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Most other planets have been colonized by multiple species are part of the UFS government. United Frontier Space includes well over a hundred worlds. This is where most of the game will be set.
Most other planets have been colonized by multiple species are part of the UFS government. United Frontier Space includes well over a hundred worlds. This is where most of the game will be set.
For stellar mapping the UFS and most of the independent species call the Gallatic Core or 'North' and the Gallatic Spinward or 'South'. Following the gallatic rotation is the Gallatic Spin or 'West' and opposite is Gallatic Ward or 'East'.
To the Gallatic North is a dark nebula called the '''Daarkin Cloud'''. Many of the stars within this region are partially hidden from USF observation and a bit of a mystery. It is however also where the Yazirian homeworld is located.

===Tech and Starships...===
===Tech and Starships...===

Revision as of 20:53, 9 February 2021


* Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWAE) with some rules from Science Fiction Companion (SFC)
* Setting Rules (SWAE pg.):
* Languages of the Frontier Space


* Exterme Range:
* Run Die:
* Vehicle Armor:


Steps for Character Creation...

1. Choose your Species
2. Assign 5 points to Attribute Traits (Agility, Smarts, Spirits, Strength, Vigor)
3. Assign 15 points for Skills (including base Athletics d4, Common Knowldge d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4). Also begin with 1/2 Smarts die in Languages at d6, one that must be Trade (see Setting rules).
4. Choose one Major and two Minor Hindrances.
5. Pick $1,000 (credits) in basic Gear (see Tech and Gear).



Humas are one of the more common species within Frontier Space. Their numbers have grown quickly from their first colony of Gateway and they have multiple colony worlds now spread throughout the Stellar Cluster. Humans are from the planet Earth and share most of their characteristics for body types, skin, hair and eye colors, etc. but with a mix of generic modifications and hundreds of years of intermigeling. The average human stands 1.7-8 meters tall and weighs on average 75-85kgs. Humans males tend to be slightly taller and heavier then human females but only on average as the species has a great deal of variety of body types, looks, etc.

Biology: Humanoid Mammalian.

Social Structure: Multipolar Competitive or Coorerative.

Lense: Veriaty. Humans are an extemely deverse group when compared to most other species.

Adaptablity [2]: gain a bonus Edge at character creation
Versitility [2]: start with 17 skill points


An aleerin can be easily mistaken for a human at a distance or in poor lighting, for he bears the general shape and size of a human. Closer inspection, however, reveals veins of circuitry that weave with the aleerin’s flesh and blood to form a totally synthesized body. An aleerin’s hair consists of combined protein strands and filaments of cable and wire. Even the aleerin’s skeleton has been reinforced with super-strong synthetic materials, and bony protective plates cover the bioorganic flesh at the shoulders and across the chest. The aleerins’ appearance has led to humans calling them “mechalus” (singular and plural), and the aleerins don’t seem to mind. They tend towards average human heigh and weight with little variant between male and females.

Biology: Humanoid Mammalian(?) (hairless).

Lense: Joureying. The Aleerin seem to posses an almost incurable wanderlust. Their homeworld is somewhere outside the Stellar Cluster and they have few permenent settlements or colonies within. Most are found on wander on starships shattered throughout Frontier Space.

Social Structure: Democratic (with some Oligarchic tendenaces)

Cybernetics [4]: Arleerin double their basic Strain limit (twice the lower of the Spirts or Vigor die) and start with 4 Strain points worth of Cybernetics automatically - AutoDoc (2), Communication (1), Filters (1).
Outsider (Minor) [-1] as Hindrance. Often seen as cool and unfriendly.
Technical [1]: start with a base d4 in Repairs skill


A dralasite is a short, rubbery xenomorph that has no bones or hard body parts. Its skin—a flexible, tough, and scratchy membrane— is dull gray and lined with dark veins that meet at the dralasite’s two eyespots. The internal structure of a dralasite is peculiar in many respects. Its central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts, and other internal organs float in a puddinglike mixture of protein and organic fluids. A dralasite breathes by absorbing oxygen directly through its skin, so it has no lungs. Dralasites are omnivorous and eat by surrounding and absorbing their food, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines. The average dralasite stands around 1.2 meters tall and weighs 55kgs on average. All dralasites are hermaphroditic, meaning they go through male, female, and neutral stages during their lives.

Biology: Exotic.

Lense: Indivualism. The Dralasite tend towards exteme independence. Their communities are small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. They care little about wealth, power, or status. They judge themselves and others by the quality of their ideas and their ability to discuss important ideas wisely.

Social Structure: Multiplar Cooperative with heavy Independent.

Ambidexterity [2]: as Edge.
Clumby [-2]: Suffer a (but not its linked skills) suffers a –1 penalty to all Dexterity trait tests
Morp [3]: Dralasite have a limited form of shape-shifting ability. They always retain their mass but can somewhat assume the shapes of other species (they are still obviously dralasite in these forms). This also grant them one of the following Abilities (it is a free action to change but only once a round) - ignore one Multi-Action penalty with action that uses a 2nd (or 3rd limb), gain +2 on any type of Grab check, increase Pace +2 or Reach +2
Odd Form [-1]: while a dralasite could fit into almost any other creatures' armor, environmental or vacuum suit they cannot use their Morph ability when in one. A suit made specifically for them costs twice as much. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.
Short legs [-1]: base Pace of 5 and Run die of d3+1
Stout [2]: start with a base Vigor of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1
Tough [1]: +1 Toughness
Tracking Scent [1]: in base environments can track tracks by smell alone gaining +2 to Notice and/or Survival to doing so. This can also be used to detect 'invidibile' targets nearby (within 2-3") and halving invisibility penalties.
Vulnerable to Gas Attacks [-1]: As the dralasite 'breaths' with its whole body it suffers a -2 to tests to resist gas attacks or suffers -2 to their Toughness against such attacks.


A fraal (singular and plural) is a small, spindly humanoid with pale, almost luminous skin and a slightly oversized cranium. Two large, opaque black eyes dominate a fraal’s slightly elongated face, which also features a small pair of nostrils, tiny ear holes, and a narrow slit for a mouth. To other species, fraal possess a wizened, inscrutable, and somewhat disconcerting look about them. The average fraal stands around 1.2 meters tall and weighs around 30kgs. Most fraal are timid, secretive, curious beings who enjoy scientific pursuits, particularly space exploration and xenobiology.

Biology: Humanoid (Small) Mammalian (hairless).

Lense: Sagacity. The Fraal love intellectual and psychic pursuits above all others. Logic, wisdom and erudition are all prized as the best and most glorious ex[ression of their natrure and their rules are sages and scholars of remarkable depth and breadth of understanding.

Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.

Bright [2]: start with a base Smarts of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
Natural Psionics [3]: begin with Arcane Background (Psionic) and the Psionics skill at a d4
Small [-1]: -1 to Toughness
Weak [-2]: Suffer a (but not its linked skills) suffers a –1 penalty to all Strength trait tests and -1 to melee damage.
Willfull [2]: start with a base Spirits of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1


Even when standing absolutely still—something that’s almost impossible for the creature to do—a t’sa (singular and plural) conveys an impression of speed, sharp reflexes, and constant activity. Standing on average one meter tall and weighing 20kg on average, a t’sa is lightning-quick, with a fast mind to match his fast body. Sleek, with a reptilian form and the legs of a runner, a t’sa has a fine covering of interlocking brown or russet scales that provide a modicum of natural protection. Most other species find t’sa, with their expressive eyes and childlike exuberance, extremely likeable. A t’sa has a natural curiosity and an affinity for all things technological. He’s a consummate tinkerer, disassembling devices to discover how they work and find ways to improve them. The t'sa stand around 1.5-6 meters tall and weigh on average 50kg.

Biology: Humanoid Reptilain.

Lense: Curiosity.

Social Structure: Democratic Republic (socialist leanings).

Agile [2]: start with a base Agility of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
Curiousity [-2]: as Hindrance
Fast on their Feet [2]: base Pace of 8 and Run die of d6+2
Leaping [1]: base leap of 1" (6 feet) high and 2" (12 feet) long. Athletics check can add +1/2" with a success + raise(s)
Natural Athletics [1]: start with a base Athletics skill of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1


A vrusk (singular and plural) resembles a large insect. Eight legs grow from her abdomen, four on each side. Her somewhat humanoid torso is mounted upright in front of the abdomen, and she has two arms connected at the shoulders. Vrusk hands are circular pads with five fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A vrusk’s shoulders are double-jointed, allowing her to rotate her arms in a full circle without straining any muscles. This flexibility also enables a vrusk to reach any point on her abdomen or behind her back easily. A hard, jointed carapace covers the vrusk’s body. The carapace protects the vrusk from bruises, cuts, scratches, and other minor injuries. A young vrusk has a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints. As the vrusk ages, her carapace changes to dull green with yellow joints. Unlike insects, a vrusk has an internal skeleton supporting her body. Her large eyes are protected by hard, transparent enamel, and four large eating mandibles surround the vrusk’s mouth. A vrusk tend to be around 2.2 meters long from head to end of their abdomen, can rise up to being around 1.7-8 meters tall and they weigh 125kg on average.

Biology: Insectile.

Lense: Collectivy. While not a hive mind the Vrusk believe strongly in working together for the betterment of the group.

Social Structure: Oligarchic Socialism.

Armored Carapace [2]: natural carapace armor grants them +4 Armor Points. This can stack with out armor but only if specially made for them.
Bright [2]: start with a base Smarts of a d6 and a maximum starting of d12+1
Education [1]: gain base d4 in one of the following skills - Academic, Electronics, Hacking, Healing, Research or Science skill.
Can't Swim [-1]: Vrusk physiology means they can't float and tend to sink in water. They subtract 2 from Athletics (swimming) rolls and each tabletop inch of movement in water uses 4″ of Pace.
Natural Weapons [2]: Bite Str+d4 and Claws Str+d6. Always considered armed.
Odd Shape [-2]: Vrusk are particularly odd shapened when compared to the other species and their hands have a much different shape. They subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for their race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.


Standing roughly 2.8 meters tall and weighing in at a hefty 250kg, a weren (singular and plural) is hard to miss. Covered in thick fur, he has a powerful form and wicked claws that make him a formidable opponent even when he is not carrying a weapon. A great mane of hair flares from his head. His fur ranges from black to shades of gray, brown, or white—regardless of color, weren fur has a shimmer and an ability to shift slightly in hue, varying with the surrounding lighting. Weren males are slightly larger than the females and have two oversized tusks jutting from their lower jaw; the females do not bear tusks but share the males’ powerful builds. A weren approaches life with amazing intensity. When he embraces a new idea of belief, he becomes a zealot. He professes the tenets of his beliefs with word, deed, and weapon. Though built for battle, a weren also loves to talk and share ideas. Despite their fervor and martial nature, not every discussion leads to a fight, and a weren usually won’t fight a weaker creature unless he is left with no choice.

Biology: Humanoid (Large) Mammalian (fur covered).

Lense: Honor. Weren are often obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem.

Social Structure: Unified Clans and Monarchic.

Big [-2]: Weren are particularly large in a world where most others aren’t. They subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for their race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price.
Bite [1]: base Str+d4
Primitive (Major) [-2]: suffer a -4 penalty to any skill when related to technology about early industrical (muskets, steam power, etc). Can fire a gun just fine but will have a hard time learning how to fix one.
Size [2]: and Toughness +2
Tough [1]: Toughness +1
Very Strong [4]: start with base Strength of a d8 with a maximum starting of a d12+2


Yazirians are tall, thin humanoids. They have long arms and legs and slender torsos. Two large flaps of skin called a patagium grow on either side of their bodies, attached along their arms, torso, and legs. When a Yazirian raises its arms, this membrane is stretched tight and forms a sort of wing. Under certain conditions (explained under Gliding, below), Yazirians can glide short distances using these wings. Yazirians have muzzles and high foreheads, giving them an animal-like appearance. Their heads are surrounded by manes and collars of hair, which varies in color from glossy black to pale yellow. Their skin color ranges from gray to light-tan. Because their bodies do not sweat, Yazirians pant to keep cool. They are omnivores. The yazirian stand on average around 1.5 meters tall and weigh around 40-45kgs.

Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (fur covered).

Lense: Pride. The Yazirian have a reputation as proud and fierce fighters. They also practice an idea of Life-Enemies... a clan or group or maybe just an individual whom they will dedicate their lives to destorying. A scientist might dedicate their life to finding a cure for a disease. They gain honor by striving to defeat this Life-Enemy. A Yazirian who joins the Regulators might dedicate their lives to destroying the Galactic Cartle, etc.

Social Structure: Tribalism (Clans) with loose Democratic (while clans and tribes are still inportant the Yazirian have a very democratic form of overall government)

Aggressive [1]: gain a +1 bonus to Fighting skill (armed and unarmed)
Agile [2]: start with a base Agility of d6 with a maximum starting of a d12+1
Infravision [1]: Yazirian “sees” heat, either through eyes or other sensory organs. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings).
Gliding [1]: base flight of 12" a round but for each round in the air loss 6" of altitude. This also means that must have some altitude to begin with in order to 'fly'. Cannot run unless moving with strong winds.
Light Blindness [-1]: suffer a -4 to any Agility trait test and/or skills that reilse on vision in normal light situations. Can purchase speciall light daming goggles for 100 credits ($) that reduce this penalty to -1 to Shooting attack or Notice to seeing something more then 10" (60ft) away.
Night Vision [1]: along with their IR vision yazirian ignore Dim and Dark illumination penalties.
Odd Shape [-1]: Due to their gliding membrans, the yazirian cannot wear the armor or clothing or suits of other species. They must use one that have been specificially designed for them and then cannot normally use their guild ability in them (GM call for ceratin low-G situations, etc.). Armor, evironmental and vacuum suits and clothing cost double the listed price. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.


Robots and Andriods are artifical contructs - Robots that are fairly obviously a machine and Androids whom often look very Human like - while rare on the Frontier are fairly common in Human and Aleerin space. The UFS treats most as property unless proven to be sentient (through various legalize means) in which case they are granted special citizenship statues. The Regulators has accepted a few of these special cases into their ranks. Most worlds are nervous about sentient VI and treat them as non-citizens with few rights (as the property of other PCs). A few worlds are out right hostile to them while other treat them as full citizens of the UFS. Lense: Servitude or Independence. Robots and Androids are programmed to be basically property (slaves?) of their owner. Those that develop sentients tend towards to be very independent. Some are still very cooropartive towards a group.

Biology: Artifical Construction

Social Structure: Property of others unless granted citizenship.

Constructs [8]: Androids and Robots add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, and are immune to poison and disease. Constructs cannot heal naturally. Healing one requires the Repair skill, which takes one hour per current Wound level per attempt and not limited to the “Golden Hour”. Cannot take the Arcane Background or any Power Edges. Also cannot benefit from any Power enhancer or healing, cannot be control by or sensed as a living creature with a Power, but still suffers damage from hostile damaging Powers, etc.
Dependency [-1]: Energy (batteries). Robots and androids must have contact with a energy source for an hour out of every 24. FOr every day that the miss this energy source they suffer a level of Fatigue. After 3 days the shutdown and no longer function. Each hour spent recovering connected to a energy source they restores a level of Fatigue. They cannot die by these means.
Function Programs [2]: start with one of the following Edges - Attractive, Brawny, Linguistic, Jack of All Trades, Mr. Fix-It, Soldier
Outsider or Secret (Major) [-2]: Robots tend to be treated as property by others and they suffer the -2 to most Persuasion checks. Androids that are designed to look Human tend to keep this a secret least they suffer a similar fate.
Pacificed or Drive (Major) [-2]: Most robots and almost all androids are programmed with "Do no harm to living beings or through my actions due harm". Those without tend to be programmed with other directives that cause them to focus on certain tasks. This only applies to sentient robots and androids though. Others simily follow orders and their programming.
Vow (Minor) [-1]: Constructs are designed with a particular purpose. Player character constructs have broad directives such as serving a particular corporation or political faction. This acts as a Major Vow to that particular directive


External Memory Storage:
Extra Battery:
Reinforced Structure: reinroced structure and armor is added to the robot's systems. Adds +1 to Toughness and +2 Armor Points. This edge can be taken 3 times. This armor does not stack with armor worn.






Sometime around the late 24th century Humans from Earth found a stable worm-hole in the Sol System (this was some 600 years ago from when the game is set). Massive amounts of colonization took place for almost 100 years after it was discovered, settling on the planet Gateway, a habital lush garden world on the other side of the worm hole in what would be called the Great Stellar Cluster several hundred thousand lightyears from Sol. Strange astrological quirks lead to the development of faster-then-travel within this stellar cluster at around the same time that the worm-hole suddenly closed some 500 years ago.

As Humans spread out from Gateway they quickly discovered that they were not alone in this region of space and made contact with over a dozen different Stellar Governments and Alien societies (some with FTL some without it yet). Early on the various groups negotated a peace accord between the different governments and groups to form a huge Neutral Space between and among them. This space would eventually be formally called the United Frontier Space (UFS) as a semi-independent boarder region of interstellar trade and cooperation.

This treaty was called the Concord of Frontier Worlds was formally signed by most of the princale members some 400 years ago and the formal start of the UFS. The UFS serves to bring the variousty worlds and species together, and although it strives to maintain order and peace through diplomacy and judicious use of military force, it has proven ineffective in dealing with the galaxy’s criminal elements and hostile xeno/alien species. To deal with these hostile aliens, criminals and criminal organizations, the UFS formed the Regulators -- a quasi-military/law enforcement agency with the power and resources to locate and arrest criminals on any Frontier world and aid any resident against hostile external threats. Although the Regulators activities are closely monitored by the UFS’s intelligence community, the agency has been given sufficient latitude to pursue its directives as it sees fit.

The chief rival of the Regulators and the UFS are the criminal organizations known and the Galactic Cartles, The Malthar Crime Family and various Shadow Worlds. The Galactic Cartles are extorsion, smugglers (especially weapons and illegal tech) and pirates. The Malthar Crime Family are lead by a group of renegade dralasites and specialize in slavery and forced labor but also competes with the Cartel on piracy and stolen tech (especially PsiTech). The Shadow Worlds are simply worlds that don't adhere to UFS laws or are not part of the Concord of Frontier Worlds. Many are inhabited by hostile aliens (and a few Humans) who are extemely xenophobic or are primative and under protection from the UFS so as not to be exploited unfairly. This also makes these worlds attractive to criminals or wanted outlaws and anyone not wanting to draw UFS attention to themselves.

Another threat to the UFS are the aliens. The first are called the 'Clicks', due to their disctinctive clicking noises they made. UFS Intelligence has no idea what they call themselves as they have refused all forms of communication, including telepathic requests. It is not even known if they are sentient or controlled by another species but they do have access to somekind of advanced tech. Unfortuniaty for UFS Intelligence and the Regulators when one is killed its body rapidly starts to decompose and their technology with it. It is believe some kind of acid is responsable but again... unknown.

The second group of hostile aliens are called Briizin Raiders. They are believed to have orginated from outside the cluster although even those captured whom have been turned over to by UFS Intelligence don't seem to know for sure. They say they are exiles from their homeworld who were banished to this region of space. They claim that only their species is really worthy and that all other species should be ruled over by them. At present they have only raiderd along the Galatic North space and the worlds that they inhabit are said to be in that region of space but the UFS does not know where excately. They seem to be less advanced then most of the UFS but they are great at adapting stolen technology and have incorperated much of it into their own. Humans have describe the Briizin as looking like humanoid Shark-headed creatures (or at least what pics from old Earth shark would look like). They are amphibious, stand around 2 meters tall and weigh an average of 100kg. Females are slightly larger then males of the species and the most aggressive (and both are very aggresssive).

The heroes are officers working for the Regulators. Such officers are drawn from all corners of the Stellar Cluster, but they share an unwavering sense of duty to protect the innocent and uphold the laws of the Frontier. Every year, thousands of hopefuls apply to the Regulators, for the job of a Officer is one of neverending exploration, excitement, and peril. However, only a few hundred applicants can pass the rigorous physical, intellectual, and psychological testing, and even fewer make it through the months of training and indoctrination once they’re accepted.

A Regulators campaign consists of a series of missions, and almost all missions begin the same way: A squad of Regulators Officers receives an assignment to locate a capture a wanted criminal (or gang of criminals) or to protect a settlement from hostile forces or rescue endangered citizens, etc. How they pursue their assignment is up to them; sometimes the direct approach works best, but Regulators Officers must also be prepared for undercover work, relying on their keen wits as well as sharp reflexes to take down their targets.

Other Historical Setting Notes...

The Fraal are from outside the Stellar Clusters (as are the Aleerin) and their legends talk about something they called the Scream that originated from the Stellar Cluster some 2,000 years ago. The Scream was a psychic scream that traveled faster then lights speed out from the cluster and killed or drove insane almost all psychically aware individuals. The Freel were far enough away that they suffered little effects from this event but there are ruins of various technologies with super advanced Psitech found shattered thoughout the Stellar Cluster. The other species native to the Stellar Cluster all have legends of a time where they encounterd strange "space gods" who were all wiped out during this event (along with many of the psychically empowered memebers). They did however leave behind many PsiTech artifacts. These artifacts are way more advanced then anything that any species of the UFS have ever developed. It seemed that this tech drove all of the space-gods tech-- from basic household AI to their startravel ability. UFS Intelligence and the government have made the trade of PsiTech illegal but they pay large rewards for any pieces that are turned into them.

The first star-faring species native to the Stellar Cluster where the Vrusk some 900 years ago. The Dralasite and the Yazirian quickly followed suite some 700 years ago. The Fraal immigrated into the Stellar Cluster on great generation starships some 650 years ago while the Aleerin arrived on their huge trading/space-colony starships some 500 years ago. The T'Sa are native to the Cluster and developed stardrives around 300 years ago and they joined the UFS some 200 years ago. The Weren are a primitive people still and were only "discovered" by others in the last 100 years. They are not offically members of the UFS instead their homeworld is still considered a Shadow World (most Weren on the planet are still very xenophobic and hostile to outsiders).

The Stellar Cluster...

The Stellar Cluster itself includes maybe a thosand stars and there are thosands of planets within it and several hundred that are habitable by most of the species. No one really controls more then a few star systems, the Vrusk Collective (as their society is called) has the most with control of 13 systems. The Humans of Gateway have formed what they call the Stellar Alliance of six systems. All of these colonies though are at least partially part of the UFS. The Yazirian have a loose collection of four worlds they call the Sendi-Clans of States that includes their homeworld. The Fraal had settled on three worlds that the called the Foundation Worlds, the T'sa control their homeworld and one other colony. The Dralasite only control their homeworld (and then with a very loose form of government) where most of the colony worldds joined the UFS or remain independent. The Aleerin have no permanent worlds that they have settled in any numbers and prefer their huge space-colony ships to this day. They often travel throughout the UFS on these ships, trading or simply exploring.

Most other planets have been colonized by multiple species are part of the UFS government. United Frontier Space includes well over a hundred worlds. This is where most of the game will be set.

For stellar mapping the UFS and most of the independent species call the Gallatic Core or 'North' and the Gallatic Spinward or 'South'. Following the gallatic rotation is the Gallatic Spin or 'West' and opposite is Gallatic Ward or 'East'.

To the Gallatic North is a dark nebula called the Daarkin Cloud. Many of the stars within this region are partially hidden from USF observation and a bit of a mystery. It is however also where the Yazirian homeworld is located.

Tech and Starships...


Tech Level 0: Stone Age
Tech Level 1: Pre-Industrial Age
Tech Level 2: Industrial Age
Tech Level 3: Pre-Stellar Age (Modern Earth, with more in-system space travel)
Tech Level 4: Stellar Age
Tech Level 5: PsiTech, Super Advanced Stellar Age

Most of the UFS is Tech Level 3-4 (a bit lower on newer colonies, higher in the core worlds or oldest colonies) with a few pieces of 5 (mostly artifacts of the old Space-Gods or specific tech advences by certain member species). The Weren are only around 1 (pre-industrial but with musket weapons).

Starships in this setting use Spike-Drill Drive. Most are rating only 1 or 2. Drive 3 are available but tend to be very expensive and used only by the extermely wealth and elite. The Stellar Cluster has been fairly well navigated and mapped but there is a lot of unnavigated space and Shadow Worlds that have never been visited (at least not by any offical UFS ships).

The Regulaters will be assigned a starship for mission and most players should have a few skills that allow them to assist in normal ship functions (pilot, enginer, captain, etc.)
