Billy Baughn: Difference between revisions

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|Bond 1: Former partner
|Bond 1: Former partner
|Bond 2: Local bartender
|Bond 2: Local bartender

Revision as of 16:09, 12 January 2020

Agent Name: Det. William Baughn
Code Name:
Profession: New York State Police Detective
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): Male, 47
Education: Police Academy, some community college


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 13 65 Muscular
Constitution 11 55 Average
Dexterity 11 55 Average
Intelligence 14 70 Perceptive
Power 13 65 Strong willed
Charisma 10 50 Average

Derived Attributes

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 12
Willpower (WP) 13
Sanity (SAN) 65
Breaking Point (BP) 52

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Bond 1: Former partner 09
Bond 2: Local bartender 10
Bond 3: Brother 10

Motivations and Mental Disorders


Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) 30% Science (0%)
Alertness (20%) 70% Forensics (0%) 50% Search (20%) 70%
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) SIGINT (0%)
Archeology (0%) History (10%) Stealth (10%) 30%
Art (0%): HUMINT (10%) 50% Surgery (0%)
Artillery (0%) Law (0%) 50% Survival (10%) 50%
Athletics (30%) 50% Medicine (0%) Swim (20%)
Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) 50% Unarmed Combat (40%) 60%
Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): Unnatural (0%)
Craft (0%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills:
Criminology (10%) 50% Navigate (10%) 50%
Demolitions (0%) Occult (10%) 20%
Disguise (10%) Persuade (20%) 50%
Dodge (30%) Pharmacy (0%) 20%
Drive Auto (20%) 50% Pilot (0%):
Drive Heavy Machine (10%) Psychotherapy (10%)
Firearms (20%) 60% Ride (10%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Badge and identification card, reinforced Kevlar vest, duty belt, medium pistol with two spare magazines in a belt pouch, pepper spray, folding knife, hand cuffs with cuff key, flashlight, handheld radio, pen, and pocket notebook. A light backup pistol in an ankle holster, extra pistol magazines, leather gloves, multitool, hemostatic gel, and emergency bandages and self-applying tourniquet. An unmarked state police patrol car: a police radio, a rack with a carbine with a shotgun, boxes of spare ammunition, jacket w/ "State Police" on back, evidence bags, fire extinguisher, mounted laptop computer, driver’s-license scanner, towels, crowbar, various tools and bad-weather gear, clipboard, forms and paperwork, map books and reference books (drug identification, HAZMAT codes, terrorism response), bottled water, energy bars, and antibacterial gel.


Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots
Glock 17 Firearms (60%) 15 meters 1D10 N/A N/A N/A 17 (2 ext magazines)
Shotgun (Remington 870) Firearms (60%) 50 meters 2D10 N/A N/A N/A 05 (Bag of 20)

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

Homeward Bound