Ten Hidden Orbs:Mnemon Morwyn: Difference between revisions

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*Type: Unarmored
*Type: Unarmored
*Shield: None
*Shield: None
*Description: Morwyn only wears his ornate dark clothing - he has no need for armor thanks to his stone-like skin.
*Description: Morwyn only wears his ornate clothing - he has no need for armor thanks to his stone-like skin.
== Attacks ==
== Attacks ==
*Base Attack Bonus: +1
*Base Attack Bonus: +1

Revision as of 19:29, 24 August 2017

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Mnemon Morwyn

  • Level: 1
  • Goal: Discover or accomplish something so magnificent that his mother Mnemon will have to make him her favorite child.
  • Aspect: Earth
  • Backstory:


Origin Pureblood Dynast Necromancer of House Mnemon
Past Captain of the Forgotten Scion IV
Relationship Privately tutored by Adorned with Embers, Fire Aspect sorcerer


Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Score 13 14 16 13 16 10
Modifier +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +0
Check 8 7 5 8 5 11

Hit Points

Current Maximum
10 10


  • Obduracy of Stone
  • AC: 2
  • Type: Unarmored
  • Shield: None
  • Description: Morwyn only wears his ornate clothing - he has no need for armor thanks to his stone-like skin.


  • Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Fray Die: 1d8
Description Attribute Attack Bonus Damage
Scythe Hand Constitution +3 1d10+2


Total Free Earned per Month
Essence 2 2 -
Influence 2 2 -
Dominion 0 0 0
Wealth 0

Saving Throws

Base Mod Armor Penalty Final Save
Hardiness 15 -2 None 13
Evasion 15 -1 None 14
Spirit 15 -2 None 13


Word Inherent Bonus
Death May command undead in their presence as an action, ordering up to one Mob of any size. Greater undead get a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruct. As an On Turn action, they also know the details of what, where, and how anything died or is dying within 100 feet of them.
Earth May set either their Strength or Constitution scores to 16, or 18 if it is higher.
Sorcery As an Instant ability, can Commit Effort for the scene to instantly negate any low magic spell being cast in their presence or banish or destroy any low magic construct or summoned entity.

Divine Gifts

Gift Word Effect
A Pale Crown Beckons Death Commit Effort for the scene. You can call up undead, summoning parts instantly from the nearest source if necessary. A single greater undead of hit dice no more than twice your level is called, or one Small Mob of 1 HD lesser undead is created for each three levels you have, rounded up. A corpse made into a greater undead must not have received funeral rites or been dead more than a month. The undead are loyal, but dissolve when you use this gift again. Summoned entities or Mobs can be preserved indefinitely for 1 Dominion point each.
Obduracy of Stone Earth Your natural armor class is 3, and you have an invincible defense against harm by stone, earth, or burial. You need not eat, drink, or breathe. Armor and shields do not improve this base armor class.
Rebellion of the Soil Earth Cause one visible non-magical stone or metal object no larger than a house to disintegrate or collapse. You can collapse larger non-magical structures a piece at a time. The collapse can be destructive, inflicting 1d20 damage on all inside, or controlled so as to leave those within unharmed. Worn armor or items cannot be affected by this power.
Scythe Hand Death Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Sorcery You have been initiated into Terrestrial Circle sorcery, the humblest level of sorcery, albeit still one beyond even the mightiest mortal wizards. You may choose four Terrestrial Circle spells to master as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them.
Wizard's Wrath Sorcery Commit Effort. Your Fray die can harm even worthy foes, those enemies of greater hit dice than you have levels. This power also affects those gifts that allow you to apply your Fray die as part of their effects, increasing the potency of such powers.


Name Effect
Beacon of Celestial Purity The sorcerer shines with a brilliantly clarifying radiance that gently illumines everything within one hundred feet. The light purifies and cleanses everything it touches, rendering objects clean and neutralizing poisons and disease sources, albeit it does not cure afflicted persons or banish magic. Any lies or intentional misdirections spoken within the light become visible as a plume of smoking filth rising from the speaker’s mouth. The lies of others cause painful feedback to the sorcerer, and inflict a 1d6 damage die each time a lie is spoken. This damage cannot be avoided or negated. The light lasts as long as the caster desires it and remains conscious. Those with the Word of Deception can speak lies without being discovered by this spell.
Corrupted Words The sorcerer speaks words that bind the tongue—he evokes a seething, bilious mass of green Essence between his hands and casts it down the throat of a victim at short range, where it dissolves into a ward that censors that character’s mind. As he does, he forbids the victim from speaking of a single subject, which may be incredibly specific or extremely broad. A cursed character feels waves of nausea if he even thinks of trying to communicate anything about the topic. If he tries to do so despite this warning, he becomes overwhelmed with wracking pain and begins vomiting up dozens of fat, white maggots, rendering that action or any other impossible for at least a turn. This applies to all forms of communication—speaking, writing, telepathy, or any desperate signals the victim tries to use to circumvent the restriction of this curse—and persists until the cursed character ceases trying to violate the ban. This spell may be ended by the sorcerer’s death or may be willingly released, as the sorcerer reaches a hand down the victim’s mouth and recites the last word of this spell backwards to extract a slimy egg-sac full of squirming larvae that is the physical embodiment of this curse. Lesser foes are unable to resist this spell, while worthy enemies may make a Spirit saving throw to resist.
Demon of the First Circle This sorcery cannot be cast Quickly or Instantly, and requires an uninterrupted ritual of one hour, usually conducted at sundown or in a specially-prepared area. At the conclusion of that ritual, a first circle demon from Malfeas appears, requiring a Wisdom check in order to bind it to the summoner's will. First circle demons usually have no more than 5 HD, are unnamed, and have little personal identity. You may summon a specific species; there is at least one will be suitable for any occasion. The demon may be given a single assigned task with a defined endpoint, or bound to a year of service.
Seal of Regnal Dominion The sorcerer draws a sign of pale emerald light in the air before the chosen target, subverting their will to the caster’s own. While under the seal’s effects, the victim is absolutely obedient to the sorcerer’s commands, even those suicidal or repugnant to it. They will attempt to carry out instructions to the best of their ability and natural intelligence. Animal targets or those that do not share a language with the sorcerer can only be made to understand single-word commands. A sorcerer may have no more thralls under the effect of the seal at once than they have levels or hit dice. Lesser foes have no chance of escaping this dominion, while worthy foes may make a Spirit saving throw to resist, and another each time they receive a hateful command from the sorcerer. If not resisted, the seal’s effects remain until dispelled or dropped by the caster.

Dragon-Flame Thaumaturgy

Rank Powers
Apprentice Every apprentice of the Dragon-Flame is skilled in desert survival, the finding of water, the liturgies of Heshiah, and the subtleties of all things that burn and explode. They are not taught any magical secrets until they have mastered all these things, however.
Adept Adepts can make torches or candles burn all day without being consumed, become immune to fires smaller than a bonfire, light a nimbus of fire around their limbs (turning them into 1d6 weapons), summon 2 HD Cinnabar Sparks from the bestiary chapter, or cause a one foot cube of matter to become flammable regardless of its composition.
Master Masters of the Dragon-Flame can hurl bolts of flame (1d10), become immune to mundane flames, extinguish a fire no larger than a house fire, create a nimbus of flame for a scene that burns everyone around them within 10 feet for 1d4 damage, control the burning of a fire no larger than a bonfire, summon 4 HD Cinnabar Sparks, or command creatures of flame to briefly obey them for a scene.
Archmage Archmagi can hurl exploding balls of flame that do 2d10 damage to everything within a 20’ radius of their landing point, become immune even to magical flames, summon an 8 HD Cinnabar Conflagration, or extinguish all fires around them in a 50’ radius.

XP Log

Incident XP Gained Dominion Gained

Influence Log

Influence Committed Type of Change Effect Specific Notes

Dominion Log

Dominion Spent Type of Change Fact Generated Specific notes Word(s) Used