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Myron is the quintessential academic. He's made a career of teaching young noble wizards. At this point in his career he's looking forward to retirement. He signed up for this job to build up enough money so he could retire.
HP 43
Hit Dice 8d6
Proficiency Bonus
Race: Human Variant<br>
Race: Human Variant<br>
Class: Wizard<br>
Class: Wizard<br>
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Charisma Save +3<br>
Charisma Save +3<br>

Arcana +7
Insight +5
Investigation +7
History +7
Nature +7
Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips.
• You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
Dwarven Trade
A bottle of black ink
a quill
a small knife,
a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer
a set of common clothes
a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Arcane focus (crystal)

Arcane Recovery
Arcane Recovery
Line 37: Line 75:
Each time you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level or higher, you can change the effect of your stone if the stone is on your person. If you create a new transmuter’s stone, the previous one ceases to function.
Each time you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level or higher, you can change the effect of your stone if the stone is on your person. If you create a new transmuter’s stone, the previous one ceases to function.

Hit Dice d6
Proficiency Bonus
Wizard Spells
Wizard Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
Cantrips (0 Level)
Line 59: Line 95:
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom  
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom  

Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• • If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips.
• You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Myron is the quintessential academic. He's made a career of teaching young noble wizards. At this point in his career he's looking forward to retirement. He signed up for this job to build up enough money so he could retire.
Myron is the quintessential academic. He's made a career of teaching young noble wizards. At this point in his career he's looking forward to retirement. He signed up for this job to build up enough money so he could retire.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per wizard level after 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None
Skill Proficiencies:
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Revision as of 19:11, 26 April 2020

Background Myron is the quintessential academic. He's made a career of teaching young noble wizards. At this point in his career he's looking forward to retirement. He signed up for this job to build up enough money so he could retire.

HP 43 Hit Dice 8d6 Proficiency Bonus

Race: Human Variant
Class: Wizard
Strength 8 Mod -1
Dexterity 14 Mod +2
Constitution 14 Mod +2
Intelligence 19 Mod +4
Wisdom 12 Mod +1
Charisma 10 Mod 0

Strength Save -1
Dexterity Save +2
Constitution Save +2
Intelligence Save +7
Wisdom Save +5
Charisma Save +3

Skills Arcana +7 Insight +5 Investigation +7 History +7 Nature +7

Feats Observant Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits: • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. • If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips. • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Languages Dwarven Trade Draconic Outlander

Equipment: A bottle of black ink a quill a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer a set of common clothes a belt pouch containing 10 gp Quarterstaff Dagger Arcane focus (crystal)


Arcane Recovery You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.For example, if you’re a 4th-level wizard, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots.

Arcane Tradition Transmutation

Transmutation Savant Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a transmutation spell into your spellbook is halved.

Minor Alchemy Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, you can temporarily alter the physical properties of one nonmagical object, changing it from one substance into another. You perform a special alchemical procedure on one object composed entirely of wood, stone (but not a gemstone), iron, copper, or silver, transforming it into a different one of those materials. For each 10 minutes you spend performing the procedure, you can transform up to 1 cubic foot of material. After 1 hour, or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), the material reverts to its original substance.

Transmuter’s Stone Starting at 6th level, you can spend 8 hours creating a transmuter’s stone that stores transmutation magic. You can benefit from the stone yourself or give it to another creature. A creature gains a benefit of your choice as long as the stone is in the creature’s possession. When you create the stone, choose the benefit from the following options: • Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, as described in chapter 8 • An increase to speed of 10 feet while the creature is unencumbered • Proficiency in Constitution saving throws • Resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice whenever you choose this benefit) Each time you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level or higher, you can change the effect of your stone if the stone is on your person. If you create a new transmuter’s stone, the previous one ceases to function.

Wizard Spells Cantrips (0 Level) Fire Bolt Friends Light Mage Hand Mending Message Minor Illusion Poison Spray Prestidigitation Ray of Frost Shocking Grasp True Strike Spell slots 4, 4, 3, 3, 2 119, 113 Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom


Myron is the quintessential academic. He's made a career of teaching young noble wizards. At this point in his career he's looking forward to retirement. He signed up for this job to build up enough money so he could retire.