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''Faultless Repair'' (Action): You can fix anything with the available materials and tools. Up to a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube per level worth of objects or constructions can be made like new each round, provided it is not completely destroyed. Every form of rot, decay, damage, and corruption is fixed, even for perishables such as foodstuffs. If repairing magical or enchanted things, Effort is Committed for the scene with each use of the gift.
''Faultless Repair'' (Action): You can fix anything with the available materials and tools. Up to a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube per level worth of objects or constructions can be made like new each round, provided it is not completely destroyed. Every form of rot, decay, damage, and corruption is fixed, even for perishables such as foodstuffs. If repairing magical or enchanted things, Effort is Committed for the scene with each use of the gift.
''Perpetual Perfection'' (Constant): Everything you make is flawless and impervious to normal decay and use. Only intentional efforts at destruction have any chance of ruining them. The weapons and armor you create count as magical items, ones capable of harming supernatural foes and granting a +1 to hit and damage rolls for mortal wielders. You and other Godbound are too mighty to benefit from this hit and damage bonus.

''Ten Thousand Tools'' (Constant): Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level.
''Ten Thousand Tools'' (Constant): Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level.

Revision as of 00:58, 10 December 2019


"Ah, mein friends. I vondered how long it would be before you asked vhy I came to be here. Vell, as you know, I am a citizen of the Great City of Baroque. In our home, with all its grandeur and tangled vebs veaved, mein family, the High-Spirals, vere vonce among the greatest in the city until jealous enemies united to bring it down. Certainly, I admired the stories of all the luxury and power, but even at a young age I knew there had to be a more efficacious vay."

"So I followed the example of the many eminent scientists in our city, and delved into the mysteries of Akera as they did. This vas just not long before the Castle and the Mist, you see. But Baroque's dark intellects vorked out how to keep the monsters at bay, having our plentiful own creations. Of course, this still put a certain pressure on the city, so vhen plots failed, the losing schemers vere expelled into the outer vorld to fend for themselves."

"The society to vhich I pledged myself to - the Enlightened Conclave of Audacious Scientists - vell, history repeated itself. Rose too quickly, then mauled for the temerity of threatening the established powers. The leaders vere exiled. As a member, I fought over the past year every step of the vay to keep myself alive. And now, here I am, vith you. I cannot say I vas expecting a complete bodily transfiguration, but I did submit myself to an ancient god's caprices, yes? And it's not vithout its perks. Now? I intend to extract the secrets of the Castle. And from there? Ve shall see. Endless possibilities are before us, mein friends!"

Character Tracker

Level: 2
Effort: 3
Influence: 3
XP: 5
Dominion: 5 earned/4 spent


Fallen Patrician of Baroque
Dedicated Mad Scientist
Sole Survivor of the Enlightened Conclave


Strength 10 (+0) [Check: 11+]
Dexterity 13 (+1) [Check: 8+]
Constitution 16 (+2) [Check: 5+]
Intelligence 19 (+4) [Check: 2+]
Wisdom 16 (+2) [Check: 5+]
Charisma 14 (+1) [Check: 7+]

Conflict Stats

Hardiness 12+
Evasion 10+
Spirit 12+

HP: 16
AC: 2
Attack: Integrated Magical Weaponry +6 [Damage 1d10+4]

Words & Gifts

Artificial Intelligence
You are a super-intelligent artificial mind. Your Intelligence score becomes 19, granting a +4 attribute bonus. Your physical attributes and hit points represent the body or device your mind inhabits, whatever shape it may possess; if robotic, this body requires neither sustenance nor rest. You cannot transfer your intelligence from this body or survive its destruction without appropriate gifts.

Upgraded Armature (Constant): Your body has been improved, gaining a flight speed equal to your ground movement, an integral polymorphic toolkit that can substitute as any man-portable equipment or object you may require as an On Turn action, and one physical attribute of your choice increased to 16. The armature cannot emulate equipment the Word of Engineering could not easily conjure.

Warbot (Constant): Your robotic body is built for military conflicts. You gain a natural AC of 3, integral magical weaponry that does 1d10 damage out to 200 feet, and an immunity to any weapons that are neither magical nor suitable for disabling armored vehicles. You are not immune to environmental damage or other sources of injury that would harm a vehicle, but lesser hazards can be ignored. Your maximum hit points increase by 1 per level.

Heroes with the Artifice Word can create any non-magical object a normal man can carry, using whatever materials are to hand. While the ensuing creation may look odd, and any "foodstuffs" are inedible, it functions as well as a normal object of its type and usual substance.

Faultless Repair (Action): You can fix anything with the available materials and tools. Up to a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube per level worth of objects or constructions can be made like new each round, provided it is not completely destroyed. Every form of rot, decay, damage, and corruption is fixed, even for perishables such as foodstuffs. If repairing magical or enchanted things, Effort is Committed for the scene with each use of the gift.

Perpetual Perfection (Constant): Everything you make is flawless and impervious to normal decay and use. Only intentional efforts at destruction have any chance of ruining them. The weapons and armor you create count as magical items, ones capable of harming supernatural foes and granting a +1 to hit and damage rolls for mortal wielders. You and other Godbound are too mighty to benefit from this hit and damage bonus.

Ten Thousand Tools (Constant): Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level.

Heroes with the Sky Word are never harmed by falling, need not breathe, and have an invincible defense against electricity, cold and injurious sounds.

Rain of Lightning (Action): Choose a point within sight; every desired target within 100 feet suffers a 1d6 die of electrical damage as a cloud of lightning envelops them. The bolts are enough to kill the weak, but can’t destroy objects.