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* Sir Arddur, 465-, cousin (son of Aunt Twyla), household knight of Sir Moris
* Sir Arddur, 465-, cousin (son of Aunt Twyla), household knight of Sir Moris
* Sir Eadgar, 471-, cousin (son of Uncle Gumret), bachelor knight
* Sir Eadgar, 471-, cousin (son of Uncle Gumret), bachelor knight
* [[Owain | Sir Owain the Poor]], 464-, bachelor knight

Revision as of 09:08, 11 March 2016

Campaign Home


Current Glory: 8079

Glory this Year: 30

Personal Data

Age: 28 (born in 464)

Son Number: 1

Homeland: Salisbury

Culture: Cymric

Religion: Roman Christian

Father: Sir Floridas the Forthright

Father's Class: Vassal Knight

Lord: Uther Pendragon, King of Logres

Current Class: Baron

Current Home: Castle Woodhouse

Coat of Arms: Gules, a sparhawk Argent

Wife: Lady Pertacia

Coat of Arms


12 14 15 15 16
Dmg Heal Move HP Unc
5d6 3 3 33 8

Distinquishing Features

Soft voice, calm expression


  • Chaste 16 / Lustful 4
  • Energetic 12 / Lazy 8
  • Forgiving 16 / Vengeful 4
  • Generous 11 / Selfish 9
  • Honest 12 / Deceitful 8
  • Just 10 / Arbitrary 10
  • Merciful 16 / Cruel 4
  • Modest 16 / Proud 4
  • Pious 18 / Worldly 2
  • Prudent 7 / Reckless 13
  • Temperate 17 / Indulgent 3
  • Trusting 9 / Suspicious 11
  • Valorous 15 / Cowardly 5
  • Chivalry: Yes
  • Religious: Yes (+6HP)
  • Famous Traits in bold

Directed Traits

  • Suspicious of Silchester +3
  • Contempteous of father's side of the family +5


  • Loyalty (King Uther) 15
  • Love (Family) 17
  • Hospitality 15
  • Honor 15
  • Hate (Saxons) 7
  • Hate (Silchester Knights) 11
  • Concern (My Peasants) 7
  • Love (Christ) 20
  • Loyalty (Grey Wolf) 19
  • Amor (Pertacia) 13
  • Loyalty (Vassals) 10

Non-Combat Skills

Awareness 6

Boating 1

Compose 1

Courtesy 15

Dancing 2

Diplomacy 7

Faerie Lore 1

Falconry 16

First Aid Use Compassion

Flirting 3

Folk Lore 8

Gaming 3

Heraldry 14

Hunting 3

Intrigue 3

Orate 4

Play [harp] 3

Read [Latin] 5

Recognize 3

Religion [Roman Christianity] Use Compassion

Romance 2

Singing 10

Stewardship 13

Swimming 2

Tourney 2

Compassion (10) 17

Combat Skills

Battle 11

Horsemanship 16

Sword 21

Lance Use Spear Expertise

Spear Use Spear Expertise

Dagger 5

Spear Expertise 15

Siege 2




5 spears



Fine clothing

Personal gear

Travel gear

War gear

163 d

54 L



2 rouncys


Bellionis, divine foal. Will be grown in AD 493.


Eudav ap Duach (17, Sword, First Aid, Other)

Eiddef ap Idres (15, Sword, First Aid, Other)

Cadwallon ap Idres (15, Sword, First Aid, Other)





Family Characteristic: Good with birds (+10 Falconry)

  • Old Knights: 1
  • Middle-Aged Knights: 2
  • Young Knights: 10
  • Other Men: 12
  • Levy: 56


  • Sir Breunis the Black, 459-, bastard brother, married, household knight of Sir Moris
  • Sir Garnish, 440-, maternal uncle, married, bachelor knight, Seneschal of Woodhouse
    • Sir Archade, 464-, cousin, bachelor knight
  • Sir Drych, 424-, brother-in-law, married to Lady Gytha, vassal knight
  • Sir Moris, 468-, brother, married, vassal knight, Marshal of Woodhouse
  • Sir Idres, 454-, paternal uncle, Master of Hawks at Woodhouse
  • Sir Euclio, 466-, cousin-in-law, Constable of Woodhouse
  • Sir Amantius, 468-, cousin-in-law, bachelor knight
  • Sir Pollienus, 468-, cousin-in-law, bachelor knight
  • Sir Chyrsalus, 469-, cousin-in-law, bachelor knight
  • Sir Rogelius, 470-, cousin-in-law, bachelor knight
  • Sir Arddur, 465-, cousin (son of Aunt Twyla), household knight of Sir Moris
  • Sir Eadgar, 471-, cousin (son of Uncle Gumret), bachelor knight
  • Sir Owain the Poor, 464-, bachelor knight

Other Living relatives

  • Primania, 490-, daughter
  • Albanus, 491-, son
  • Sarimarcus, 492-, son

  • Lady Gytha, 471-, sister, married to Sir Drych
    • Delwyn, 487-, niece
    • Donica, 488-, nice

  • Gumret, 443-, paternal uncle
    • Nia, 471-, female cousin, handmaid of Lady Gwiona
    • Indeg, 475-, female cousin
    • Lilo, 482-, female cousin
    • Ffraid, 491-, female cousin

  • Bellias, 444-, paternal uncle
    • Amlyn, 473-, male cousin

  • Eiddef, 477-, male cousin (son of Sir Idres)
  • Cadwallon, 477-, male cousin (son of Sir Idres)
  • Dwynwen, 478-, female cousin (daughter of Sir Idres)
  • Arianwen, 483-, female cousin (daughter of Sir Idres)
  • Lleueu, 483-, female cousin (daughter of Sir Idres)
  • Marchlew, 490-, male cousin (son of Sir Idres)

  • Merrill, 456-, paternal aunt, married
    • Nai, 482-, male cousin
    • Caradoc, 482-, male cousin
    • Amlyn, 483-, male cousin
    • Angarad, 483-, female cousin
    • Indeg, 484-, female cousin
    • Dafydd, 484-, male cousin
    • Merin, 487-, male cousin
    • Gwyleged, 492-, male cousin

  • Angarad, 458-, female cousin (daughter of Aunt Twyla), married
    • Merin, 487-, male second cousin
    • Gwenabwy, 491-, male second cousin
    • Neddig, 492-, male second cousin
  • Duddug, 470-, female cousin (daughter of Aunt Twyla)

Deceased Relatives

  • Sir Floridas the Forthright, 439-477?, father, married, vassal knight, disappeared after the Battle of Sussex and believed dead
  • Lady Delwyn, 437-472, mother, married, died in an illness
  • Pedivere, 449-473, paternal uncle, died in the Battle of Windsor
  • Adtherp, 459-473, paternal uncle, died in a hunting accident
  • Twyla, 440-481, maternal aunt, married, died in an illness
    • Sir Dalan, 463-491, male cousin, died in the siege of Terrabil
  • Cleantha, 461-484, sister, married, died in childbirth
  • Marcellinus, 487-488, son, died in an illness
  • Athrwys, 467-488, male cousin (son of Uncle Bellias), died in the Battle of Bayeux
  • Defi, 480-488, male cousin (son of Uncle Idres), died in an illness
  • Duddug, 469-491, female cousin (daugher of Uncle Garnish), married, died in childbirth
    • Eleri, 487-488, female second cousin, died in an illness
  • Melangell, 475-491, female cousin (daughter of Uncle Garnish), died in an illness
  • Lady Briant, 475-492, female cousin (daughter of Aunt Twyla), married to Sir Ystrwydd, died in an accident
  • Haralda, 485-492, female cousin (daughter of Aunt Merril), died in an illness