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==Step 1 Perform Solo Scenario (if applicable). ==
==Step 1 Perform Solo Scenario (if applicable). ==

[ This table can be used to randomize a solo.]

==Step 2 Experience Rolls==
==Step 2 Experience Rolls==

Revision as of 19:38, 23 May 2017

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The Winter Phase

There are 9 steps to the Winter Phase

Step 1 Perform Solo Scenario (if applicable).

This table can be used to randomize a solo.

Step 2 Experience Rolls

  • Roll 1d20 for every skill in which you were awarded a check. If you roll above your current rating it increases by 1.
  • A roll of 20 always succeeds on this test no matter the skill rating. This and Glory are the only way that skills can exceed 20.
  • Refer to the Offices and Duties table below to ensure all checks are accounted for.
  • Land holding knights may also attempt a Justice event to reduce the Hate (landlord) at one of their manors.
  • Spouses: Spouses with full character sheets check their special skills and 3 of the player's choice. They roll to increase these normally.

Step 3 Roll for Aging

  • Increase Age by 1.
  • If age is greater than 35 you must make an Aging Roll (Table 5-2 p107, 5.1e).
  • If age is 21 or greater you may not spend points from Training (Step 7 below) on SIZ.
  • Once you reach Age 35 you may no longer spend yours on any attributes at all. Only Glory can increase them at that point.

Step 4 Check Economic Circumstances

This is a combination of the process in the GPC and Book of the Estate. For holdings that require more than one steward each one must make their own roll against the weather. Everyone uses the same rolled base 4d6 but each steward makes their own opposed roll against that rating.

  • Roll Stewardship vs Weather (4d6+Hate(Landlord)). Other modifiers may be given by the GM.
    • Use Harvest Resolution Table GPC p13 and interpret as follows.
      • Normal: Just what it says, no effect.
      • Rich: Increase Discretionary income of all manors by 1L for this year.
      • Superlative: Increase Discretionary income of all manors by 2L for this year.
      • Spectacular: Increase Discretionary income of all manors by 3L for this year.
      • Poor: 2 lots temporarily damaged.
      • Impoverished: 2 lots temporarily damaged and 2 lots permanently damaged.
  • Check Available Value. How many Lots?
  • Recovery of Temporary Damage:
    • Gentlewoman: 1 Lot, automatic
    • Stewardship: 1 Lot on a success
    • Russet Monks: 1 Lot on a success
  • Collect Income for the year. If it is less than 10 Lots (undamaged), see Shortage Results, (Estate p47)
  • If the holding has Permanent Damage, it may be repaired by:
    • Gentlewoman: 1 Lot, automatic
    • Rebuild (if funds were invested last year): 1 Lot on a Stewardship success
    • Recovery: Stewardship roll (see Table 3.8, Estate p47)
  • Invest money for Rebuilding, or for new Improvements, but not both.
    • One investment may be undertaken per 10L of Assized Rent. Keep in mind reconstruction counts against this amount.

Step 5 Make Stable Rolls

Check only for excess or special steeds of due to special circumstances otherwise the herd can replace the knight's normal allotment of mounts.

Step 6 Make Family Rolls

  • Family Event: Use this Kin Events table but on the 1d20 table roll 1d6+1d20. If d6=even then add 20 to the roll.
  • Check Marriage Prospects
  • Childbirth roll if applicable
  • Family survival (Estate p22 Roll 1d20 for every family member)

Survival Table

Step 7 Undergo Training and Experience

Choose one:

  • Increase any Stat, Passion, Trait or Skill by 1 point. You may not increase SIZ. Other Stats cannot be increased above 21. Passions may not be increased above 19. Passions and Skills may not be increased above 20.
  • Increase 1d6+1 skills. No skill may be raised above 15.

Spouse: The spouse may also raise skills this way as the player chooses.

Step 8 Compute Glory

  • +rating of APP, Passions and Traits that are 16+.
  • +100 if Religious
  • +Customary Revenue of all holdings, maximum 100.
  • +Upkeep of self and retinue, maximum 100. All values of less than .5L are ignored so the cost of common footmen and servants gives no glory. The upkeep of the self, household knights and lord's/lady's entourage does count.

Conspicuous Consumption: This is when you just throw money around to no gain save earning glory with it.

  • 1-10L: Gain 10 Glory per 1L spent.
  • 11-100: Gain 5 Glory per 1L spent.

These are cumulative so 20L nets you 150glory. 100 for spending the first 10 at 10/per and 50 for the next 10 at 5/per.

Step 9 Add bonuses from Glory (if applicable)

After computing your glory for each full 1000 you cross that year you get 1 point to raise any Stat, Passion, Trait or Skill. No maximums or other limits apply to this increase. Yes this means you can pump your SIZ to gigantic levels but once you hit 25 no horse can bear you so you'll die in battle soon enough after that.

Offices and Duties

Army Office Key Skill Key Trait Others Glory
Marshal Battle Valorous Honor 50
Captain Battle Valorous Honor 25
Admiral Seamanship Valorous Swimming 25
Seneschal Stewardship Prudent Just, Clerk 50
Steward Stewardship Prudent Clerk 25
Bailiff Stewardship Suspicious Arbitrary 10
Castellan Siege Prudent Just 50
Forrester Hunting Just Stewardship 10
Huntsman Hunting Energetic Cruel 5
Falconer Falconry Lazy Proud 10
Constable Horsemanship Energetic Cruel 25
Stabler Horsemanship Energetic Reckless 10

Court Office Key Skill Key Trait Others Glory
Majordomo Courtesy Prudent Hospitality 25
Kitchener Stewardship Generous Cruel 10
Butler Stewardship Indulgent Lazy 10
Pantler Stewardship Lazy Indulgent 10
Larderer Stewardship Indulgent Just 10
Chamberlain Clerk Chaste Courtesy, Loyalty 25
Clerk Clerk Worldly Courtesy 10
Wardrober Fashion Honest Awareness 10
Physician Chirurgery Merciful Industry 10
Chaplain Diplomacy Honest Religion, Read 25
Confessor Religion Spiritual Read 10
Almoner Intrigue Generous Modest 10
Justicar Courtesy Just Diplomacy, Merciful 50
Reeve Folklore Just Recognize, Merciful 25
Herald Heraldry Modest Awareness 10
Porter Recognize Suspicious Awareness 10