Persy the Vampire Slayer Characters: Difference between revisions

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Line 103: Line 103:

== Kelly Green ==
== Kelly Green ==
:Name: '''Kelly Green''' Exp '''5''' pts
:Name: '''Kelly Green''' Exp '''4''' pts
:Type: '''White Hat'''
:Type: '''White Hat'''
:Age: '''15'''
:Age: '''15'''
Line 121: Line 121:
:Crime '''5''' ( +1 Criminal)
:Crime '''5''' ( +1 Criminal)
:Driving '''1'''
:Driving '''1'''
:Getting Medieval '''2'''(from xp spend +1 from slayer)
:Getting Medieval '''6'''(from xp spend +1 from slayer)
:Influence '''1''' (from xp spend)
:Influence '''1''' (from xp spend)
:Knowledge: '''3'''
:Knowledge: '''3'''

Revision as of 12:57, 4 December 2016

Persephone Jones

Name: Persephone (Persy) Jones (Deceased)

Character type: Hero


Strength 6 (+3 from Slayer)
Dexterity 7 (+3 from Slayer)
Constitution 6 (+3 from Slayer)
Intelligence 6 (+1 from Artist, +1 from Nerd)
Perception 5 (+1 from Artist, +1 from Nerd)
Willpower 5 (+2 from Slayer)

Drama points: 5 Life points: 73


Artist (2)
Attractive (1)
Fast Reaction Time (from Slayer)
Hard to Kill 5 (from Slayer)
Nerd (3) (-1 in social situations)
Nerves of Steel (from Slayer)
Slayer (16)


Honourable (Serious) (-2)
Love (-2)
Misfit (-2) (-2 to influence rolls)
Secret (Slayer) (-2)
Teenager (-2)


Acrobatics 3
Art 4 (1 from Artist) (sewing and costume design, cooking, and music)
Computers 2
Doctor 1
Getting Medieval 5 (+1 from Slayer)
Influence 2
Knowledge 4 (2 from Nerd)
Kung Fu 5 (+1 from Slayer)
Language 3 (Latin, Middle English, Medieval French)
Notice 3
Wildcard (Riding) 2

Background Persephone was the daughter of a university professor, one specialising in medieval history and culture, the other in Greek mythology and literature. It was natural, therefore, that she would grow up to be interested in history and also in fantasy (her father abandoned the family shortly after his daughter was born). Her mother encouraged her in this and ran the very first game of D&D she ever participated in. All this, plus her high intelligence meant that her few friends were considered outcasts by the local school's students. She didn't let this bother her, however, joining social groups that shared her interests. This included the SCA, which she joined shortly after she became a teenager: she spent a great deal of time learning to fight, encouraged by her mother who wanted her to participate in at least one type of sport, for her health as well as to make sure that she didn't become too introverted. That led her to become interested in sewing, so she could make her own medieval-style clothing to wear to SCA events, cooking (so she could bring medieval-style foods to those events), and also singing and playing musical instruments (medieval ones of course: she particularly likes the lute).

Recently, her mother received a promotion that led to her spending even less time at home, so Persephone has become pretty self sufficient, making her own meals and sewing her own clothes. She hasn't made any firm career plans, although she is taken with the idea of becoming an archaeologist specialising in medieval and dark ages sites.

Kristine MacKenzie

File:PtVS Kristi.jpg

Name: Kristine MacKenzie

Character type: White Hat

Age: 15


Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4
Perception: 5
Willpower: 4


Contacts 2 (Staff at the local tv and radio station)
Fast Reaction Time
Hard to Kill 3


Emotional Problems - Insecurity
Bad Luck 1


Acrobatics 2
Art() 4
Computers 4
Crime 2
Driving 1
Knowledge 3
Notice 3
Science 2
Mr. Fix-it 3

Kristi is the youngest of three sisters and to her mother's endless despair the least 'ladylike'. Her mother made career in local tv, first as a newsreader and after her first child was on the way she switched onto the production track. She never fulfilled her dreams of getting out of the small-scale local work and getting into national tv. Her father meanwhile worked as an in-house broadcast engineer at that same station. When the dot-com bubble burst the stations owners were in deep financial straits, which resulted in a radical downsizing and outsourcing of technical stuff. Due to some good timing and smart fiddling Kristi's dad continued his old work, only now as a contracted freelancer. Following this move into independence he took on contracts with several other (mostly radio) stations in the local area. Which resulted in him now running a small company with about 5-10 employees. Due to this Kristi grew up between cameras and cables and became the high school's resident A/V nerd.

In Episode 5 Kristi revealed that she has killed her grandfather. Details as to the when how or why are not known.

Kelly Green

Name: Kelly Green Exp 4 pts
Type: White Hat
Age: 15
Life Points: 75
Drama Points: 4

Attributes: 28 (+1 from Criminal +11 from slayer)

Strength: 6 (+1 from xp spend +3 from slayer)
Dexterity: 7 (+1 Criminal +3 from slayer)
Constitution: 5 (+3 from slayer)
Intelligence: 2
Perception: 4
Willpower: 4 (+2 from slayer)

Skills: 27 (+2 from Criminal +6 from Drawbacks +2 from slayer)

Acrobatics: 4 (+1 Criminal)
Crime 5 ( +1 Criminal)
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 6(from xp spend +1 from slayer)
Influence 1 (from xp spend)
Knowledge: 3
Kung Fu: 5 (+1 from slayer)
Notice: 3
Sports: 3

Qualities: 27 (1 from drawbacks +16 from slayer +7 freebies from slayer)

Attractive 3pts
Criminal 2pts
Fast Reaction Time 2pts
Natural Toughness 2pts
Resistance Pain 2pts
Hard to Kill 7pts (+2 since I already had FRT +5 from slayer)
Slayer 16pts (xp overspend)

Drawbacks: 20 pts (8 pts from slayer +1 from criminal)

Teenager 2pts
Poor impulse control 1pt (from criminal)
Dependent 2pts
Emotional Problem 1pt guilt from Persy's death
Emotional Problem 1 pt (Fear of commitment = too many fair-weather friends)
Emotional Problem 1pt (Chip on shoulder = people with money have it too easy, she knows how much grease money buys.)
Honorable 1pt (minimal and includes not stealing from friends or those worse off than her.)
Mental Problems Reckless 1Pt
Secret (she’s the slayer) 3pt (replacing 1pt adversary scoobie.)
  • Adversary 5pt (from slayer)
  • Obligation (Slayer) 3pts

Initiative: 4 + d10
Perception: 7 +d10

Kelly’s early life had her slated for good things. Her dad was a corporate bigwig and her mother a former beauty queen and then trophy wife. Kelly was their only child. Her mother took her to child beauty pageants until it was noticed that she had a real talent for acrobatics. She trained hard from the time she was three until she was 13. When she was eight a friend suggested her mother get her into Kung Fu there was this instructor who was really good at pain management techniques, and Olympic level acrobats need good pain management techniques. Kelly went along with it all, it gave her a place amongst the elite in school. Yes she had to train hard but her mother didn’t object to a decent level of socialization, her father seemed happy introducing her as his budding gold medal winner.

Things started getting tight when the global recession hit, Kelly didn’t really notice at first. She still had her trainers and acrobatic costumes weren’t that expensive. She sort of noticed that her mother’s car hadn’t been upgraded but that was about it. What she did notice was that her parents had started fighting; there were times, when she’d get home from training to find her parents yelling or just strained silence. It worried her a little but she figured they were adults they’d work it out.

When she was 13 her Dad lost his job. There was no money for her training, her school had been paid up till the end of the year, but that made it worse. She went from being part of the in crowd to a social pariah. It was like everyone was afraid her new found poverty was catching. The house was sold and they moved to an apartment her Dad got another job but it was nowhere near the money they’d been used to. They kept her in school though, her education was important and there was a scholarship for her acrobatics. She was still a medal hope, she had new coach not as good as the old one though. That’s when she started stealing things. She told herself that she deserved the things she stole. At first it was little things a bottle of the latest perfume or makeup. Some money here and there, she was careful though to limit what she took. There was a thrill associated with stealing and not getting caught. It started stealing bigger and bigger things. High End Shops were her favourite because she could sell the stuff at school. She started hanging with the wrong crowd and even with other criminals, there was only so much she could move at school.

Her Dad’s new job seem to involve a lot of traveling and some times she didn’t see him for days, he seemed to be getting more and more distant. Her mother too seemed to be out a lot. Then the shit hit the fan, turns out her father was straying and her mother was out trying to kill the pain with parties and men. Result divorce and since the prenup was ironclad there was only a small amount of money and most of that went into a trust fund for Kelly for college. Things went from bad to worse, though the school couldn’t prove Kelly was a thief, they had their suspicions. Kelly was asked to leave and that killed her scholarship. Her mother now had to support both of them on the little she had left over from the divorce. They moved to Mina’s Cross, this is a chance for them to get back on track. Kelly’s permanent record is still clean and at the moment she’s determined to keep it that way. Of course there is the problem of finding something to replace the thrill of stealing.

Kyle Louvetier

Latima Lawrence

Latima Lawrence. (Eighteen years old)

White Hat

Attributes (15 Points +2 for Jock)

Str 4 Dex 2 Con 3 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2

Qualities (10 Points)

Jock +3 Attractiveness +2 Contacts + 2 (Mechanic) Hard To Kill +2

Drawbacks (-10 Points)

Impaired Senses (Vision, But has glasses) -1 Addiction (Cigarettes) -1 Adversary (Mother is a grade A PITA) -2 Emotional Problems (Clingy) -1 Honorable -1 Minority (African American) -1 Phobia (Being left alone) -3

Skills (15 pts, +2 from Athlete, +10 from Drawbacks)

Sports 2 Mr Fix it 6 Notice 2 Knowledge 3 Getting Medieval 3 Driving 4 Crime 2 Influence 3 Occultism 1 Wild Card (Wrestling) 2

Latimas Dad was a gifted handyman; anything he could touch he could fix.......unfortunately he was overly handy with other tools as well. Latima takes after her dad and loves to tinker with electronic and mechanical devices; no one in her building ever has to throw anything out. Unfortunately Latima reminds her Mother too much of her Father......not having him around to hate, Latima is the next best target. She applied to be a cheerleader, but hated the people. Applied for track, hated the early mornings. Discovered power-lifting, hasn't looked back.

Latima is kinda mid-range at school; not too popular to hang with the geeks, not too geeky to be socially shunned. She drives herself to school in her mums car, which hasn't need to go to the garage for ten years now. She's glimpsed a few weird things out her window at night but until now hasn't gotten too caught up in them.


XP are being banked until she has enough to bump her strength up.