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==Anjesa Mataragne "The Silver Fox"==
==Anjeza Mataranga "The Silver Fox"==

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[[File:Anjeza Mataranga the Silver Fox.jpg]]
== Background ==
(More to be added.)
The Code of the Silver Fox:<br>
• Justice: The Silver Fox is a champion of the poor and the oppressed, defending them from the powerful and redistributing the wealth to them.<br>
• Rebellion: The Silver Fox is a foe of all those who would oppress others and seeks to make those in power uncomfortable.<br>
• Generosity: The Silver Fox will not keep what they steal beyond what they need to live and support their activities as the Silver Fox, but give it to others in need. The Silver Fox will always help someone suffering from injustice and will never turn away those in need of aid.<br>
• Courage: Since danger seeks the Silver Fox out, the Silver Fox never shies away from danger.<br>
• Charisma: The Silver Fox serves as a beacon and inspiration to others, showing what a life dedicated to championing justice and rebellion is like.<br>
• Honor: The Silver Fox may lie and deceive others, but when the Silver Fox gives their word, it is their bond. They may never break an oath.<br>
• Mercy: The Silver Fox is never cruel, even to their foes. If an enemy asks for mercy, the Silver Fox must grant it.<br>


Revision as of 01:01, 1 March 2018

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Anjeza Mataranga "The Silver Fox"

Refresh: 2

Current FP: 3



(More to be added.)

The Code of the Silver Fox:
• Justice: The Silver Fox is a champion of the poor and the oppressed, defending them from the powerful and redistributing the wealth to them.
• Rebellion: The Silver Fox is a foe of all those who would oppress others and seeks to make those in power uncomfortable.
• Generosity: The Silver Fox will not keep what they steal beyond what they need to live and support their activities as the Silver Fox, but give it to others in need. The Silver Fox will always help someone suffering from injustice and will never turn away those in need of aid.
• Courage: Since danger seeks the Silver Fox out, the Silver Fox never shies away from danger.
• Charisma: The Silver Fox serves as a beacon and inspiration to others, showing what a life dedicated to championing justice and rebellion is like.
• Honor: The Silver Fox may lie and deceive others, but when the Silver Fox gives their word, it is their bond. They may never break an oath.
• Mercy: The Silver Fox is never cruel, even to their foes. If an enemy asks for mercy, the Silver Fox must grant it.


Concept : Swashbuckling Social Bandit

Silver Fox: The Code of the Silver Fox

Action: Don’t Let Danger Seek You Out—Seek Out the Danger First

Intrigue: Fall From Grace--Unmasked, Disowned, Outlawed and Exiled

Omega: The Notoriety of the Silver Fox Proceeds Her


Good (+3) Silver Fox (Athletics, Burglary, Combat, Physique, Rapport, Stealth, Will) (10 points)

Fair (+2) Action (Athletics, Combat, Notice, Physique, Provoke, Vehicles) (9 points)

Average (+1) Intrigue (Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Notice, Stealth) (9 points)

Trained Skills:

Burglary (1 point)

Combat (1 point)


Superb (+5) Athletics, Burglary, Combat

Great (+4) Physique, Stealth

Good (+3) Notice, Rapport, Will

Fair (+2) Provoke, Vehicles

Average (+1) Contacts, Deceive


Lightning Combat Reflexes: In a physical conflict, you always act first.

Rooftop Runner: +2 to Overcome with Athletics if you are in a chase across rooftops or a similarly precarious environment.

Steel Fang Blade of the Silver Fox: +1 to Attack with Combat in melee; +2 shifts upon a successful attack.

Swashbuckler’s Agility: You move two zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement.

Social Burglar: +2 to Overcome with Burglary when breaking into the homes, fortresses, castles, businesses, and labs of the wealthy and/or powerful.


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