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A declaration the Han matriarch has ostensibly allowed.
A declaration the Han matriarch has ostensibly allowed.

For a time, Kiko drifted aimless in the aftermath of her epic flounce, hopping from planet to planet and station to station, sometimes working, sometimes borrowing, sometimes stealing; but eventually she discovered that folk who didn't know her naturally underestimated her. And she discovered she has a talent for the con. Now, Kiko spends no small amount of time going by the moniker 'Stick' and hustling pool throughout the black, of all things.
For a time, Kiko drifted aimless in the aftermath of her epic flounce, hopping from planet to planet and station to station, sometimes working, sometimes borrowing, sometimes stealing; but eventually she discovered that folk who didn't know her tended naturally to underestimate her. And in discovering that, she discovered she has a talent for the con. Now, Kiko spends no small amount of time going by the moniker 'Stick' and hustling pool throughout the black.

When she can manage to pass unnoticed, that is.
When she can manage to pass unnoticed, that is.

Revision as of 02:59, 2 November 2018

Han Kiko - "Stick" :: Human Resources

"The economy of the fist is not having to reload."


|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills [d6 - d12]

Focus [d8]

Fight [d10]

  • Stick Fighting [d6]

Influence [d10]

Move [d8]

Notice [d10]

Sneak [d6]

Trick [d12]

Untrained Skills [d4]

Craft, Drive, Fix, Fly, Labor, Operate, Perform, Shoot, Survive, Treat


Crime Boss' Brat: [d8] One or both of your parents is a ranking Triad member. You're in the life on some level whether you wanted it or not.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Duìzhǎng: Whether earned or given, you hold the rank of Captain in the Triads. - Spend 1 PP to create a [d8] Asset to represent a triad specialist under your command.
  • Devil's Daughter: You have a reputation for recklessness. - Spend 1 PP to substitute Trick for another Skill when you take a risky action. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Influence/Trick]

Hustler: [d8] You know your way around a pool hall, and you know your way around a good con.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Eyes in Back: Your eyes are always moving. - When you need to get into or out of a situation quick or quiet, spend 1 PP to roll your Notice die and add it to your total on any Move or Sneak roll.
  • Shell Game: You have mastered the art of misdirection. - Step up or double Trick for an action. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

[Highlighted Skills: Move/Notice/Sneak]

Harmless Looking [d8] Folk tend to underestimate you.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Slip of a Girl: How much trouble could you possibly be? Step back your Physical die to step up your Social die when convincing someone you’re not a threat.
  • Quick Change: Trick to disappearin is to make sure folk don't see what they're looking to see. Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset to help you disappear into a crowd

[Highlighted Skills: Move/Sneak/Trick]

Signature Assets

Tungsten-Titanium Pool Cue [d8] This simple yet functional cue looks like it has seen better days, but for all the scuffs and scratches, it is perfectly balanced.

Bubble Gum [d6] Kiko always has fresh bubble gum - is always chewing bubble gum, snapping bubble gum, or blowing bubbles. The smell of bubblegum is a constant presence.

Mama's Ring [d6] When scanned at the proper frequency, this plain bit of heirloom platinum jewelry lights up with the electronic signet seal of the Han Triad.

Diceless Assets

Holocube: Contains Jian's recorded message to the crew of the Righteous on his daughter's behalf.

Scene/Episode Assets

Episode Points [0]

Character Bio

Birthplace: Raven's Eye Station; in orbit around Highgate in the Blue Sun system || Allegiance: Undeclared

Height: 170 centimeters (5' 7") || Weight: 54 kilos (120 lbs) || Age: 19 standard years

Triad Tattoos: Viewed under normal lighting, Kiko does not seem to have any tattoos, but under a unique combination of infrared and ultraviolet she can been seen to be sporting the full back, chest, and sleeves of a triad captain in subspectral ink, as well as a captain's insignia on each of her cheeks.

The only daughter of the young matriarch of the Han triad family, Kiko enjoyed a protected - if not particularly sheltered - childhood. Exposed both peripherally and directly to the inner workings of a criminal empire, she grew up fast, but the more her mother tried to push her to take on position and responsibility, the more she rebelled and sought to strike out on her own, and when she came into her majority, Kiko declared herself emancipated and walked away from it all.

A declaration the Han matriarch has ostensibly allowed.

For a time, Kiko drifted aimless in the aftermath of her epic flounce, hopping from planet to planet and station to station, sometimes working, sometimes borrowing, sometimes stealing; but eventually she discovered that folk who didn't know her tended naturally to underestimate her. And in discovering that, she discovered she has a talent for the con. Now, Kiko spends no small amount of time going by the moniker 'Stick' and hustling pool throughout the black.

When she can manage to pass unnoticed, that is.

Despite publicly separating herself from her birthright, Kiko is still widely thought of throughout the triad as the Han faction's heir apparent, and though she vehemently denies any involvement in triad business. she has been known to make free use of triad resources if it suits her needs to do so, and that is a dangerous line to keep crossing. Her mother's enemies know what she is worth in leverage against the matriarch. Soon enough one is bound to try to gain that leverage.

Although he was never allowed a place in her childhood, Kiko has recently tracked down her birth father, a quiet battle-scarred veteran and core educated doctor. Somehow, perhaps because of the war, he managed to avoid entanglements with her mother specifically and with the triad at large. He claims to owe his freedom to the influence of a high ranking Alliance secret agent, but she is sure he made that bit up. For her part, she does not speak of the triad, and for his part he seems to quietly understand her silence and does not ask.

And should she ever need to put a fair expanse of Black between her and her mother, he has given her the name of a ship and a sealed holocube he claims is his endorsement of her to his former captain and crewmates should she ever need it.

If the whispers she's hearing are true, she just might.

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