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===Themis info on Vatun===
===Themis info on Vatun===
Followers of Vatun are few. They live mostly in the no-mans land between the Ice and Snow Barbarians, in the peninsular known as the claw of Vatun.
Followers of Vatun are few. They live mostly in the no-mans land between the Ice and Snow Barbarians, in the peninsula known as the claw of Vatun.

His outsider followers were mainly elementals of air and water. His herald was the legendary anarchic polar bear Loji. It is thought that Loji wanders through the Corusk mountains, searching for Vatun's prison.  Loji is not only an anarchic polar bear, but seems to be the epitome of all polar bears.
His outsider followers were mainly elementals of air and water. His herald was the legendary anarchic polar bear Loji. It is thought that Loji wanders through the Corusk mountains, searching for Vatun's prison.  Loji is not only an anarchic polar bear, but seems to be the epitome of all polar bears.

Revision as of 16:02, 15 December 2006

Against The Giants Campaign

Basic Mission

The plans were wide sweeping. Hill giants taking over Perrenland, forcing there way down through the Valley of Highfolk to Veluna and Furyondy. At the same time, Frost Giant would attack out of the Girff mountains to the east, and roll over Tenh of the Theocracy of the Pale, and then the County of Urnst. There is metnion of a third arm of attack, but nothing certain.

A map is given of the location of the Glacial headquarters of the Forst Giant Jarl Mortsdron. A huge magic chain is also found, that if looped into a figure eight, will transport up to 16 medium-sized creatures to the forst giants' glacier.

There are orders for Nosnra to report to Mortsdron two weeks after the initial attack...or nine days from now.

Information from Themis on Frost Giants

""The frost giant Jarl Mortsdron, is an incrediblely powerful fighter. He is a devotee of Thyrm, god of his kind, and is on personal speaking terms with the god Telchur. It is rumored that he helped Telchur imprison his rival god, Vatun. If this is true, he is extremely old. His personal weapon is the great axe Atadiko, whose blade is a frozen shard of hellfire and whose haft is the spine of Ako-zo, the first corpse-tearer linnorn. Fire is known to be extingusihed by his mere presence.

His people are berserkers and raiders, and previous to this war, were content fighting amongst themselves, other giants, particularly totem giants, and other challenges deep within their mountain ranges. They would occasionally raid the Sueloise barbarians. They had never turned their attention to the warm lands.

A particular cult of Thyrm has grown is power recently, the Disciples. They seek to cover the world in ice. They say they have recieved a sign, Mortsdron's defeat of a shivhad, an ancient abomination from the reign of darkness before Pelor lit the sky. They seek to cover Tenh, at least, in ice.

He has 13 clans under his direct rule, each clan have about 50 giants, most whom are able. They are spread over a wide range of territory through the Griff mountains, and feud often with the totem giants of the Rakers.

The land is covered in ice and snow, and is colder than the Land of Black Ice. As cold as the northern continent of Hyperboria.

Would brining the Simulacrum work? Unknown. He held Nosnra in bare contempt. He might not notice enough to see. He does have sorcerous and clerical aids though.

I have no idea of the Keeper's plans for the Scion. He did not know of it until Relend found the story of Daerd Ej-duj. He thought that he had had the remains of an avatar of Tharizdun.

The Keeper's long term plans were to become a god. Nosnra's long term plans were to rule as much as he could.

Further Themis Information on Mortsdron

"Mortsdron's followers are the 13 chiefs, great leaders and warriors, cunning and tough. He also has the Disciples of Thyrm to call upon, the highest which is his wife. She is highest in Thyrm's eyes of all his priests. He also has a bodyguard of frenzied berserkers, loyal beyond death, enchanted with many magics by the ice devil Chiurlyz, a psion of tremendous power, and Troba'langraythire, an ultraloth archmage. He also has the allegiance of Kayttil, King of the Yeti. The great white wyrm Frejlozzethisekeli and his mate Watsiklireybiloa guard his treasure horde. Numerous frost worms and remorhaz live in the area."

Themis also mentioned another ally of Mortsdron, Notlenoj, a mighty frost giant Skald (War Chanter)

Themis info on Vatun

Followers of Vatun are few. They live mostly in the no-mans land between the Ice and Snow Barbarians, in the peninsula known as the claw of Vatun.

His outsider followers were mainly elementals of air and water. His herald was the legendary anarchic polar bear Loji. It is thought that Loji wanders through the Corusk mountains, searching for Vatun's prison. Loji is not only an anarchic polar bear, but seems to be the epitome of all polar bears.

Vatun is thought to have created the Urskan, the armored bear people. They dwell in the Forlorn Forest, and feud with the Rovers of the Barrens and the Hold of Stonefist."

Info garnered from Vision spell

"As strong as he is, he lives a house of mal-ice. He rules through strength, and so he is brittle. And his strength is based on a lie."

XAOS: An explanation of the Vision, reflecting Issac's mighty brain.

The Jarl lives inside a glacier. The glacier is inhabited by some great evil that he has tamed. Ice breaks easier than stone. What could a good Earthquake do?

He is not the Mostsdron of legend, although he pretends to be.