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== Lt. Cmdr James Williams==
== Lt. Cmdr James Williams==
'''Refresh:''' 2
'''Refresh:''' 1
'''Current Fate Points:''' 1
'''Current Fate Points:''' 0

Latest revision as of 19:31, 3 October 2016

Lt. Cmdr James Williams[edit]

Refresh: 1 Current Fate Points: 0



High Concept: Human Starfleet Chief Medical Officer

Trouble: “Only Need My Own Company” INVOKE for long-term research projects where silence & solitude help concentration COMPEL when social situations are involved

PHASE ONE: YOUR ADVENTURE Williams led wounded Starfleet & civilian personnel to safety during a Jem'Hadar attack on an outpost on Sumesh in the Ahren system (A small rocky planet in the Lagrange point of a gas giant. No atmosphere, but life exists in large gas-filled caverns.) He & others deployed ingenious methods to help delay enemy forces long enough for most, but not all, personnel to get to transporters & shuttlecraft. Phase One Aspect: Decorated but emotionally-scarred Dominion War veteran

PHASE TWO: "Man of Letters" - Williams has a breadth & depth of knowledge in a great many subjects other than medicine. But book smarts and practical experience are often vastly different. INVOKE when an esoteric bit of knowledge would be helpful in a situation. COMPEL in a situation where hands-on experience is critical (i.e. you can't learn to swim from reading a book)

PHASE THREE: To Be Determined


Great (+4) Lore

Good (+3) Empathy, Investigate

Fair (+2) Notice, Will, Stealth

Average (+1) Contacts, Crafts, Athletics, Drive


Physical O O

Mental O O O


Mild [2]: _________________________

Moderate [4]: _____________________

Severe [6]: _______________________


-Medic (Lore): - The character is talented at delivering medical care in the field. With this Stunt, every shift past the first one improves the level of stress that may be removed (so three shifts will remove a checkmark up to the three-stress mark, rather than the two-stress mark). If the character rolls well enough to remove a stress mark that is higher than the subject’s physical stress capacity, he may even remove a minor, physical consequence.

-Bedside Manner (Lore): - Roll Lore in place of Rapport or Provoke when dealing with patients.

-The Power Of Deduction (Investigate): - Once per scene, spend a Fate point (and a few minutes of observation) to make a special Investigate roll representing your potent deductive faculties. For each shift you make on this roll, you discover or create an aspect on either the scene or the target of your observations, though you may only invoke one of them for free.

-Face In The Crowd (Stealth): - +2 to any Stealth roll to blend into a crowd.

-Sprinter (Athletics): - Move 2 zones for free (instead of 1) in a conflict without rolling, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement.

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