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Revision as of 20:58, 3 October 2018

Character in Taming The Westmark

Current Status

Character sheet

Name: Aiguo Lei (Guo) Title: Apprentice Class: Thief Level: 1 Hit Points: 4 Armor Class: 6
Alignment: ? XP: 0 Sex: Male Age: 22 Height: 5'11" Weight: 150 lbs
STR 11 To Hit: +0 To Dam: +0 Open Doors: +0
DEX 17 AC Mod: -2 Initiative: +1 Missile Adj: +2 XP Bonus:+10%
CON 11 HP Adj: +0
INT 15 Add Langs: 1 Able to read and write
WIS 9 Save vs. Magic: +0
CHR 13 Reaction Adj: -1 Retainers: 5 Retainer Morale: 8
Breath Attacks Poison or Death Petrify or Paralyze Wands Spells or Spell-like Devices
16 14 13 15 14
To Hit AC:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Pick Locks Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Shadows Hear Noise
17 14 23 23 87 13 1-2
Other Abilities: Turn Undead
Languages: Imperial
Background: Tradesman (Locksmith)
Napper: Only needs to sleep four hours per night to gain the benefits of rest.
Duelist: Can use their Dex bonus instead of Str bonus when attacking with one-handed melee weapons.
Discounter: Gains 5% discount when buying items. Can estimate the value of gems, jewelry, and other luxury items.

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Horse: Āṣifah - warhorse
Gear Cost Weight Notes
Ring of Protection +1 - - AC -1
Banded Mail 85 35 AC 4
Shield 10 10 AC -1
Scimitar 15 4 1d8 damage
Sling 2 - 1d4 damage
Sling Stones (10) - 5
Holy Symbol (Wooden) (6) 6 -
Backpack 2 2
Bedroll 1 5
Rations (Trail) (5) 2.5 5
Waterskin 1 4
Lantern 9 3
Oil Flast (2) 0.2 2
Holy Water 25 1
Total: 158.7 76 lbs
PP: 0
GP: 1
EP: 0
SP: 3
CP: 0

Character Background

Hasan is a jovial man in his forties, often dressed in his heavy armour and with a bright keffiyeh around his head.

Hasan's family were small-time merchants that traveled between trading villages in Xian. His family gods ("The Six") seemed to look over them, and whenever things seemed most dire, a small change in their luck would see them through.

When he was a teenager, his family was traveling up the Xian coast as passengers on a fishing vessel when they were attacked by Skandr raiders. Hasan was thrown overboard in the fighting, but he washed up safely on a shoal, still clutching the six symbols of his family's gods. Ever since then, he has taken it upon himself to use the second life they had granted him to better the lives of others on the Sunset Isles.

The Six Gods

As is Eshkanti tradition, they prayed to a collection of family gods. Their family gods were known as "The Six". These gods are all but unknown on the Sunset Isles - their cults all wiped out on the mainland by the Red Tide years ago.

  • The Coin-Counter
  • The Mistress of the Wheel
  • Spirits of Bright Steam
  • The Two Acorns
  • The Great Marmot
  • Asarluhi, the Minder