Jensen Hawkins (Jay) 11th Level: Difference between revisions

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*4th Level: '''Close Quarters Archer''' (Ranged Weapons) Being in melee with a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadv on attacks. No disadv against prone targets if firing down on them. You can make an Opportunity Attack with your bow as if it were a melee weapon, firing an arrow as the target exits melee range.
*4th Level: '''Close Quarters Archer''' (Ranged Weapons) Being in melee with a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadv on attacks. No disadv against prone targets if firing down on them. You can make an Opportunity Attack with your bow as if it were a melee weapon, firing an arrow as the target exits melee range.
*8th Level: '''Athlete''' Standing only uses only 5 feet of movement. Can jump after moving 5', rather than 10'.  
*8th Level: '''Athlete''' Standing only uses only 5 feet of movement. Can jump after moving 5', rather than 10'.  

Revision as of 11:19, 21 November 2019

Jensen Isaiah Hawkins (Jay or Screamin Jay)

Race Elf, Wood Sex Male Background US Army Ranger (Uthgardt Tribe Member)

Class Assassin Rogue / Gloom Stalker Ranger Level 3 / 8 Alignment Lawful Neutral


Str 10 (+0) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)

Saving Throws

Str 0 Dex +8 Con +2 Int +5 Wis +6 Cha -1

  • Advantage vs charmed
  • Magic can't put you to sleep
  • Advantage on saves against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement (entangle, etc).

Speed 40, Climbing 40, Swimming 40, +10 first turn of combat. Nonmagical difficult terrain costs no extra movement.

Passive Perception 20 Passive Insight 16 Darkvision 90 feet

HPs 104 AC 17

Initiative +6

Proficiency Bonus +4

Skills (Proficient, Expertise) Other Proficiencies Languages
  • Acrobatics (Dex) +8
  • Animal Handling (Wis) +6
  • Arcana (Int) +1
  • Athletics (Str) +8
  • Deception (Cha) -1
  • History (Int) +1
  • Insight (Wis) +6
  • Intimidation (Cha) +3
  • Investigation (Int) +5
  • Medicine (Wis) +2
  • Nature (Int) +5
  • Perception (Wis) +10
  • Performance (Cha) -1
  • Persuasion (Cha) -1
  • Religion (Int) +1
  • Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4
  • Stealth (Dex) +12
  • Survival (Wis) +10
  • Light & Medium Armor
  • Shields
  • Simple & Martial Weapons
  • Thieve's Tools
  • Tinker's Tools
  • Tool: Vehicles (land)
  • Tool: Machinery
  • Disguise Kit
  • Poisoner's Kit
  • English
  • Common
  • Elven
  • Thieves' Cant
  • Dari-Persian
  • Sylvan
  • Beast

Features & Feats

Racial & Background

  • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
  • Blessing of the Forest: Action - pass my Mask of the Wild feature to another for an hour, or until I pass it to another creature.
  • Uthgardt Heritage: You find twice as much food and water as you normally would when you forage. Additionally, you can call upon the hospitality of your people, and those folk allied with your tribe.

Rogue Features

  • 1st Level: Expertise, Sneak Attack (+2d6),
  • 2nd Level: Cunning Action: Bonus Action - You can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
  • 3rd Level: Assassinate: You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

Ranger Features

  • 1st Level: Favored Foe - Hunter’s Mark spell known, doesn't count against spells known, doesn't require concentration. Can cast it Wis Mod times w/o concentration or expending a slot per long rest., Deft Explorer - Roving: +5 Speed, Climbing & Swimming is equal to walking speed. Canny: Expertise in Athletics, +2 languages.
  • 2nd Level: Fighting Style - Archery (+2 w/ Ranged Weapons), Spellcasting
  • 3rd Level: Primal Awareness - Bonus spells that can be cast once per long rest w/o expending a slot. Gloom Stalker Archetype - Gloom Stalker Magic - expanded spell list that doesn't count against spells known, Dread Ambusher - Wis mod bonus to Initiative, +10 move on first turn of combat, can take an additional attack if I attack on the first round of combat & if it hits the target takes +1d8 dmg, Umbral Sight - +30' to Darkvision, While in darkness, you are invisible to any creature that relies on darkvision to see you in that darkness.
  • 4th Level: ASI - Close Quarters Archer Feat
  • 5th Level: Extra Attack
  • 6th Level: Deft Explorer Improvement
  • 7th Level: Iron Mind - Gain proficiency in Wis Saving Throws
  • 8th Level: ASI - Athlete Feat. Land's Stride - Nonmagical difficult terrain costs no extra movement. Advantage on saves against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement (entangle, etc).


  • 1st Level: Sharpshooter (Ranged Weapons) No disadvantage at long range. Ignore half cover and three-quarters cover. May take -5 to hit & +10 dmg.
  • 4th Level: Close Quarters Archer (Ranged Weapons) Being in melee with a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadv on attacks. No disadv against prone targets if firing down on them. You can make an Opportunity Attack with your bow as if it were a melee weapon, firing an arrow as the target exits melee range.
  • 8th Level: Athlete Standing only uses only 5 feet of movement. Can jump after moving 5', rather than 10'.


  • Cantrips
    • Blade Ward
    • Dancing Lights
    • Minor Illusion
    • Mending
    • Ray of Frost#
  • 1st Level
    • Cure Wounds
    • Longstrider
    • Sleep
    • Thunderwave
  • 2nd Level
    • Cloud of Daggers
    • Hold Person
    • Witch Bolt%
  • 3rd Level
    • Major Image
    • Leomund's Tiny Hut
    • Tongues
  • 4th Level
    • Ice Storm%
    • Polymorph
  • 5th Level
    • Greater Restoration
    • Mass Cure Wounds
    • Cone of Cold#
  • 6th Level
    • True Seeing


  • Amplifying Guitar (Common Magic Item)
  • +2 Studded Leather Armor (Very Rare Magic Item)
  • +2 Rapier (Rare Magic Item)
  • Bracers of Archery (Uncommon Magic Item)
  • Bag of Holding (Uncommon Magic Item)
  • Cloak of Protection (Uncommon Magic Item)
  • Short Bow
  • 5 Sealed Quivers, each containing 20 Arrows for Short Bow (Kept in Bag of Holding)
  • Quiver with 20 Arrows for Short Bow
  • 50' Rope
  • 150' Rope (Kept in Bag of Holding)
  • 4 Potions of Healing
  • 6 Fine Outfits (Kept in Bag of Holding)
  • 3 Aristocratic Ball Gowns (Kept in Bag of Holding)
  • Make up Kit

Jensen Isaiah Hawkins was born and raised in Eastern Oregon by a moderately abusive family of rigidly adhering fundamentalist Christians of an off-beat denomination. His family were also firm adherents of a number of Sovereign Citizen and Freemen-on-the-Land conspiracy theories. He thought his family's beliefs, both religious and otherwise, were insane. He was raised on a small ranch that wasn't always self sustaining. Jensen, or "Jay" as anyone who actually liked him called him (so not his family), had to learn to get by impoverished, and was often reduced to thievery and poaching to get by.

When he was old enough, Jay joined the US Army. Being good on the land, and having been raised with a gun or bow at his side since he was small, but not being the brightest recruit, Jay landed in the infantry. In Basic Training, the shy Jensen quickly got named Screamin' Jay by the Drill Sergeant, and the name stuck. Within a few years, after his first tour in Afghanistan, he got into the Rangers. He had his sights set on joining Special Forces if he could get into the training.

After making it through Ranger training, he landed back in Afghanistan for another tour, this time, mostly on foot instead of in an APC. A couple of years into deployment, his platoon went down a hole in Afghanistan, chasing the Taliban. The cavern turned into torch lined halls of cyclopean stonework, peppered with grotesquely grinning gargoyle faces. Then the monsters came, along with an 80 ton stone block that barred their way back. The only way out was to go forward. Screamin Jay was the only one that made it out - but "out" was another world. A world of elves, orcs, dragons, and unicorns.

On the other side, Jay found himself transformed into an elf. It was a little odd, but not insufferable. After wandering for a while, and getting into some trouble among the humans, who apparently didn't like elves, he went out into the wilds to find "his kind", the elves. It wasn't long after entering their territory that he was picked up by a patrol of Wood Elves that looked much as he did. After a few days of questioning, they finally decided that he was telling the truth about his origins, and was no danger to them. He was offered a place among them, which he accepted. It wasn't long before he too was patrolling with their rangers.

He was "over there" for ten years. It was a good life. He'd been handfasted to a good elven woman for a few years, but they'd had no children yet. But when a gateway in a dungeon offered him a way home, he had to take it. It's not that he wanted to take it. It was his duty to take it. And so he did. When he was found by a patrol and taken back to Kabul, at first he was treated like a deserter, but after some weeks of him steadfasting sticking to the truth, he was eventually treated as a headcase. He was drummed unceremoniously out of the Army with a medical discharge that said, "Psychiatric" on it. The day he was walked off base as a civilian, he was met by the recruiter for Project Kerberos.