Supers of Leyline Island:Bai: Difference between revisions

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== Issue One ==
== Issue One ==

Vivamus a nibh sem. Donec rhoncus orci at pretium mattis. Integer sed dignissim turpis, iaculis sagittis felis. Maecenas ac nunc et ante commodo maximus. Donec nibh risus, luctus quis enim id, bibendum faucibus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis euismod metus. Ut laoreet varius leo at fermentum.
While kept under isolation, Bai hears that one of the failed but surviving clones of Azure King has escaped into the city. Breaking out from confinement, he tracks down his 'brother' and defeats him, allowing him to be brought in for treatment.

Aspect: '''Older Brother Instinct'''
Aspect: '''Phase 1'''

== Issue Two ==
== Issue Two ==

Mauris tincidunt mollis ligula, eu volutpat dui fermentum vitae. Nunc vehicula, elit non maximus pretium, metus mi aliquam purus, vel lacinia ex tellus quis nulla. Duis mollis enim nec lacinia interdum. Cras efficitur quam nunc, sed varius lacus tincidunt sed. Mauris faucibus, quam non mollis sodales, nisi mi dictum risus, elementum congue tellus nisi sed nibh. Vivamus sed massa ac metus sodales condimentum. Quisque dignissim lacinia hendrerit. Vestibulum quis blandit felis. Donec vel orci lobortis, pharetra sapien nec, condimentum sapien. Phasellus orci sapien, euismod sit amet commodo sed, porttitor non eros. Mauris sed massa libero. Donec molestie rhoncus enim. Maecenas quis magna eget tellus ullamcorper feugiat vel a sem.
Kidnapped by a criminal organisation, Bai receives a 'sales pitch' attempting to convince him to turn to the side of villainy and work for them. Brushing off their attempts at temptation, he eventually manages to free himself and escape.

Aspect: '''Phase 2'''
Aspect: '''Committed To Heroism'''

== Issue Three ==
== Issue Three ==

Quisque consectetur lectus quis lectus varius mattis. Phasellus aliquam, ligula id ullamcorper dignissim, nisi tortor porta quam, et condimentum nibh purus et quam. Praesent sit amet risus ornare, sodales eros a, viverra leo. Sed et massa efficitur, egestas sapien ac, hendrerit massa. Vestibulum mattis vestibulum enim, eu faucibus magna porttitor a. Sed sed odio nisl. Integer dictum urna vel ligula tempor, id venenatis ligula fringilla. Suspendisse nec nisi ipsum. In vel tempor lectus, at fringilla enim. Mauris ac ligula fringilla, facilisis quam varius, suscipit nisi. Maecenas ultricies nunc malesuada pellentesque feugiat. Pellentesque a elit aliquet, tincidunt lacus eu, pulvinar neque. Aliquam efficitur suscipit erat.
Brought along on a police case of a string of superpowered bank robberies, Bai uses his enhanced senses to help track down the robbers, learning a great deal about investigation and cementing himself, for now at least, as a force for good.
Aspect: '''Phase 3'''
Aspect: '''Hunter-Tracker'''

=Allies, Sidekicks and Rogues=
=Allies, Sidekicks and Rogues=


Revision as of 10:36, 26 November 2019

Bai Fengxian


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam auctor iaculis elit, ut aliquam diam blandit ut. Ut ac sollicitudin lacus. Praesent augue elit, rutrum in consequat vel, hendrerit lobortis arcu. Morbi sit amet felis congue, elementum dolor ac, molestie mi. Phasellus sit amet magna lobortis, mattis ex eget, rhoncus lectus.


Maecenas id interdum neque, nec dapibus tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin leo metus, elementum vel ultricies nec, semper non erat. Morbi feugiat auctor neque, eget facilisis justo convallis vitae. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus tincidunt velit nisl, vel malesuada nulla consectetur in. Nulla convallis pulvinar mauris, in lobortis urna ornare ultricies. Donec laoreet arcu ac elementum semper. Nam sed pulvinar arcu. Duis facilisis erat at lacus pharetra vehicula.



Refresh: 3

Physical stress: [][]

Mental stress: [][]




High Concept (Mundane): Fresh Face High Concept (Super): Villains' Clone

Trouble: Hunted By His Original


Perfect Clone

Older Brother Instinct

Committed To Heroism



Superb +5

Azure Flame Aura

Great +4

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Speed

Good +3




Fair +2





Average +1





Skill 15

Super skills descriptions

Azure Flame Aura

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Speed


Living weapon

Once per session, when Bai takes a moderate or severe consequence, he gains a +2 WR to all attacks until the end of the fight.

Azure Shield

Spend a Fate point, switch the WR of Azure Flame Aura to AR until the end of the conflict, or until deactivated.

Sniffing Out A Lie

Without rolling, you can tell if another character is lying so long as the target’s Deceive is equal to or lower than his Enhanced Senses . In the case of high Deceive, he will know that he cannot tell, but will never receive a “false positive.”

Azure Wave He may make an Azure Flame Aura attack against every opponent in his zone, dividing the roll between them.


Origin Issue

Created As A Weapon (Created as a clone of supervillain Azure King, rapidly raised to adulthood to serve as an operative in his forces, but freed by superheroes before he could undergo brainwashing).

Aspect: Perfect Clone

Issue One

While kept under isolation, Bai hears that one of the failed but surviving clones of Azure King has escaped into the city. Breaking out from confinement, he tracks down his 'brother' and defeats him, allowing him to be brought in for treatment.

Aspect: Older Brother Instinct

Issue Two

Kidnapped by a criminal organisation, Bai receives a 'sales pitch' attempting to convince him to turn to the side of villainy and work for them. Brushing off their attempts at temptation, he eventually manages to free himself and escape.

Aspect: Committed To Heroism

Issue Three

Brought along on a police case of a string of superpowered bank robberies, Bai uses his enhanced senses to help track down the robbers, learning a great deal about investigation and cementing himself, for now at least, as a force for good.

Aspect: Hunter-Tracker

Allies, Sidekicks and Rogues
