SWADE.SF.Bughunters: Difference between revisions

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* '''Origin''': Draaw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Doner Origin and then what and where you points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent. This process is pretty involved and it might seem that you are short changed compared to some Doners but these will be evened out in the Clone Process...
* '''Origin''': Draaw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Doner Origin and then what and where you points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent. This process is pretty involved and it might seem that you are short changed compared to some Doners but these will be evened out in the Clone Process...

====Doner Origin====

====Clone Process====
====Clone Process====

Revision as of 19:26, 31 October 2021

Based on the TSR setting Bughunters, these rules are a converion of the favor of that game to the Savage Worlds Adenture Edition (SWADE) with ideas and updates from the Science Fiction Companion (SFC).


Captain Harley set the ship down in the middle of the colony's main street. Somehow he managed not to land on any of the bodies.

I grabbed my medkit and checked my pistol. West was still vainly trying to raise someone on the radio.

"Give it up, Stanley," Clinton said as she hefted an assault rifle and popped the hatch.

Muggy air invaded the cabin. It bore green odors of the surrounding jungle and an undertone of nearer decay. Clinton wrinkled her nose, muttered an oath, and hopped out. She crossed the street to the chewed remains of a colonist. A shadow slid toward her.

"Look out!" I cried. Too late—a thing like a monkey mated with a wasp dropped from the sky and bore her to the ground. She went rigid when it stung her in the throat.

Cursing, I took careful aim with my pistol...

Mankind discoved safe interstellar travel in the late 21st century but finds the average human can't handle the physical stress outside of a stasis chamber. Synthetic humans (synths or synners) are cloned from paid average citizens, enhanced and sent out to protect human interests as they settle the cosmos. Along the way they have encounter hostile aliens.

Synners are "born" with all the memories of their hosts, given enhanced attributes, denser skeletons, plastic reinforced organ protection and preprogrammed skills. Only created to serve the United Terran Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF or utter-puff) spawning a human rights movement for them back home on Earth a place they themselves are forbidden from ever setting foot on.

They are slaves and heroes, envied and looked up, abused and entrusted with the future of the human race. PCs explore new worlds, pacify (ala exterminate all hostile life forms) them for colonization, perform SAR missions and combat hostiles.

Bughunters are understandably fatalistic. They don’t have much to look forward to in life except another dangerous mission to another dangerous rock to tangle with another dangerous alien life form. Their real reward isn’t their paycheck but the gratitude of the colonists whose lives they save.


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition -Setting Rules (pg. -145)

Gritty Wounds:
Wound Cap: a wound causes a max of 4 wounds each.
Wealth (as characters are in the military that provide their basic gear and 'owning' certain items is not allowed the basic Wealth die of a d6 and used for personal items like cloths or maybe a conputure (not weapons). Generally cannot have Proverty or Rich edges in the game but some origins have bonuses.

Character Creation

  • Origin: Draaw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Doner Origin and then what and where you points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent. This process is pretty involved and it might seem that you are short changed compared to some Doners but these will be evened out in the Clone Process...


♦ ♥ ♠

Clone Process

Military Occupation Code (MSO)

Finishing Touches

Hindrances and Edges





Important Corps and Organization
