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Cnut lost his crab boat, and nearly lost his life, in a sudden morning storm. But it led to him finding his god in the muck and silt at the bottom of the bay.
Cnut lost his crab boat, and nearly lost his life, in a sudden morning storm. But it led to him finding his god, Agriel, in the muck and silt at the bottom of the bay.

== Rank ==
== Rank ==

Revision as of 00:32, 4 September 2020


Cnut lost his crab boat, and nearly lost his life, in a sudden morning storm. But it led to him finding his god, Agriel, in the muck and silt at the bottom of the bay.


  • Human Cleric 6
  • XP: 40000/50000 (10% prime requisite bonus)
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Full PC of Vektunaxa
  • List any titles or holdings


  • STR 16 (+2 on melee)
  • INT 14 (+1 additional language, and is literate)
  • WIS 17 (+2 on magic saves)
  • DEX 7 (-1 AC, missiles, initiative)
  • CON 10 (+0)
  • CHA 9 (4 retainers, 7 loyalty)


  • Languages
    • Common (literate)
    • Swampspeak
  • General Skills
    • Proficient in Athletics
      • Skilled in Swimming (8+) Can move through deep water.
      • Proficient in Climbing (13+) Can get to high places.
      • Proficient in Endurance (13+) Can work all day long.
    • Skilled in Sailing (8+) Can hand, reef, and steer.
    • Proficient in Carpentry (13+) Can work wood.
    • Skilled in Crabbing (8+) Can trap for crab and lobsters, trawl for prawns, and maybe fish a little on the side.
    • Proficient in Survival
      • Skilled in Harvesting (11+) Can butcher most fish and crustaceans.
      • Skilled in Wilderness Survival (8+) Can collect cockles, mussels, clams, oysters, and laver.
    • Proficient in Deception
      • Proficient in Disguise (15+) Can make himself look like someone else.
      • Proficient in Gambling (13+) Can win games of chance.
      • Skilled in Sense Motive (8+) Can know what drives a mortal man.
  • Class Abilities
    • Can wear any armor or shields
    • Can wield spears, clubs, daggers, and slings
    • Can request miracles
    • Cleave: Can chain killing blows up to three times with one action
    • Can create clerical potions
    • Can turn undead
  • Knacks
    • Heresy : Can add a spell of each level from another class list to own spell list, although at one level higher.
    • Skillful : 3 extra skills


  • AC 1
  • HP 21
  • Movement Rate
  • Initiative Modifier -1
  • Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
    • Primary Melee Attack: Spear (15+, 1d6+2)
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (15+, 1d4+2)
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (18+, 1d4)
  • Saves: (+2 vs magic effects)
    • Petrification & Paralysis 12
    • Poison & Death 9
    • Blast & Breath 14
    • Staves & Wands 10
    • Spells 12


Prepared spells:

  • First Level: 2 per day
    • Cure Light Wounds
    • Resist Cold
  • Second Level: 2 per day
    • Bless
    • Hold Person
  • Third Level: 1 per day
    • Striking
  • Fourth Level: 1 per day
    • Water Breathing
First Level: Second Level: Third Level: Fourth Level:
Cause / Cure Light Wounds Bless / Blight Animal Growth Create Food and Water
Detect Evil Find Traps Animate Dead Cure / Cause Serious Wounds
Detect Magic Know Alignment Continual Light / Darkness Detect Lie
Light / Darkness Hold Person Cure / Cause Disease Lower Water
Protection from Evil Resist Fire Dispel Magic Neutralize Poison
Purify Food and Drink Silence 15' Radius Locate Object Protection from Evil 10' Radius
Cause / Remove Fear Snake Charm Curse / Remove Curse Speak with Plants
Resist Cold Speak with Animal Striking Sticks to Snakes
Sleep Obscuring Mist Water Breathing


  • Gear: 81 cn
  • Armor: 500 cn
  • Weapons: 70 cn
  • Personal coin: 27 cn
  • Total encumbrance: 678 cn

Coin Purse:

* 23 gp
* 4 sp

Intangible items:

* One share in the Deepwater Trading and Adventure Company, purchased for 1000 gp

Combat items: 570 cn

* chain +2 (AC 3)  400 cn
* shield + 2 (AC -3)  100 cn
* Silver dagger (15+, 1d4+2 damage)  10 cn
* Dagger (15+, 1d4+2 damage)  10 cn
* Spear (15+, 1d6+2 damage)  30 cn
* Sling (18+, 1d4 damage)  20 cn

Consumable items: 1 cn

* scroll with 5th level cleric spell insect plague    1 cn
* 4 flasks holy water

Carried items:

* Silver holy symbol

Exploration equipment: 80 cn

* Backpack
* bedroll and winter blanket
* 1 week iron rations
* 2 waterskins
* tinder box
* lantern
* 5 flasks of oil
* 50 feet rope
* Spyglass

Stored equipment:

* 4 weeks iron rations
* 8 pints of wine
* Holy symbol
* 680 gp