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Nicole Galloway<br>
[[File:Nicole_Galloway.jpg|thumb|right|'''Nicole Galloway''',&ensp;Confiscator / Gladiator
Age: 21<br>
<br />'''Age:''' 20
Confiscator / Gladiator<br>
<br />'''STR:''' 13&ensp;'''DEX:''' 15&ensp;'''CON:''' 12&ensp;'''INT:''' 15&ensp;'''WIS:''' 8&ensp;'''CHA:''' 13]]
Str: 13<br>
Nicole Galloway is a character in [[Kingdom_vs._Reich:Main_Page|Kingdom vs. Reich]].
Con: 12<br>
Dex: 15<br>
Ma and Pop Galloway were both veterans, a nurse and her patient who was a victim of a landmine.  They both fought on in their own way as Nazi Germany rose to disrupt the world powers on the global stage, this time as solider's of The Army of Light.  Nicole was their only child and marked for knighthood.  Are you freaking kidding me?
Int: 15<br>
Wis: 8<br>
All she knew was that she wanted to live a normal life.  She wanted to make friends, go to school and learn to make her own way in the world.  Instead, she was tied to this legacy and role that she had to fill. 
Cha: 13<br>
HP: 10<br>
She knew what she was good at, maybe the war would be over by the time she got to 18, maybe. So she focused on her rig, her code, and her choreography.  She gave all the rest lip service, learning just enough to get by: History, Military Science, Political Arts...  Maybe they would fire her...?  As if...
Her 18th birthday was scary.  Her first indication that it was 'all real' was when she spotted something, more like a couple of somethings following her a few weeks later.  So she fled to where she was supposed to go, just for the protective factor.  Even though she went, willingly (she had told her self that it was her OWN life and she could LIVE it the WAY she WANTED to...), she still resented the whole gig.  So she used her frustration and resentment to fuel her studies, she so happened to be a quick study in the martial arts (HAA!) and of course she still had her knowledge of code and most things technical, so she excelled in breaking in places she wasn't supposed to be.
The next two years were a blur.  She grudgingly admitted that she could not run from her destiny.  Her best course was to take the fight to The Eternal Reich and take her life back.
[[File:Nicole's_Sword.jpg|thumb|left|Hand and a half thrusting sword!]]
==Nicole's Sword==
Nicole has a huge sword!
==Character Sheet==
STR 13
INT 15 +1
DEX 15 +1
CON 12
CHA 13
*HP 13
*AC 13
*BHB +2
*Save 14 - +2 vs. explosions or security systems, +1 on CON saves
+1 when attempting action checks related to stealth, sleight of hand, acrobatics, or security systems or when she needs to hit the streets to find answers.
*Backstab +2 to hit and +2 damage
*Against All Odds: +1 AC bonus for every 2 opponents within melee range, to a maximum of +3 AC.
*Bare Knuckles: Strike with 1d6 instead of 1d3 damage when attacking unarmed and +1 bonus to STR checks to initiate a grapple.
*Honor and Glory: Gladiators value honor highly, and from this commitment to the bonds of martial honor they gain great courage. A gladiator must never flee from a fair fight, may only surrender when no other option is present, and may not kill a helpless mortal opponent without just cause. So long as the gladiator holds to these principles, they gain a +2 when saving against surprise and fear effects of any kind, and their bravery in charging into combat grants them +1 initiative.
*Semi-Automatic Pistol
*Spare Ammo upgrade
*Operative kit
*Hacker kit
*Hand and a Half Thrusting Sword
*Light Armor
*1) Casey
*2) Lucy
*3) ???
*4) Malik
Jet & Jacob work well with Nicole.
[[category:KvR Characters|N]]

Semi Automatic Pistol with spare clip<br>
Operative Kit<br>
Hacker Kit<br>
Hand and a Half Thrusting Sword<br>
[[Apostlyte|Apostlyte's WIKI of characters active and inactive.]]
[[Apostlyte|Apostlyte's WIKI of characters active and inactive.]]

Latest revision as of 02:57, 22 June 2017

Nicole Galloway, Confiscator / Gladiator
Age: 20
STR: 13 DEX: 15 CON: 12 INT: 15 WIS: 8 CHA: 13

Nicole Galloway is a character in Kingdom vs. Reich.


Ma and Pop Galloway were both veterans, a nurse and her patient who was a victim of a landmine. They both fought on in their own way as Nazi Germany rose to disrupt the world powers on the global stage, this time as solider's of The Army of Light. Nicole was their only child and marked for knighthood. Are you freaking kidding me?

All she knew was that she wanted to live a normal life. She wanted to make friends, go to school and learn to make her own way in the world. Instead, she was tied to this legacy and role that she had to fill.

She knew what she was good at, maybe the war would be over by the time she got to 18, maybe. So she focused on her rig, her code, and her choreography. She gave all the rest lip service, learning just enough to get by: History, Military Science, Political Arts... Maybe they would fire her...? As if...

Her 18th birthday was scary. Her first indication that it was 'all real' was when she spotted something, more like a couple of somethings following her a few weeks later. So she fled to where she was supposed to go, just for the protective factor. Even though she went, willingly (she had told her self that it was her OWN life and she could LIVE it the WAY she WANTED to...), she still resented the whole gig. So she used her frustration and resentment to fuel her studies, she so happened to be a quick study in the martial arts (HAA!) and of course she still had her knowledge of code and most things technical, so she excelled in breaking in places she wasn't supposed to be.

The next two years were a blur. She grudgingly admitted that she could not run from her destiny. Her best course was to take the fight to The Eternal Reich and take her life back.

Hand and a half thrusting sword!

Nicole's Sword[edit]

Nicole has a huge sword!

Character Sheet[edit]

Confiscator/Gladiator Streetwise

STR 13 INT 15 +1 WIS 8 DEX 15 +1 CON 12 CHA 13

  • HP 13
  • AC 13
  • BHB +2
  • Save 14 - +2 vs. explosions or security systems, +1 on CON saves

+1 when attempting action checks related to stealth, sleight of hand, acrobatics, or security systems or when she needs to hit the streets to find answers.

  • Backstab +2 to hit and +2 damage
  • Against All Odds: +1 AC bonus for every 2 opponents within melee range, to a maximum of +3 AC.
  • Bare Knuckles: Strike with 1d6 instead of 1d3 damage when attacking unarmed and +1 bonus to STR checks to initiate a grapple.
  • Honor and Glory: Gladiators value honor highly, and from this commitment to the bonds of martial honor they gain great courage. A gladiator must never flee from a fair fight, may only surrender when no other option is present, and may not kill a helpless mortal opponent without just cause. So long as the gladiator holds to these principles, they gain a +2 when saving against surprise and fear effects of any kind, and their bravery in charging into combat grants them +1 initiative.

  • $550
  • Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • Spare Ammo upgrade
  • Operative kit
  • Hacker kit
  • Hand and a Half Thrusting Sword
  • Stiletto
  • Light Armor


  • 1) Casey
  • 2) Lucy
  • 3) ???
  • 4) Malik

Jet & Jacob work well with Nicole.

Apostlyte's WIKI of characters active and inactive.