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(The Raven King - Pain 12 (15 when using Voice))
(The Raven King - Pain 12 (15 when using Voice))
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The Raven King only rarely approaches or allows the approach of the Awakened, and he never speaks with them directly. It is said his very voice is death to mortal ears [Pain 15]. Instead he watches from afar, typically interacting only through his lieutenants and minions and rarely bringing his full Pain rating to bear when there is a confrontation. If pressed, the Raven King can open portals anywhere within the Mad City that may lead to any other location(s) he chooses within the Mad City . . . or the City Slumbering.
The Raven King only rarely approaches or allows the approach of the Awakened, and he never speaks with them directly. It is said his very voice is death to mortal ears [Pain 15]. Instead he watches from afar, typically interacting only through his lieutenants and minions and rarely bringing his full Pain rating to bear when there is a confrontation. If pressed, the Raven King can open portals anywhere within the Mad City that may lead to any other location(s) he chooses within the Mad City . . . or the City Slumbering.

Revision as of 14:00, 11 January 2017

In the time of the Raven King, the Mad City is divided into Quarters, and each Quarter is Ruled by a major Nightmare and its various lieutenants and minions. The following section describes each Quarter and details those who might be encountered there, their suggested Pain ratings, and any special talents or attributes they might have.

The Raven King - Pain 12 (15 when using Voice)

The Raven King confines himself to no Quarter. The whole of the Mad City is his domain, and he rules it with a ruthless passivity that is unfathomable. At a distance, the Raven King is seen as the silhouette of a tall, gaunt man swathed in robes of blackness and starlight, and from the vast cowl of his vestments the silhouette of a great black beak can be seen jutting forth. Until he approaches or allows himself to be approached. At that point the great black beak will pull away, revealing itself to be the dripping blade of a great scythe in scarred bone hands, his revealed face a bare human skull, bleached white within the black robes, with venomous green flames flickering in the empty eye sockets.

Only from his throne in the Iron Keep does he wear his full Raven visage where all can see. The gaunt fingers that clutch the arms of that throne are covered in black feathers and end in vicious black talons.

The Raven King only rarely approaches or allows the approach of the Awakened, and he never speaks with them directly. It is said his very voice is death to mortal ears [Pain 15]. Instead he watches from afar, typically interacting only through his lieutenants and minions and rarely bringing his full Pain rating to bear when there is a confrontation. If pressed, the Raven King can open portals anywhere within the Mad City that may lead to any other location(s) he chooses within the Mad City . . . or the City Slumbering.

The Raven King's Court

The following Nightmares answer to the Raven King directly and faithfully and while they function as his lieutenants they should be treated as major Nightmares in their own right. If the Raven King is holding Court within the Iron Keep, they will typically all be present, but otherwise might be found anywhere within the Mad City unless their description indicates otherwise. Some of the Court have a different Pain rating within the Quarters and within the Black Keep itself.

The Blood Queen

One Eyed Jack

The Fool - Pain 5 (7 within the Iron Keep)

The Fool is a thin androgynous figure in black and white motley and an oval mask, half black, half white with only a bare rectangular slit for each eye and the mouth. Like many of the Raven King's court the Fool does not speak, but can communicate quite fluidly through pantomime. In certain light, with certain movements, the observer would swear the Fool to be a lean young man under that mask, while in other light with certain other movements, the observer would be equally certain the mask hides a slim young girl.

The Fool is the Raven King's primary means of communicating directly with the Awake when he wishes, though the Fool will often set forth on its own agenda.

While at the Black Keep the Fool is often seen juggling fire, dancing, tumbling, performing pratfalls, and otherwise amusing the court, but by all accounts the Fool is the Raven King's chief adviser.

Inklings - Pain 1 (3 within the Iron Keep)

Made of shadow, inklings resemble children in form but with huge hands and feet and great grinning maws full of shadowy teeth. Inklings are three dimensional in form, but being made of the stuff of shadow they are somewhat translucent, except for the inside of their mouths beyond their shadowy teeth. That is black as never.

Silent as death, Inklings are never seen in the Iron Keep except when called for an execution, but they are everywhere, watching from the shadows and - via the Fool - acting as the Raven King's eyes throughout the Quarters.

It is without the Iron Keep that Inklings are most to be feared. Though weaker in the Quarters than they are within the Keep, they are utterly invisible in the shadows and when they attack they attack in swarms. They do have to leave the shadows to attack, however. Their hands have no grip and their teeth have no bite if their bodies are in shadow.

Only during the Thirteenth hour are Inklings truly vulnerable, taking on the form of mute children wandering derelict. During the Thirteenth Hour an Inkling's Pain rating drops to zero effectively turning them into mere denizens of the Mad City. For better or for worse, Inklings caught in this state within the confines of the Bizarre Bazaar do not revert back to their Nightmare form at the end of the Thirteenth Hour.

Special: If defeated, an Inkling's shadowy substance may be consumed by any of the Awake who then takes on the shadowy properties of the Inkling, unseen and unfelt until the chime of Thirteenth Hour. The Awake have no access to their Discipline dice while the Inkling effect remains in place.

The Huntsman - Pain 5 (2 within the Iron Keep)

The Huntsman is the one member of the Raven King's Court who is considerably more powerful outside the keep than he is within. Inside the Black Keep, the Huntsman is little more than a glorified kennel master. But out in the Quarters he Hunts with the Raven King's own authority.

Clad in tough fighting leathers and loose cowl, the scent of old blood clings to the Huntsman. His face jutting from the cowl is the bare white skull of a great wolf with an eerie blue flame dancing in the empty sockets - a flame that drifts closer to red as the Huntsman closes with his prey.

Despite his appearance, the Huntsman can and does speak, though usually only to his Hounds.

The Huntsman only hunts on the order of the Raven King, sending his Death Hounds out ahead of him, but keeping two at his flanks at all times outside the Keep.

Special: Out in the Quarters, the Huntsman has a terrible reputation. Minion level Nightmares, excepting his own Death Hounds, will avoid the Huntsman, fleeing from his presence for dear life. Lieutenant level Nightmares not of the Raven King's court will viciously and immediately attack him on sight. When being attacked by other Nightmares, the Huntsman's Pain increases by 2 + 1 for each additional Nightmare beyond the first to a maximum Pain rating of 12. If a major Nightmare attacks the Huntsman, he can blow his Horn to summon the Raven King.

The Huntsman's Horn: The Huntsman bears a great hollow ram's horn which he can blow to summon the Raven King. He will only do so under conditions set by the Raven King. It is rumored that his ability to add pain against other Nightmares comes from this Artifact.

Death Hounds - Pain 2 (4 when Tracking)

Large and lanky dogs, pale and furless with bare skulls for heads, the Death Hounds are usually found hunting at the Huntsman's behest, running ahead of him to bring his prey to ground (tracking Pain 4) or at his flanks as guardians (Pain 2). Like the Huntsman, their eye sockets glow a cold blue until they near their intended prey, then they begin to glow violet, and ultimately crimson as they close with their prey. Like the Huntsman, the scent of old blood clings to them.

When in sight of their prey the Death Hounds will howl, summoning the Huntsman.

Death Hounds don't always hunt with or for the Huntsman, however. Packs of feral Death Hounds can be found roaming the Quarters, their eye sockets empty of light, though the smell of old blood still clings to them.

Special: Feral Death Hounds (those not of the Huntsman's pack), when defeated can be sent to interfere with the Huntsman's Hounds actively out on the hunt until the following chime of the Hour.

The Headsman - Pain 6 (8 when performing a sanctioned Execution)

The Headsman is the Raven King's Executioner. When specifically fulfilling his office add 2 to his Pain rating.

Clad in black with a great halberd, the Headsman towers over the tallest men. but where his head should be is only a wispy swirl of white fire with empty pockets of blackness where his eyes should be. Like many of the Raven King's Court, the Executioner does not speak.

In the performance of his duties, the Headsman commands the Inklings of the Fool to be his hands in the dark, holding fast the sentenced and adding to the pain he is able to wield in that moment.

The Headsman is almost exclusively encountered at the Raven King's shoulder awaiting an order of execution.

Quarter: Paradox Square

Surrounded by the Labyrinth on two sides and the Hammerwall on the third, Paradox Square lies at the very heart of the Mad City. Occupied by the massive tower of the Iron Keep, the demesne of the Raven King himself, Paradox Square is at once the focus of the Mad City and the black center from which all the Quarters strain away. Yet as solidly as it dominates the Square for the Twelve Hours of the Watch, the Keep fades at the first chime of the Thirteenth Hour and the Grove of the Slain God takes its place in the heart of Paradox.

Whatever the hour, however, the Menhir stand sentinel. Set in the center of each of the three sides of Paradox Square, the standing stones provide the only means to enter the open triangle, though no walls bar entrance on any side or corner. The smallest of the Quarters can only be accessed by passing between and beneath one of the three massive stone doorways - each of which marks the grave of one of the elder Nightmares that anchors the Mad City in the minds of men.

The Iron Keep

The Grove of the Slain God

The Menhir

Nightmares: Paradox Square

The Bizarre Bazaar

Quarter: Rattown Wharf

Nightmares: Rattown Wharf

Treacher's Deep

Quarter: The Canals

Nighmares: The Canals

Quarter: The Hammerwall

Nightmares: The Hammerwall

Quarter: Guardians of the Deep

Nightmares: Guardians of the Deep

Quarter: The Labyrinth and The Catacombs

Nightmares: The Labyrinth and The Catacombs

The Thirteenth Hour [pp 49]