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NAME: Squid Kid
NAME: Squid Kid<br>
PP: 150
PP: 150<br>
Real Name: Sara Fisher
Real Name: Sara Fisher<br>
Occupation: Student
Occupation: Student<br>
Appearance: Light skinned, hair that seems to shift color with light and angle, black eyes, slight of stature and short, thin framed. As a squid, same height of 4'11" with 1/3 of that being the body, the rest tentacles. Walks in pairs of legs so it appears as if she is 4 legged with a pair of arms. Over pronounced diamond shaped fins top the mantle providing enough surface area for gliding.  
Appearance: Light skinned, hair that seems to shift color with light and angle, black eyes, slight of stature and short, thin framed. As a squid, same height of 4'11" with 1/3 of that being the body, the rest tentacles. Walks in pairs of legs so it appears as if she is 4 legged with a pair of arms. Over pronounced diamond shaped fins top the mantle providing enough surface area for gliding. <br>
History: Mrs. Fisher was not a scrupulous woman. When she heard that she could run Sara through a highly experimental treatment and profit from it due to its high mortality rate, she admitted Sara without fully disclosing to her all the details. The organization lied to Mrs. Fisher telling her that Sara did not survive the procedure. The Org, having its first break through, had no protocol for controlling Sara, and try they did. They were not successful however and Sara was able to escape with a sample of the inhibitor.

History: Mrs. Fisher was not a scrupulous woman. When she heard that she could run Sara through a highly experimental treatment and profit from it due to its high mortality rate, she admitted Sara without fully disclosing to her all the details. The organization lied to Mrs. Fisher telling her that Sara did not survive the procedure. The Org, having its first break through, had no protocol for controlling Sara, and try they did. They were not successful however and Sara was able to escape with a sample of the inhibitor.<br>

In the following months, Sara learned and grew in the knowledge of what The Org was and what she had become. She took great exception to her new lease on life and vowed to make it her personal crusade to protect all the life that was sacrificed to give her hers.
In the following months, Sara learned and grew in the knowledge of what The Org was and what she had become. She took great exception to her new lease on life and vowed to make it her personal crusade to protect all the life that was sacrificed to give her hers.
Motivation: An unshakeable responsibility to protect aquatic habitats. When a choice arises that puts team before the Atlantic region (New York Bight for instance), she will defend the oceans. This will carry down to all choices that put her between life vs aquatic life, conflict, disaster, etc.
Motivation: An unshakeable responsibility to protect aquatic habitats. When a choice arises that puts team before the Atlantic region (New York Bight for instance), she will defend the oceans. This will carry down to all choices that put her between life vs aquatic life, conflict, disaster, etc.<br>
Identity: Sara is a late bloomer and very self conscious about her acceptance in the normal world, in other words, the evil institution that is high school. She has a hard enough time adapting to the cruelties of young adults her own age as a human let alone as a squid. She has no fear about what would happen to her if her peers found out. The ridicule though would be devastating.
Honor: In her alternate form will always take a stance of neutrality. She will never use her powers or her transformation to advantage before she is attacked for instance, even if she knows she will be attacked. This even extends to a dual if she is so challenged and accepts.
Transformation: Sara and her squid dna have a warring relationship. She would shed her human form except she can not prevent the over harvesting of the oceans for squid kind solely in her alternate form. She can wage that war best from both fronts. Her squid dna interposes its dominance over her form and thus she is a squid all the time unless she is able take her inhibitor that allows her to return to human form that is stored in a subdermal repository. She has specific equipment that allows the fabrication of the inhibitor, but the repository can run dry. Transformation to a squid is very quick, but back to human form takes a few minutes.

Complications: <br>

Identity: Sara is a late bloomer and very self conscious about her acceptance in the normal world, in other words, the evil institution that is high school. She has a hard enough time adapting to the cruelties of young adults her own age as a human let alone as a squid. She has no fear about what would happen to her if her peers found out. The ridicule though would be devastating.<br>

Honor: In her alternate form will always take a stance of neutrality. She will never use her powers or her transformation to advantage before she is attacked for instance, even if she knows she will be attacked. This even extends to a dual if she is so challenged and accepts.<br>

Transformation: Sara and her squid dna have a warring relationship. She would shed her human form except she can not prevent the over harvesting of the oceans for squid kind solely in her alternate form. She can wage that war best from both fronts. Her squid dna interposes its dominance over her form and thus she is a squid all the time unless she is able take her inhibitor that allows her to return to human form that is stored in a subdermal repository. She has specific equipment that allows the fabrication of the inhibitor, but the repository can run dry. Transformation to a squid is very quick, but back to human form takes a few minutes.<br>

FGT: 0
FGT: 0<br>
AGI: 10
AGI: 10<br>
STR: 2  
STR: 2 <br>
STA: 8
STA: 8<br>
DEX: 0
DEX: 0<br>
INT: 0
INT: 0<br>
AWA: 0
AWA: 0<br>
PRE: 0
PRE: 0<br>

Dodge: 10/12 (underwater)
Dodge: 10/12 (underwater)<br>
Parry: 12/14 (underwater)
Parry: 12/14 (underwater)<br>
Toughness: 8  
Toughness: 8 <br>
Fortitude: 8
Fortitude: 8<br>
Will: 5
Will: 5<br>

Powers: <br>
Name: Amphibian
Name: Amphibian
Effect: Immunity
Effect: Immunity

Revision as of 23:42, 4 August 2016

NAME: Squid Kid
PP: 150
Real Name: Sara Fisher
Occupation: Student
Appearance: Light skinned, hair that seems to shift color with light and angle, black eyes, slight of stature and short, thin framed. As a squid, same height of 4'11" with 1/3 of that being the body, the rest tentacles. Walks in pairs of legs so it appears as if she is 4 legged with a pair of arms. Over pronounced diamond shaped fins top the mantle providing enough surface area for gliding.

History: Mrs. Fisher was not a scrupulous woman. When she heard that she could run Sara through a highly experimental treatment and profit from it due to its high mortality rate, she admitted Sara without fully disclosing to her all the details. The organization lied to Mrs. Fisher telling her that Sara did not survive the procedure. The Org, having its first break through, had no protocol for controlling Sara, and try they did. They were not successful however and Sara was able to escape with a sample of the inhibitor.

In the following months, Sara learned and grew in the knowledge of what The Org was and what she had become. She took great exception to her new lease on life and vowed to make it her personal crusade to protect all the life that was sacrificed to give her hers. Motivation: An unshakeable responsibility to protect aquatic habitats. When a choice arises that puts team before the Atlantic region (New York Bight for instance), she will defend the oceans. This will carry down to all choices that put her between life vs aquatic life, conflict, disaster, etc.


Identity: Sara is a late bloomer and very self conscious about her acceptance in the normal world, in other words, the evil institution that is high school. She has a hard enough time adapting to the cruelties of young adults her own age as a human let alone as a squid. She has no fear about what would happen to her if her peers found out. The ridicule though would be devastating.

Honor: In her alternate form will always take a stance of neutrality. She will never use her powers or her transformation to advantage before she is attacked for instance, even if she knows she will be attacked. This even extends to a dual if she is so challenged and accepts.

Transformation: Sara and her squid dna have a warring relationship. She would shed her human form except she can not prevent the over harvesting of the oceans for squid kind solely in her alternate form. She can wage that war best from both fronts. Her squid dna interposes its dominance over her form and thus she is a squid all the time unless she is able take her inhibitor that allows her to return to human form that is stored in a subdermal repository. She has specific equipment that allows the fabrication of the inhibitor, but the repository can run dry. Transformation to a squid is very quick, but back to human form takes a few minutes.

FGT: 0
AGI: 10
STR: 2
STA: 8
DEX: 0
INT: 0
AWA: 0
PRE: 0

Dodge: 10/12 (underwater)
Parry: 12/14 (underwater)
Toughness: 8
Fortitude: 8
Will: 5

Name: Amphibian Effect: Immunity Rank: 3 Notes: vs. underwater suffocation, high pressure, cold Modifiers: None Flaws: None Cost: 3pp

Name: Aquatic Effect: Swimming Rank: 7 Notes: 900'/round Modifiers: None Flaws: None Cost: 7pp

Name: Nocturnal Effect: Senses Rank: 1 Notes: Darkvision Modifiers: None Flaws: None Cost: 1pp

Name: Telempathy Effect: Comprehend Rank: 2 Notes: mental; 120'-radius, comprehend & speak with animals Modifiers: Burst-Area 3, Subtle (DC20 Perception), Rapid Flaws: Limited to sea creatures, Limited to underwater Cost: 8pp

Name: Polydextrous Effect: Enhanced Trait Rank: 32 Notes: +10 Agility, +12 Close Combat (Unarmed), +10 Parry Modifiers: Sustained Flaws: None Cost: 36pp

Name: Squid Form Effect: Variable Rank: 6 Notes: Squid abilities listed below Modifiers: 30pp Limited to squid-like abilities Flaws: None Cost: 42pp

Name: Tentacles Effect: Extra Limbs Rank: 8 Notes: +5 Grabbing Modifiers: None Flaws: None Cost: 8pp

Name: Ink Cloud Effect: Concealment Rank: 2 Notes: vs. normal vision Modifiers: Affects Others, Cloud-Area Flaws: Limited to underwater Cost: 6pp

Name: Chameleon Effect: Concealment Rank: 4 Notes: vs. all visual senses Modifiers: Alternate effect (Ink Cloud) Flaws: Passive, Blending Cost: 1pp

Name: Hyper-Jump Effect: Leaping Rank: 7 Notes: 900'/round Modifiers: Alternate effect (Swimming) Flaws: None Cost: 1pp

Name: Tentacle-Stun Effect: Affliction Rank: 12 Notes: vs. Fortitude; Physically-Impaired/Physically-Disabled/Paralyzed Modifiers: Concentration Flaws: Grab-based Cost: 12pp

Advantages: All-Out Attack, Animal Empathy, Benefit: Ambidexterity, Daze (Intimidation), Fast Grab, Favored Environment (underwater), Improved Disarm, Improved Hold, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon, Power Attack, Prone-Fighting, Skill Mastery: Acrobatics

Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+12), Close Combat 12 (+12/+14 underwater), Expertise: Oceanography 6 (+6), Intimidation 8 (+8), Perception 5 (+5), Ranged Combat: Throwing 5 (+5)

Offense: Initiative: +10 Close: +12/+14, DC17; +12/+14, DC17 Grab; +12 to +19, DC18-22 Grab Tentacles; +12/+14, DC22 Tentacle Stun Ranged: +5 Condition: Normal

Abilities: 20 + Defenses 7 + Powers 97 + Advantages 13 + Skills 13 (26 ranks) = 150pp

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