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Created page with "'''Michael James Watson''' Sitting by the archery range, casually watching trainees Alex has a lot on her mind that these youths will not distract her from. Yet when a warrio..."
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'''Michael James Watson'''
'''Michael James Watson'''

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Noting the favors on the belt she sees he has won the Amber Civilian Pas De Arms, the Diagan Pas de Arms, and the Diagan Mounted Lance Tournaments. Another favor shows victory in Kashran Grand Tourney in the Sword. The favor of Dame Fres Mira shows he has been the winner of the CCC Festival in over-all skills, meaning Bow, Sword, and lance.   
Noting the favors on the belt she sees he has won the Amber Civilian Pas De Arms, the Diagan Pas de Arms, and the Diagan Mounted Lance Tournaments. Another favor shows victory in Kashran Grand Tourney in the Sword. The favor of Dame Fres Mira shows he has been the winner of the CCC Festival in over-all skills, meaning Bow, Sword, and lance.   
So..a warrior, but not one in the military of amber. A highly skilled citizen soldier.  A champion. His helm has a pinkish red feather and he rests his arm on a bastard sword, staring at Alexandra.
So..a warrior, but not one in the military of amber. A highly skilled citizen soldier.  A champion. His helm has a pinkish red feather and he rests his arm on a bastard sword, staring at Alexandra.

'''Amber Bronkhorst'''
'''Amber Bronkhorst'''
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"Can i help you with something?"
"Can i help you with something?"
Her tone friendly and even if it took a bit the usual friendly smile appears on her face again.
Her tone friendly and even if it took a bit the usual friendly smile appears on her face again.

'''Michael James Watson'''
'''Michael James Watson'''

"Back at Brightedge i see. Will you be staying for the Festival, Lady Alexandra?"
"Back at Brightedge i see. Will you be staying for the Festival, Lady Alexandra?"
Raising the visor she sees a familiar face.
Raising the visor she sees a familiar face.</br>

'''Amber Bronkhorst'''
'''Amber Bronkhorst'''

Latest revision as of 14:48, 31 January 2022

Michael James Watson

Sitting by the archery range, casually watching trainees Alex has a lot on her mind that these youths will not distract her from. Yet when a warrior in a fine suit of Pas de Arms armor comes to stand off to her left, quietly looking at her, she manages to regard him. The plate is of the highest quality though clearly made for tourney, not war-field. A veteran tourney fighter. Critically she looks him over, noting the armor is well used and cared for. Also it would function well for the joust, a practice she never quite got the hang of, nor thought of really since her return from Rasak and her time off serving in the military. Noting the favors on the belt she sees he has won the Amber Civilian Pas De Arms, the Diagan Pas de Arms, and the Diagan Mounted Lance Tournaments. Another favor shows victory in Kashran Grand Tourney in the Sword. The favor of Dame Fres Mira shows he has been the winner of the CCC Festival in over-all skills, meaning Bow, Sword, and lance. So..a warrior, but not one in the military of amber. A highly skilled citizen soldier. A champion. His helm has a pinkish red feather and he rests his arm on a bastard sword, staring at Alexandra.

Amber Bronkhorst

After regarding the well favored and suited warrior, and having studied what is seen on the outside, a polite incline of her head as greeting and acknowledgement that she sees him. "Good day to you, sir?" She had not seen any specific signs she could deduce a family name of. Slowly she stands feeling her back a bit stiff. How long had she been sitting there in thought. "Can i help you with something?" Her tone friendly and even if it took a bit the usual friendly smile appears on her face again.

Michael James Watson

"Back at Brightedge i see. Will you be staying for the Festival, Lady Alexandra?" Raising the visor she sees a familiar face.

Amber Bronkhorst

A slight tilt of her head as she sees the familoar face of Hannah. A soft chuckle followed by a nod. "Ah Hannah Hale, back as well. And yes i am home for now and will be staying for the festival of course. " She turns her gaze back to the youths practicing still the friendly smile on her face. "I assume you are participating? " A look to the side to Hannah. "You look good, how have you been?"

Michael James Watson

"Back? I live here. Well, I won a permanent bilit for winning the Overall. You remember, I am sure? One has to win Archery, The Sword, and the Mounted Lance in one festival to achieve Overall. I got a room over in the Calvain Hall. Not much. A bed chamber, water closet, and a sitting room with a kitchenette. Nothing as fancy as an apartment in the castle." She removes her helm, setting it aside, motioning to sit, waiting to see if Alex, who outranks her, sits.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods and sits down giving Hannah the space to do so as well in armor. "Ah yes. Well to be fair i still prefer my room here over the castle appartment. " Gesturing to the favors and signs on Hannah's armor "You have done well for yourself. Will yiu be participating this festival again?"

Michael James Watson

She nods, "Yes..ah... I will be participating. I have ambitions as you remember. But I have a tall ladder to climb just to gain legitimacy. I gain the full stain of my family dishonor. My father may have earned a baronet but it took him a generation in the Fire Service and he still bears the stain. I was refused entrance into the service of Amber because of it. I've had offers from Diaga, even from King Rinaldo of Kashfra. Even knighthoods..But I have time. They can't deny me for ever for something my great, great, great grandfather did at the Siege of Bunny Free." She fidgits awkwardly. "I was so jealous of you. Now we know why you were so strong. So quick. Could outlast us.. A daughter of Brand... You know there were bets. It was suspected. I'm, sure you have been told by now. I bet on Bleys. After you came back from the Nasty Place its hard to believe you were not acknowledged. Is there a family stain being from Brand?" She raises her hand, "Sorry, I shouldn't ask. I know we fought a lot..I was jealous of you just for being Fres' daughter. Now... You are her, back at Brightedge.."

Amber Bronkhorst

Leaning her elbows on her legs Alex keeps her gaze on the youths, a slight grin appears. "Oh I wasn't kind either. I felt you were everybodies favorite and i just couldn't match up on your perfection. So yeah jealousy. " Alex laughs "Bleys heh, well wrong brother. But closer then some i suppose. " A short nod follows "I knew you had a name to live up to and a stain to deal with, and still do. But like you say you have time. Your ambition and drive could get you far. And you can ask. So far i am not dealing with the stain of Brand his actions. So if people have issues with it, they are hiding it well. " A look sideways to Hannah "I am back but not very long i am staying yill the festival, i'll go to Arden a bit then i'll be traveling. I'll be back now and then but there are things i need to see and do."

Michael James Watson

She stands, looks around. She takes a few steps away. Alex hears a curse under her breath. Turning back she is blushing and snarling... "We have had a lot of experience between us since the day. We didn't like each other and that's my fault. Mostly my fault. I came out of the Hale holdings where i was a big fucking fish. Here I am the fish you put on a hook to lure game fish. I've had a lot of time to think. I've had a lot of trouble with the local military. I can't join... without experience. I'm in a Dueling Society, A Pas de Arms circuit, and a Fire Company, and I've won the CCC Overall, but desite Prince Bendict and Prince Gerard admiring the CCC nothing I've done is experience to the recruiters. But...if i traveled with one of the blood for a shadow..I would gain experience. I won't polish your boots or kiss your ass. But i would guard your back with my life in the hopes of convincing the recruiters to take me in. Fres told me to talk to you. To throw it all on the ground. so there it is...I could go be a knight of Diaga or Kashfra, teach royal children and fight in tiny wars, or I can swallow my pride, do what I must, and serve Amber. What say you?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks surprised at Hannah at first, then hearing her explanation her facial expression changes to a more friendly and knowing smile. She nods slowly. Then abruptly stands and steps closer to Hannah a raised eyebrow, a slightly harsher tone.. "First of all. I will never use others like that, dangling as merely bait. Especially if they are very competent.... fish.. Second... I would not dare to have you close to children, those innocent souls are not ready for your fierceness. And Third.. if you would start kissing my ass and licking my boots i would loose all my respect for you immediately. So if you are up for traveling with a circus owned by one of the family, through shadow for a while. Sure come along and you do not serve me. Serve Amber. That is the greater good and that is what the military wants. " Her voice changes to a friendlier tone and the familiar smile cracks her first serious looking face again. "Seriously Hannah, we were young and i was so stinking jealous of your popularity, your confidence, two are to blame there. And oh did that jealousy grow when mom was more worried about me hitting you then you having pummeled me the entire fight. Though now i understand. " A slight grin appears.

Michael James Watson

She listens straight faced. "You've certainly learned their manner. I have no intention to carry anyone's luggage. Traveling with a Circus? It never occured to me but there is a lot in Shadow that covers." She smiles wickedly, "One thing i have learned is that advancement needs connections. I don't have many and the ones I might gain from my House are tainted. If we rub each other the wrong way now, we'll shake hands and part ways. I'll set out on the Jeweled Road to make my own legend. That was my plan before i heard you had returned to Brightedge."

Amber Bronkhorst

ALex laughs. "now now are we rubbing each other the wrong way then? We both just agreed that you and i were both young, foolish and jealous of each other. But i leave it up to you, you are welcome to join me, I am after the festival going with Zachary travel around a bit. He might have good use of another capable fighter. As what i understood from him, his people aren't that much into fighting and protection as you or i can be. " She adds a little pause looking at the youths training wiht a smile. "But if you do not trust me to have your back or do not want to have mine it is fine and you can create your own legend on the jeweled road. It is your decision. Fine with me either way. " Alex plucks one of the jasmine flowers she had put in her hair from one of the braids and twirls it between her fingers in thought while studying Hannah her reaction.

Michael James Watson

"Sounds good to me. Should be fun"

Amber Bronkhorst

"Alright that is settled then. Zachary wanted to be there at the festival so if you still want to join up you have all the time. " Alex stands and then stretches a bit. "I am going to take a short camping trip to Arden. If you want to join you can, but there won't be much to do. I usually do so to catch up with some ranger friends and time for reflection." A slight smile. "It is good to see you again and that you are doing well. Even with the taint on your family name."