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High Concept

Cathay Khajiit Tomb Raider:

  • Invoke to draw on their long expertise with ancient technology and architecture.
  • Z'Kir wears his profession proudly. Invoke to block their way with cultural barriers.


Helluva Sweet Tooth: Z'Kir has a raging sweet tooth, and can tend to over-indulge in moon sugar, even for a khajiit. He's used a skooma pipe on a couple occasions.

  • Invoke to enjoy a serious tolerance for moon sugar.
  • Compel to make sugar a priority.


Professional Sneaky Sneak and Chest Opener: A cathay khajiit, with padded feet, slender frame, and luminous lantern eyes, has an easier time than most getting around in Dwemer ruins. He does a handful of mostly sweep jobs for the Guild in Morrowind and Solstheim, but largely just supplies dwemer artifacts (and the occasional ancestral blade) and lost grimoires to the black market and moneyed (and/or desperate) citizens.

  • Invoke when moving silently through ruins and crypts, keeping a keen eye and light step for traps.
  • Compel to have trouble dealing with the Cammona Tong, to face a choice between duty and money, to have connections to their criminal past pop up needing help


In the Thieves Guild with Orlainthe Z'Kir more or less grew up in the Guild in Morrowind, and was around the same safehouses as Orlianthe, and did a group job with the dunmer.

  • Invoke to encourage camaraderie with fellow Guild members.
  • Compel to have Z'Kir sacrifice profit to help Orlainthe.

Free Aspect

Alteration Adept: Z'Kir has developed a passable skill with alteration magic. First, through old tombs found in tombs, and then fine-tuned through trading artifacts for training at the Mages Guild. They can cast a handful of utility spells, specifically Jump, Open, Lock, Water Breathing, Feather.

  • Invoke when changing the environment would give an advantage
  • Compel to get distracted by a chance to learn another spell.


  • +3: Careful
  • +2: Clever, Stealthy
  • +1: Forceful, Clever
  • +0: Flashy


  • Born Under the Sign of the Tower: Because Z'Kir was born under the Tower birthsign, once per scene, if they want a lock to open, it's open.



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