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Enter general attitudes towards those for whom your character has a specific and (more importantly) strong reaction.
Hillary and '''Alexandra "Alex" Schandelere'''
Hillary finds Alexandra terribly intimidating. Not just because of her occasional awesome size and great destructive power that she uses fighting crime, but of the same enthusiasm that she brings to the social scene. Hillary really isn't sure that she wants to same kind of life the Alex has been living, but still looks up to her because of Alex's (by Hillary's perception) confidence and social grace.
Hillary and '''Jonathan "Jack Flash" Schandalere'''
Hillary isn't entirely sure how to interact with Jonathan anymore, she used to really look up to Jonathan's determination to be a hero and fight alongside Scarlet. Since Hillary greatly idolizes the woman that took her in, it was easy to relate to Jonathan. Things have been different since Scarlet and Jonathan's falling out, and while Hillary intellectually understands Jonathan's reasoning she can't quite get it. On the other hand, when Hillary needs a break from the whole Schandelere "Thing" hanging out with Jonathan can provide a nice reprieve from celebrity.
Hillary and '''Scarlet Schandalere'''
Hillary still cannot think of Scarlet as her mother. It hasn't really mattered much since Hillary idolizes the woman. In part because Hillary is still slightly overcome with her celebrity and because after the betrayal of the people she still thinks of as her parents, Hillary had over attached herself to Scarlet. For her part Scarlet treats Hillary as one of her own children and has been impressed be her quiet determination to improve herself. Recently though (unknown to Hillary) a joke that The Matriarch might bypass Scarlet and have Hillary lead the Schandeleres once she's ready, has been gnawing at the back of Scarlet's mind. Nothing has come of it yet and Hillary (as always) remains oblivious.
'''Background and History'''
'''Background and History'''

Revision as of 17:45, 3 March 2016

'Hillary Schandalere aka Ember'

Space for Picture here



    • Enemy/ Someone cloned Hillary. While their motives, resources and identities remain a mystery they are

still out there and probably unhappy their project got away. Unless that was part of the plan...

    • Fame/ Hillary is not used to the celebrity life. She was a shy awkward preteen before the Schandaleres

took her in, now she is a she awkawrd teenager. Hillary has no idea how to navigate "the scene" or "society" and tends to clam up or be a bit naive in social situations.

    • Motivation/ Acceptance: Hillary was taken in by the Schandaleres and (largely) treated like a regular

member of the family. Now Hillary is doing her best suddenly going from a normal life to living among the rich celebrity supheroes and wants to prove herself that she's worthy of their kindness. Occasionally she pushes herself a bit too hard.


Hillary and Alexandra "Alex" Schandelere

Hillary finds Alexandra terribly intimidating. Not just because of her occasional awesome size and great destructive power that she uses fighting crime, but of the same enthusiasm that she brings to the social scene. Hillary really isn't sure that she wants to same kind of life the Alex has been living, but still looks up to her because of Alex's (by Hillary's perception) confidence and social grace.

Hillary and Jonathan "Jack Flash" Schandalere

Hillary isn't entirely sure how to interact with Jonathan anymore, she used to really look up to Jonathan's determination to be a hero and fight alongside Scarlet. Since Hillary greatly idolizes the woman that took her in, it was easy to relate to Jonathan. Things have been different since Scarlet and Jonathan's falling out, and while Hillary intellectually understands Jonathan's reasoning she can't quite get it. On the other hand, when Hillary needs a break from the whole Schandelere "Thing" hanging out with Jonathan can provide a nice reprieve from celebrity.

Hillary and Scarlet Schandalere

Hillary still cannot think of Scarlet as her mother. It hasn't really mattered much since Hillary idolizes the woman. In part because Hillary is still slightly overcome with her celebrity and because after the betrayal of the people she still thinks of as her parents, Hillary had over attached herself to Scarlet. For her part Scarlet treats Hillary as one of her own children and has been impressed be her quiet determination to improve herself. Recently though (unknown to Hillary) a joke that The Matriarch might bypass Scarlet and have Hillary lead the Schandeleres once she's ready, has been gnawing at the back of Scarlet's mind. Nothing has come of it yet and Hillary (as always) remains oblivious.

Background and History

Hillary Smith thought everything in her life was normal. Her father, Johnathan, worked a stable but boring job as a pharmacist and her mother, Jane Smith, was an accountant who homeschooled her. Up until she turned twelve her major stresses in life were her over protective parents. She had checkups at the doctor at least once a month and didn’t approve of many activities involving other kids. Since Hillary tended to be withdrawn and shy the latter didn’t bother her that much.

Things were fine.

And then they weren’t.

On the way back from one of her check-ups, the Smith Family SUV was ambushed on the drive back. Armed men grabbed her, while the person in charge (confident though unarmed) explained to her that her parents never loved her, she was just an experiment and there was a family that would truly appreciate her gifts. Hillary didn’t believe them until her parents came swooping in on flying platforms armed with some kind of sci-fi lasers.

At first they tried to save her, but as the battle turned against the Smiths even over the din of battle the terrified Hillary heard her mother say, “Terminate the subject. We can’t afford her to fall into someone else’s hands.”

Shocked, afraid, hurt and angry Hillary’s powers manifested just as her father raised his weapon to take the shot. She doesn’t remember exactly what happened next, she just ran through thick smoke with singed clothing.

Hillary spent the next couple of days running and hiding where she could, unfortunately leaving a small trail of fires as she was then unable to control her powers. Eventually she was picked up by the Schandaleres who had been looking into the battle and the fires. In their investigation they learned about the cloning project, they didn’t hide the truth from Hillary. They also offered her a home, she was in fact one of them.

Since living being taken in by the Schandaleres Hillary has worked hard to prove herself worthy of their kindness and has a slight inferiority complex. She’s above average athletically, academically and is what one might call Hollywood Ugly, among regular 17 year olds she’s be exceptional, but among her adopted family she just feels…lesser.

Hillary tries to stay out of the celebrity spotlight to…mixed…success. The whole thing is completely overwhelming to her. The recent push to revisit the life of the original Hillary Schandelere has not helped matters. Perhaps appropriately, rather than claiming the moniker Firebrand, Hillary goes by the more subdued Ember. When not fighting crime, Hillary volunteers to use her power to heal burn victims, plays a number of instruments and tries to fills out applications to various universities.



Dodge 8/Innate

Parry 8/Innate

Fortitude 12/Innate

Toughness 12/2 Innate and 10 Defensive Roll

Will 8/Innate


Heat Blast Attack Bonus 10 Effect Bonus 10 Effect DC 25 Alternate Resistance: Fortitude

Melt Attack Bonus 10 Effect Bonus 10 Effect DC 20 Resisted by Fortitude, Affect Object Only

Fireball: Attack Bonus 10 Effect Bonus 10 Effect DC 25 Burst Area

Campaign Continuity

Hero Points: 1 Power Points: 150 Bank: Spent:

Mechanics Information

PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 5, Presence 3

Defensive Roll 10, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 6

Acrobatics 8 (+12), Athletics 9 (+9), Expertise: Music 6 (+9), Perception 5 (+10), Persuasion 10 (+13), Stealth 2 (+6)

Flight: Flight 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)
Heat Blast: Damage 10 (fire, DC 25; Alternate Resistance: Fortitude, Increased Range: ranged)

Burn Salve: Healing 10 (Alternate; Affects Objects, Persistent; Limited: Fire and Heat Damage Only)
Fireball: Burst Area Damage 10 (Alternate; DC 25; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 20, Increased Range: ranged)
Melt: Weaken 10 (Alternate; Affects: Toughness, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Affects Objects Only, Increased Range: ranged)

Infravision: Senses 1 (Infravision)


Power Points
Abilities 42 + Powers 46 + Advantages 17 + Skills 20 (40 ranks) + Defenses 25 = 150