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(See above)
(See above.)

Immunity: Aging
Immunity: Aging
(That Elixir of Life thing again.)
(That Elixir of Life thing again.)
Sidekick: Crucible
(When looking for someone to empower, to work alongside you and to always watch your back, who better to choose than one's own wife? Especially seeing as it also lessens the threat of any bastard supervillains showing up and kidnapping her.)

Talented: Chemistry and Alchemy
Talented: Chemistry and Alchemy
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(Joel is no fool, and knows that any hero worth his salt has to have some way of getting from place to place without getting stuck in traffic. As a result he scraped together what magical and symbolic power he could, and managed to ritually prepare a large quantity of a popular caffeinated drink to allow him to fly. Sadly he requires this formula to be constantly pumped into his system in carefully controlled doses if he wishes to remain airborne. In order to make this possible he has a rather bulky injector apparatus, which he keeps strapped to his back if he needs to get into the air.)  
(Joel is no fool, and knows that any hero worth his salt has to have some way of getting from place to place without getting stuck in traffic. As a result he scraped together what magical and symbolic power he could, and managed to ritually prepare a large quantity of a popular caffeinated drink to allow him to fly. Sadly he requires this formula to be constantly pumped into his system in carefully controlled doses if he wishes to remain airborne. In order to make this possible he has a rather bulky injector apparatus, which he keeps strapped to his back if he needs to get into the air.)  


''Quirk:'' Joel's main obsession in life is the collection of mystical knowledge. He knows, just knows, that if he could truly grasp the full complexity of the laws of magic, the grand force that underlays the entirety of reality, then... Well, he's not sure what would happen. But it can't be anything but good. After all, there's no such thing as 'things man was not meant to know'.
''Quirk:'' Joel's main obsession in life is the collection of mystical knowledge. He knows, just knows, that if he could truly grasp the full complexity of the laws of magic, the grand force that underlays the entirety of reality, then... Well, he's not sure what would happen. But it can't be anything but good. After all, there's no such thing as 'things man was not meant to know'.

Latest revision as of 12:07, 8 September 2006

Name: Joel Anderson

Superhero Name, Adopted More Because Everyone Else Has A Cool Name Than For Any Other Reason: Catalyst

Occupation: Alchemist, looking to break into the Superhero market.

Age: 61, and remarkably well-preserved.


STR: 12 (+1, +7 Super-Strength, Total: +8)

DEX: 14 (+2, +10 Super-Dexterity, Total: +12)

CON: 12 (+1, +7 Super-Constitution, Total: +8)

INT: 18 (+4)

WIS: 14 (+2, +5 Super-Wisdom, Total: +7)

CHA: 16 (+3)


Damage: +8

Fortitude: +8

Reflex: +12

Will: +7


Initiative: +12


Base Defence: 5

Normal Defence: 28

Flat-Footed: 15

Mental Defence: 22

Base Attack: 5

Melee: +6

Ranged: +7

Mental: +6


(Not counting Stats or Synergy bonuses, for simplicity's sake)

*Acrobatics: 5

Balance: 5

Diplomacy: 5

Jump: 5

Knowledge - Magic: 5

Science - Chemistry: 5

Sense Motive: 5

Alchemy: 10


Attractive (A side-effect of consuming the Elixir of Life - Joel's youthful good looks have yet to desert him.)

Dodge (Working with a volatile mixture of magic and chemicals, getting out of the way is a trick you either learn very fast or not at all.)

Evasion (See above.)

Immunity: Aging (That Elixir of Life thing again.)

Sidekick: Crucible (When looking for someone to empower, to work alongside you and to always watch your back, who better to choose than one's own wife? Especially seeing as it also lessens the threat of any bastard supervillains showing up and kidnapping her.)

Talented: Chemistry and Alchemy (Joel has a knack for taking mundane substances and poking them with the occult until they do something interesting.)

True Sight (Joel has taken precognitive hallucinogens for so long that the doors of his perception have been not so much opened as torn bodily from their hinges. His problem is seeing things that are there, let alone things that aren't.)

Wealth (Joel has sold several of his minor formulas for increasing physical potency, and invested the money well, if not spectacularly so. Not to put too fine a point on it, Joel now has enough put away to buy Central Africa.)


Super-Strength: 7

Super-Dexterity: 10

Super-Constitution: 7

Source: Alchemy

(Joel's best work to date has been done with specially prepared steroids. Prepared under painstakingly precise ritual circumstances, they now massively enhance his physical abilities without any negative side effects. He's also managed to recently work it so that they no longer cause his muscles to swell to positively grotesque proportions.)

Precognition: 10

Flaw: Limited Uses

Flaw: Visions are indirect and hard to decipher

Flaw: Incapacitating during use

Extra: Can be used by others

Source: Alchemy

(Joel's second greatest success after the Elixir of Life is this brand of ritually prepared LSD. Anyone who takes it actually does fling wide the doors of perception and becomes capable of seeing bizarre and confusing visions which may well be something to do with the future. Joel tries to make a point of never invoking this power outside of a specially prepared padded room - with the world the way it is, sometimes the future can give you really bad trips.)

Super-Wisdom: 5

Source: Mutation

(Ever since he was born, Joel has been somehow more attuned to the workings of the world around him. This has given him a great advantage in working with the highly confusing and intuitive web of magical, scientific and symbolic connections that makes up Alchemy.)

Flight: 10

Flaw: Device

(Joel is no fool, and knows that any hero worth his salt has to have some way of getting from place to place without getting stuck in traffic. As a result he scraped together what magical and symbolic power he could, and managed to ritually prepare a large quantity of a popular caffeinated drink to allow him to fly. Sadly he requires this formula to be constantly pumped into his system in carefully controlled doses if he wishes to remain airborne. In order to make this possible he has a rather bulky injector apparatus, which he keeps strapped to his back if he needs to get into the air.)


Quirk: Joel's main obsession in life is the collection of mystical knowledge. He knows, just knows, that if he could truly grasp the full complexity of the laws of magic, the grand force that underlays the entirety of reality, then... Well, he's not sure what would happen. But it can't be anything but good. After all, there's no such thing as 'things man was not meant to know'.