''' 69
**'''Current Encroach:''' 78
*'''Stock Points:'''  
*'''Stock Points:'''  
*'''Savings Points:'''  
*'''Savings Points:'''  

Revision as of 06:03, 5 December 2015

Veronica 'Tsubaki' Yukimura Barboza

Basic Data

  • Name: Veronica Yukimura Barboza
  • Code Name: Tsubaki
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Work: UGN Agent A
  • Cover: Heiress
  • Breed: Tribreed
  • Syndrome(s): Bram Stoker/Chimera/Exile
  • Awakening: Unknown
  • Impulse: Self-mutilation
  • Origin: Secret Society
  • Experience: UGN/Major Victory
  • Encounter: Like Family (Satsuki Kamishiro)
  • Body: 7
  • Mind: 1
  • Sense: 2
  • Social: 2
  • Max HP: 35
    • Current HP: 22
  • Initiative: 5
  • Move/Dash: 10m/20m
  • Base Encroachment: 31
    • Current Encroach: 78
  • Stock Points:
  • Savings Points:
  • Skills
    • [Body]-<Melee> 4
    • [Body]-<Dodge> 2
    • [Mind]-<RC> 1
    • [Social]-<Procure> 1
    • [Social]-<Info: UGN> 1
    • [Social]-<Negotiation> 1

Observed Powers

Power Syndrome Level/Max Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range Encroach Restrict Effect
Warding Common 1/1 Auto - Auto Scene View 0 - All non-Overeds in scene become Extras. Overeds sense use of Warding.
Resurrect Common 1/3 Auto - Auto Self Close HP <100% Incapacitated or Scene ends. Heal [LV]D HP.
Concentrate: Bram Stoker Common/Bram Stoker 2/3 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Any check that uses this power gains -[LV] Critical Value bonus (min 7).
The Thirsting Lord Bram Stoker 2/4 Major <Melee> Opposed Single Close 4 - Damage from fist attacks that use this power ignore the target's [Armor] stat. On a successful hit, the user recovers [LV*4] HP.
Complete Therianthropy Chimaera 2/2 Minor - Auto Self Close 6 - For the duration of the current scene, receive a +(LV+2) bonus to [Body] checks. Must use Fists.
Reaming Claw Chimaera 1/9 Minor - Auto Self Close 3 - For the duration of the scene, user's fists become Type Melee Skill Melee Acc 0 Atk Power +[LV+8] Guard 1 Range Close.
Elastic Arm Exile 1/2 Major <Melee> Opposed - View 2 - Melee attacks that use this power are modified to [RNG:View]. Checks that use this power receive a -[3-LV] dice penalty (to a max. penalty of 0)

Stocked Equipment

Data Collection Team ('The Little Flowers'), Rumor-mongering Friend, Corporate Executive, Informant, Official's Favor

Weapon Type Skill Accuracy Attack Power Guard Range
Fists Melee <Melee> 0 -5 0 Close
Reaming Claw Melee <Melee> 0 +[LV+8] 1 Close

Name: Reinforced Clothing Type: Armor Dodge: - Initiative: - Armor: 1

Background Data

Relationship Data

Name Lois/Titus Emotion Relationship Description
KAMAMURA Ito Lois Infatuation/Shame Fiance Ito isn’t Overed, and Veronica ended up in position to save his life on more than one occasion in high school (usually with help from Satsuki). He’s tall and handsome, if a bit stiff, and she’s genuinely attracted to him; but not only to him. Ito, on the other hand, is plainly in love with her. Her parents found out already, and have tried to assure her it’s ok (their marriage is primarily an alliance as well, and quite open), but Veronica is worried that the truth will wound him.
TAKAHASHI Reiko Lois Infatuation/Shame Junior A UGN Overed agent one year her junior, but not a fomer Child like herself, and so very much a newbie. After Veronica took command of the security team in the Rio incident, Reiko confessed her attraction to Veronica and made it her mission to get her to open up. Veronica genuinely enjoys Reiko’s impulsiveness, outside perspective, and how good she looks in a leather jacket, and generally doesn’t feel guilty about their encounters until after. Reiko knows about Ito, and is supposedly fine with whatever happens, but Veronica worries that’s not really the case.
KAMISHIRO Satsuki Lois Goodwill/Alienation Comrade Satsuki was a classmate and battle buddy of Veronica for a long time. Now she has her company to run, but still manages to find time for her old friend whenever she visits Japan - and now that she’s been deployed here, that’s more often. Still, all the wolves at Satsuki’s door remind Veronica of her own problems (and how petty they must surely seem in comparison), and she hasn’t worked up the courage to tell her about her predicament yet.