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'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"I like the fire...But... we have to get fish out of the river somehow for dinner?" | |||
Hannah looks into the river uncertainly. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex looks at Hannah and smiles. "WEll we have certain ways to go with it, first we have to see what the options are here. Do not want to disturb the plant and animal life to much. " | |||
Alex starts to roll up the legs of her pants and take of her shoes so she can wade into the water and check a bit closer how the fish life is doing at this point. | |||
The last thing she wants is angry Rangers. | |||
It might also just have been an excuse to feel the grass and dirt under her feet as well as the soggy ground nearing the riverbed. ALex always enjoys returning to Arden and winding down and following the pace of her surroundings. | |||
She looks back and smiles | |||
"If no fish we can always gather some roots, other vegetation or hunt. Whatever really you want." | |||
As they had set up camp, Alex would have patiently show Hannah how best to do it to not disturb the surroundings to much. | |||
She does in a half joking but still serious tone qoute what Dancer had said. | |||
"When Benedict's men leave camp the locals can build a city. When rangers leave, noone will know they were there " | |||
If it is custom to have a recognition symbol or sign near camp she would have of course held to those customs. | |||
And of course does Alex have some extra good drinks with her and food. | |||
She does have something to celebrate with her Ranger friends, if they have time to celebrate that is. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
she laughs,"yes, I've heard that one. Also the one that says; When Benedict's army decamps fom winter quarters the local bastards all know how to salute, when Julian's rangers decamp the local horses are tired and the sheep are confused." She laughs. | |||
It was odd after so long how easy making ranger notes was. A twist of a branch end. A trio of leaves on the ground. Lastly a trio of stacked rocks to mark a camp nearby. | |||
Hannah's joke is a familiar one but one the rangers laugh at. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex laughs and shakes her head. | |||
"And i think for both goes... Whatever happens among the camp it stays there " | |||
Alex does a last check for the camp she checks on the horses again. Whispering soothing words to Scully. | |||
"I've missed this place as well my friend." | |||
After placing the ranger notes Alex quickly falls back in the routine she had learned years ago. | |||
The routine, the familiarity with it and the beautiful surroundings make Alex immediately relax alot more. Her mind calming. | |||
"So Hannah, have you gone camping in Arden more often? Or have you mostly been camping with armies? " | |||
Alex sounds genuinely interested in her question. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
She fidgets around and brings a coffee pot out, filling it from a jug. She pulls out a sealed packet of tea, a familiar urban thing. | |||
"I think i have camped with less then a hundred people only a few times. Mostly CCC outings. Or caravan guard jobs. Excuse me if I'm bitter. I've won the Overall, served in the military of Diega for 4 years and was offered a commission even. I negotiated that service. It was clear i was better then a sergeant's cord. But i asked for Rasak or Tandak al martrenta Acadamy in Thelusia. Even the Royal CHambers in Diega. I was told, with respect if you can believe it, that i was not eligible for any of them. I did 6 years in Karshfra. Got on the royal guard, attended what counts for officer training in that place. Became friends with King Rinaldo, but when i asked for Rasak, i was released from service." | |||
She get the water boiling, pulls two cups out. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"After that it was the Merchant Guild, as a caravan guard. I won the fucking OVerall and something my great grandfather did kept me out of any respectable military academy. The refusal for Rasak alone killed my career. I wasn't even in charge of the caavan guards. I had to beat the hell out of a few to protect myself from motherhood." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex frowns looking at the packet of tea she shakes her head. | |||
"Oh no no no, we are not drinking that. " | |||
Looking about she looks for a few sprigs of lemon balm and some mint. Adding some dried jasmine flowers, which she always carries around, to the mix she hands that to Hannah. | |||
"That is proper tea " | |||
A wink and smile. | |||
She then looks more concered and worried at Hannah hearing what she has gone through. A frown forms. | |||
"So you mean this stain passed down from your grandfather is that bad? I wonder after showing what your potential is that any respectable military academy doesn't accept you. " | |||
There are moments she stays quiet to listen to her surroundings. | |||
To keep track of those little sounds. Change in song of birds. Different movement of animals wind change... Possible rangers nearby. | |||
After a bit Alex continues | |||
"I truly hope that my 'newly' discovered bloodline could rub off some of that stain on you. | |||
I know we are not besties and probably never will be but you have skills and potential to be greater would be a shame if you could not fullfill that " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"Its amazing what Prince Benedict saying-Oh, she's excellent with the sword. Not Rasak material but she's good enough for your military- does to one's career" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
"Hmmm and you think I can change his mind on that? | |||
Look i am happy for you to come along and fight and work with me but i doubt i can change the minds of people like Benedict...." | |||
Alex looks around then takes her cleaning things and lays out her bow and arrows knives and starts calmly cleaning them, it keeps the hands busy. | |||
She is in thought though about Hannah. | |||
"I am sorry that you are carrying the sjns of the father, making your life harder." | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
after pouring the tea she pulls a flask out, "Kashfran black gin?" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex laughs and nods | |||
"That can be added to any type of tea, thank you. " | |||
Moving the checked arrows back in the quiver Alex leans on her knees with her forearms looking at Hannah. | |||
"What are your goals? As in short term. Is there something you need to train in, something you really want to do? I might be able to help " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
She sits down with the tea and gin, sips it. | |||
"Goals...King Rinaldo told me that for family reasons he couldn't request my inclusion in Rasak. But he suggested joining the army flat out. The Overal would make me at least a sergeant arms specialist and he gave me a letter for recommendation. Signed my deck. He gave me this flask of ever-refilling gin. He said he would speak to the great Prince but he didn't really know him well. I came back to Amber with a letter and a spotty career legend. I was seriously considering sitting in my billet, eating with the staff of Brightedge every day, and drinking myself to death. I had taken to going out and betting in bar fights. Ever been to Thin Whip's?" | |||
She looks, takes a sip of tea and then a slug from the flask. | |||
"I heard you were back at Brightedge. I was going to ignore you as best as I could but two things changed my mind. The first was Dame Fres. She said if i wanted it she would make me an officer of Brightedge. She said she had favors and one might get me into Rasak. But i knew that would cost her brutally. She did a lot for me and I owe her. I didn't want to owe her that much. She told me I was being too hard on myself and that i had centuries ahead of me if i wanted them. I didn't need to grow old. She said infact she was sure i couldn't drink myself to death. No idea why. That was the first tihing." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex stays silent sipping her tea and looking up at Hannah now and then a more calculating look on her face. But she remains silent and keeps on tending to her weapons as she listens. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"The second was at thing happened at Thin Whip's. Awhile back I was getting to be something of a regular. The man came and sat by me. Asked if i had an Autograph deck. I gave it to him and he signed Jurt's card. We sat drinking. He asked if i wanted to pick up some shifts bouncing for him. Said employees drank free. So what the hell? I started doing 3 nights a week, late. Ya know that place has a terrible reputation but I don't know why. You get more actual killing up at Bloody Arnolds. after a few months there was a nasty nasty dust up. He had to send a few people through a trump to Vulsar Base. I went too, carrying stretchers. It was incredible. I had never seen anything like it. We were in Medical when King Vance came in and talked to Jurt, friendly as can be. Jurt introduced us. Got him to sign my deck." | |||
She looks at Alex with a frown... | |||
"Jurt said that Vance could 'sense' something about me. So Jurt told me that if i wanted a bit more specialized military training he could get me in to Snikura." | |||
She stretches." I was considering it. Was even excited. I was sitting at Brightedge thinking about it and realized i was considering taking my life long goal of serving Amber and throwing it away to become an assassin for a Lord of Chaos...Then I saw you s | |||
itting by the archery range. I'd rather get over my childhood shit and travel with you then become and assassin. " | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex stays quiet for a bit she nods slowly. | |||
As she is carefully tending to her bow she speaks in a neutral calm tone. | |||
"So mom says you cannot drink yourself to death. | |||
Vance sensed 'something' about you.... And Jurt offers you something not many are offered. " | |||
With a raised eyebrow she looks up at Hannah | |||
"Curious. But i suppose there are things to discover about you. " | |||
Resting her bow on her lap Alex looks in the distance in the woods. | |||
"There are alot of secrets going around and some things can only worsen your position as they come to light.... But.... You could anticipate better on reactions then. | |||
Alot of things became obvious and clear to me after i learned who my dad was for example. " | |||
Taking a sip of her tea she then continues | |||
"I maybe can ask around. Poke some beehives see what spills. If you want that is." | |||
Lifting up her bow and looking it thoroughly over she speaks in a less neutral and more annoyed tone | |||
"I've been invited to Thin Whip's by Jurt but.... I just don't like him. So i declined. " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"I would have said he's not so bad but he offered to make me an assassin. " | |||
She sips the tea " I think what occured to me was I could go down a dark path out of ambition or I could do as Dame Fres said, take some of those years and do something different. See places like Vulsar Base. I could do that by just walking off down the Jeweled Road. But it occurred to me if you could get over your childish shit, you might be a better traveling companion then my anger. And look! Here we are, being spied on by Rangers and talking about running off to join the circus. My plan is working great!" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex listens and her face goes from a serious look to a raised eyebrow to a pleasant joyful laugh. | |||
"Hah yes here we are, over our childish shit. Talking about joining a circus. " | |||
Alex stands takes her bow and tests the string by pulling it slowly and evenly back she looks in the distance and also up in the trees where she would expect Rangers to be if they had spotted the camp yet, though they had not be quiet of course. | |||
"You had been dealt a bad hand. But i recently got handed some aces... Lets see if we can even the odds out." | |||
She stays standing watching the spots which would be perfect to watch them from. There are always those in a forest. | |||
Until she feels the tension of the bowstring is even and stable Alex slowly brings the boestring back in resting position. | |||
"As for being spied on..... The moment we stepped in Arden the Rangers knew of our presence. " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
A trio of rangers slide out of the bushes. ONe has a deer over his shoulder. | |||
The hunter says, "Hello the camp. Hope you don't mind the intrusion. "I'm Callsal, these are Frant and Daro. He are off duty. Saw your Ranger mark. We'll travel on if you like but we have a deer and a boar to dress and prep. Mind if we do the cleaning here? Fresh venison" He smiles, looking over Alex then lingering on Hannah. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex nods and gestures to camp. | |||
"We got space, fresh tea, or if you prefer anything stronger. We got that as well." | |||
She gestures to Hannah | |||
"That is Hannah, my name is Alex. " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
Callsal smiles, "What a pleasure to meet you Hannah. Welcome to the woods. Frant and Daro, go set up the frames and the leantoo. By the way boys, don't you fucking dare call this one Alex. She's listed as Spiker on the ranger rolls. Invited, but not initiated." Frant and Daro nod and go off to work. | |||
He winks at her and sits next the Hannah. Pulling out his own flask. Offering it to Spiker. "Frant and Daro are new. Its their first time on patrol. Dancer speaks well of you. You probably hadn't heard, why would you, she got a commission. LT. Taking a command up near Ober" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
ALex laughs and rubs her neck | |||
"i knew one of those names would stick rather then my own. but it is fine. " | |||
She takes the flask and takes a drink out of it. LOoking at the two setting up things she nods and rubs her hands remembering. | |||
Hearing about Dancer her smile widens. | |||
"OH really? fantastic! good on her. To bad though hoped i would have run in on her. or well more likely she would run in on me. | |||
And Hyjat and Ryce? How are they?" | |||
SHe hands the flask back and starts cleaning up her things from the blanket she had laid down. | |||
She looks a bit in the distance and clearly wants to ask something else but rubbing her arm she decides not to ask anything else and leaves the question about Hyjat and Ryce hang as the only one. | |||
Michael James Watson | |||
He thinks for a moments, "I know Ryce is with Dancer's command. Last i heard Hyjat had mustered out and was on security for Diaga Raks." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex nods slowly | |||
"Eh i might find them at a later point perhaps. " | |||
She nods to Hannah to see how she is doing. | |||
Turning to Callsal she asks in a smaller voice and more carefully. | |||
"And the commander, Duncan?" | |||
She quickly adds, | |||
"I mean how are things going in Arden, and with the other Rangers? and of course with that the Commander." | |||
The awkwardness was clear but Alex obviously still felt something for Duncan.... And it had all ended so abruptly. She even still has the picture,he gave her when Scully was at the gates, with her. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"Losing Prince Julian was hard on the Wardens of Arden. Almost a third followed him into shadow to the realm he is King in. A good 6th resigned or transferred. Warriors who had protected the woods for centuries just turning in their badges. So the Rangers havelost half their people. The new Warden of Arden, Lord Duncan of course, has been struggling for recruits. Thats how we got Frik and Frac over there. They have a couple years in the army and come from Tazilwere if you can believe it. " | |||
Sipping from his own flask he asks, "We heard you were acknowledged as royal. I'd say congratulations but Julian and Duncan always said it was a curse being of the blood. Would be cool to be super strong and fast." | |||
Hestands and nods, smiles at Hannah, and walks over to help in cleaning the two animals | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex listens while holding her bow again which she jad gained from Julian of course she nods slow. | |||
"Yes it must have been hard. So strange to see such a change suddenly, but if you are used to following one person. " | |||
Hearing the two are from Tazilwere Alex laughs, though it doesn't sound as genuine. As from the moment of Tazilwere everything had changed for her. Her hand mindlessly going to that spot that acts up when the abyssal mark reacts. | |||
"Yeah, thank you, reason why i am here as well. Had hoped to tell Dancer and some others myself or at least have a drink on it together. Perhaps see Commander Duncan. | |||
I do not know yet what i think of it. But the weight off the blood is getting more noticeable." | |||
As he smiles at Hannah Alex grins slightly. She checks out Hannah her reaction to Callsal perhaps if she got together with someone it might help lighten her mood as well. | |||
From her chest a hand goes to her pocket where she keeps Duncan's picture in. A slight smile on her face as she recalls the unhindered joy they had years ago. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
Hannah looks back to Alex. "Is it a power of royal blood that extraordinarily gorgeous men just show up anywhere you go? The middle if the forest and here come rangers of Arden ready to serve. That's a handy talent. Speaking of which...did you get an elite? | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex laughs heartily, | |||
"I do not know Hannah, though he might think the same about you." She adds a slight wiggle of her eyebrows. | |||
"though on a more serious note or answer. There would be a good chance that the blood does attract certain people. Be it a form of power and what the individual seeks from people with such power. | |||
And of course ther is a thing that those of the blood and who of them have walked the pattern are able to travel trhough shadows. but in the slightest they could will things just by intend or hope, so subconciously. " | |||
Alex abruptly stops signs and pinches the bridge of her nose. | |||
"I have already spend to much time with dad....." | |||
Falling silent once more realizing this is the first time she called Brand dad... | |||
"Hmm well, anyway, if you are finding him so gorgeous. He seems to be into you as well. So while we are camping and relaxing have at it! | |||
THere is more then only duty, and in your case ambition." | |||
She turns to start doing something else again and then reconciders and turns back with a smile | |||
"And it might have also helped that i have left some ranger notes, and of course the rangers would know we entered Arden the moment we did. This is also a way for them to check who is around. | |||
OH and to answer your question, yes, an elite is assigned she is at this point in my rooms in the castle as i have asked to give me some time to get to used to my current state, going from a protective elite myself to traveling with one. " | |||
A small shrug | |||
"Feels odd. But she will be joining us of course when we travel with Zachary. " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
She smiles at the thought. "I took a few tumbles over the years. Nearly all of them inappropriate. Diega adores such clandestine flings. Kashfra is more honestly lusty. I once let myself be seen as easy enough for Prince Bleys when he visited there. It had proceeded into the unlacing stage when he connected me to my father. Then he remembered an important meeting. I was really disappointed. As for our ranger friend, well see." | |||
The next day the rangers set about drying the meat. The nearby fishing is excellent and they join you both in catching a fine fish dinner. Hannah takes a walk with the ranger leader and comes back with forest produce but no scratches. | |||
Still, a wonderful dinner is had and the rangers join in song at the fire afterwards. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Seeing Hannah returned quite unscathed Alex frowns but you know her and his choice and all that. | |||
She will not make a point out of it. | |||
At the fire when songs start Alex takes out a couple of bottles of good stuff she brought hoping to share with old friends but new friends will do too. | |||
And of course will she share in song and music. Playing her violin in merry tunes to accompany the songs. | |||
Perhaps she will even perform a song of her own. A happy one of course, one she wrote about the battle with the monstrous Red Algosit Razorback to which she earned the name Spiker. | |||
Watching Hannah, Alex hopes that Hannah can relax and enjoy herself for ones ... Even with the inappropriate tumbles she mentioned the last day she seemed to have planned those for her ambition to work out. | |||
When more drinks have been drunk Alex at a point gets up and goes to check on the horses, they are making noise and she wants to still keep an eye out. This is not a campingground it's still Arden. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
After a few days the rangers pack and make ready to go in the morning. The last night Hannah and <> seem to wander a bit on the evening constitutional. Alex thinks Hannah must have succeeded. | |||
Till a call to arms is made. Hannah comes running in nearly undressed and splattered with blood. She leaps on her gear yelling. | |||
"UP!UP! Bug bears in Arden! <> and I took two and he is leading the others on a chase!!! There are at least 30 we saw!!!" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex looks up surprised and at the point Hannah yells up Alex was indeed in the process of jumping up and grabbing her gear. | |||
She might have expected some wildlife to be bothering but nothing like an freaking army of bugbears. In Arden... | |||
As she swings her quiver on Alex asks in a quick tone. | |||
"What way, and how far? " | |||
She would guess that if Callsal was leading them away he would lead them to other rangers to receive assistance on dispatching them. | |||
Alex assumes, hopefully correctly, that the two young rangers are up in gear and ready to run out as well. | |||
Alex looks a moment at Scully she could rush to Callsal to help out on Scully it would be faster then on foot though it would depend on the terrain of course. | |||
Within minutes she is ready and looks back at the other two rangers. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
They seem to have rol l ed out of the sack armed. One yells, "Did he lead yhem away from where they attacked, or to the right or left of it?" | |||
Hannah answers, " eastward, so, left I suppose." | |||
Alex knows the ranger's way. Left means he will be circling around back here. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex nods they wouldn't be full rangers if they were not always prepared. | |||
She looks at the two Rangers then at the terrain where they are camped. | |||
If he is circling back to them they now have the advantage to prepare for their arrival here. | |||
She looks at the two rangers | |||
"we need to funnel them, thin them out from the flanks. I will relieve Callsal from leading them away and bring them to where we need them to go. " | |||
Knowing after a couple of days the terrain Alex trusts her experience and knowledge where they can best wait up. | |||
When the three others are in place Alex will run up ahead to help out Callsal and lead them to the spot they chose to deal with the bugbears. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
They look at each other when you issue orders. Something made them about to argue then they nodded and obeyed. | |||
Hannah strings her bow and sticks the arrows in the ground in front of her position. | |||
Alexandra catches her eye as she leaves to meet Casall. She says, "Bring them to us! Dang I wish i had my armor. Seemed foolish to bring it all camping. " | |||
Suddenly her full Plate is around her. SHe seems shocked as if it was an attack but then laughs, "This was a better prize then i knew! Not just good plate, magical plate!! Bring them in!!!!" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex looks curious to the two rangers as they seem to want to say something. | |||
But they press on seeing the situation with Hannah a small smile and a nod | |||
"Nice" | |||
And Alex moves quick and agile to where Callsal should be. She has a normal arrow ready the instructions of Julian at the rnd she had not forgotten. It was as natural as breathing to her. | |||
Keeping her eyes and ears open and her intuition sharp Alex moves out to find Callsal or an army of bugbears but probably both. She is ready when making visual contact with the first bugbear to release an arrow. | |||
Assessing a situation can very well be done while shooting arrows at enemies. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
Callsal is laughing as her runs, turning and shooting arrows and then turning and running. He sees Alexandra and turns running toward her. Behind him are 30 bugbears. | |||
Callsal reaches Alexa and turns, He begins shooting in earnest, as do the two rangers further up in the trap. Hannah begins firing too. | |||
The bugbear look surprised to find so many dinners on foot trying to fight them. But two arrows each, expertly fired, drops one and they take a beating in the few seconds before they make it to sword range with Alex and Callsal and Hannah. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex nods to Callsal she basically gives command over to him as he is the senior ranger here. | |||
Though it will mostly come down to coordinated fighting anyway. Alex is proficient with a sword but she is better with a bow. | |||
Taking another shot Alex moves at the same time to the side. Giving herself time to reach for her blade. | |||
Alex stays near Hannah not to protect her but, as they have received the same basic training afterall and can coordinate their style the best, having eachother's backs. | |||
With a short nod to Hannah she gestures to a bugbear as their next target. | |||
Trusting her warfare, instincts and experience Alex moves with Hannah along the bugbears taking one target at a time to kill defending from the rest. | |||
All the while keeping an eye on the rangers | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
The group of 20 reach the 4 of you when sword range is met. Callsal pulls double daggers and moves to disable, going low to avoid the large clumsy two handed axes they are using. | |||
Hannah advances with the bastard sword she won, wading into them straightforwardly. The creatures are bigger then her but weaker. She is used to fightign tourney style but manages under pressure. | |||
Frik and Frac move in with boar spears and that seems to annoy the bugbears greatly. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Seeing the preferred styles of the rest Alex holds a longer dagger along her pulling(arrow) hand to slice when bugbears come to close. But she remains on the bow. It is her best weapon and she is the fastest with it. | |||
Doing the rhythm of returning and normal arrows Alex keeps moving. She moves along the flank of the group pinning those getting to close to the others. | |||
She might not immediately kill them. But annoying them just like with the boar, is a great tactic to give the rest space to land killing strikes on the bugbears. | |||
As Alex stays on the move she tries moving along the bugbear group herding them around so none can sneak up on the rangers or Hannah. | |||
When a bugbear comes to close to her within striking distance she will use the blade in her arrow hand to run and slice at the bugbear to create again space. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
The Bugbears put up a fierce battle but they have the no orginizationand are far less skilled then their opponents. | |||
Fric and Frac move from archery to paired short knives and start killing the wounded. | |||
Alex skewers one that falls at her feet, thrashing. | |||
Callsal eliminates the last ones.. | |||
The screaming of the wounded Bugbears comes to a sudden end, leaving a haunting silence. | |||
Callsal looks around, "Fric, Hannah. Drag the dead over here and stack them. Ah, Fric, show her how we do that. Frac, collect the personal effects. Alex, come with me. We should talk." | |||
He heads back up the way they came, stopping and examining the dead once he left behind. | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex lowers her bow and relaxes it again as well as putting her quiver back. she does collect arrows again on the way as she goes with Callsal. | |||
When they are a bit further away she nods to him, | |||
"What is it, Callsal. Anything amiss?" | |||
Even if the battle is done she keeps a keen eye on her surroundings as she konws that when adrenaline drops you get less alert. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
He casually pulls a pipe and does a quick pinch and pack. The pipe self lights. He goes on to the next dead, examines it and moves along. It seems he killed at least a dozen in his flight. | |||
At one he turns over he withdraws a piece of iron like a dull tent stake. | |||
"Nothing on our side. As you know from your Initiate trip bands like this wander into Arden all the time. But i felt this....here, take it. Think of Arden and apply your will to it." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex looks at the dead that Callsal himself had taken down. when he speaks she looks up. | |||
she looks at the piece of iron and hten takes it. | |||
After first just feeling it in her hands. She does as Callsal asks, thinking of Arden and applying her will. She grips tights on her bow wondering what this will do and if she will get a shot of pain again. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
It seems mild but a very clear marker. almost like a yelling dog barking "here I am!!" | |||
"These have been turning up recently. Its not a metal in their technology so someone gave it too them. We think some simple ritual means someone who knows how could walk in shadow to this stake. And they have been showing up in Arden calling to all styles of monsters." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex clearly relaxing a bit more as she doesn't get the jolt of pain other things so far had given her. She turns the iron piece around in her hand just looking at it from all sides. | |||
"How strange, so someone is intentionally driving monsters towards Arden. But are htey mostly bands like these? | |||
Because how annoying it may be but the rangers clearly can deal with bands of bugbears. " | |||
She looks with a serious and worried look at Callsal as she does take it serious. | |||
"Or are there bigger bands? Bigger beasts? And what says the Commander of it so far?" | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"As you saw there are many shadows Arden has contact with, does business with, has diplomatic relations with. Arden might have become its own nation, like Rebma became and though it isn't, it has enemies in nearby shadows that if questioned officially would deny any animosity to Amber. The viels between shadow and Arden can be narrow. I'm not one of Arden's wizards but i know this much; people, even groups of people wander in sometimes. But tugged alongi by a magical item? That may be new" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex nods Callsal isn't saying anything strange to her about the neighbouring shadows. | |||
"Hmm yes, i admit it is strange. So how many more of these. " | |||
She holds up the spike | |||
"Have you found in recent attacks? | |||
I mean are the attacks regular does there seem to be a pattern to from where they come? | |||
And what does the Commander say about it?" | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"They have been found over the centuries really. Its long been suspected that a wizard from a number of possible shadows has been sinking these and geas on various stupid races to seek out the spikes. Whatever the spell is it dissipates in proximity to the spike and by then they are a violently oriented groups wandering Arden. Julian considered them a minor nuisance since the groups coming in were rarely really dangerous and the Rangers needed to keep on their toes. " | |||
He takes back the spike and looks it over. | |||
"The word from the new Commander is that these are now more then a nuisance. They are a clear and present danger to the security of Amber. Once he made that ruling...larger groups came through. A skaven army of over 500 attacked Snowhold near the Ice Wastes. A gaggle of Goblins on wargs came through near Ober. Over a 1000 goblins and wolves. And down here, a force of over 500 Bugbeas that these guys are part of. There is even a very confused Bretonians heavy cavalry that at Castle Arden now that came through from someplace deep in shadow under a powerful geas. They may end up staying, serving Adren. The Commander is considering developing a more orginized cavalry arm of what he is calling the Army of Arden." | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex hands back the spike. | |||
Listening to the ranger and what seems to be going on. | |||
She kind of does agree with the Commander at this. It is a threat to Amber. | |||
A moment silence Alex looks off in the distance. | |||
"An Army of Arden. Well i suppose it is a logical response to this. | |||
Though what i find peculiar in what you are telling me. The moment the Commander decided it was a threat it really became one. | |||
Could be a clue to what is going on. Even if it is already for centuries. " | |||
Looking at the dead bugbears Alex nods | |||
"So we can expect more then? As only thirty now sounds like the scouting party. | |||
And what is the protocol do you need to report directly or just when you return? " | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"Maybe. We were on a roving patrol. One of the directionless ones. More hunting then anything else. We have a Hunt camp about 40 miles from here. We should make our way there, show the spike, turn over the venison. Care to visit? Or are you and Hannah on a more private, romantic camping trip that we intruded on with deer and bugbears?" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex laughs. | |||
"Oh no no. Hannah and i are traveling companions. And that is a big improvement than the relation we had as kids where we were horrible to eachother. " | |||
She looks back to Hannah and the two others. Then a short nod | |||
"But yeah we can visit of course. Perhaps i see more familiar faces. So you are on foot or are your horses nearby? And we can help carry the stuff." | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
"We are on foot now but a whistle will get our mounts here. I see you still have a ranger horse" | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
"Yes, Scully. I was taught to properly ride on Scully by Dancer. | |||
And after i had returned home Scully was send after me. With a note saying a bond between Ramger horse and it's rider is for life." | |||
She doesn't tell about the picture of Duncan that is hers. | |||
"Let's head back see how the three are doing, grab the venison then and go to the hunting camp." | |||
Alex nods towards where Frick and Frack and Hannah are gathering the bugbears. | |||
'''Michael James Watson''' | |||
He nods, "I've been a ranger for 40 years. Grew up out at Tonsta, thats a village up near the Ice Wastes. Born in the Patternfall baby boom. Did 10 years in the army, then joined the Rangers. 80 years an amberite and I've gone through 9 ranger horses, each a beaut. Not one bonded to me. You know, its a legacy of Morgantern that Ranger horses can bond. If they do they age according to their rider, so they can live indefinitely by being bonded to you. It knew you for what you are, of the blood, before you did it seems" | |||
He whistles, and moments later both the other rangers do. as they pack three horses come trotting up, laden with game, furs and meat. | |||
The bugbea bodies are burned. The armor, weapons, and personal effects are stacked nearby. From the weapons Callsal pulls a sturdy, ugly knife, and hands it to Hannah. "This is a Raks blade. Means it was made somewhere in shadow and was sold at Diaga Raks. Its a good blade. Utilitarian. Its more a tool then a fightinmg weapon. Keep it handy while you are in arden. It's is a good kitchen knife and a good as an axe for chopping kindling." | |||
She takes the knife and scowls, "Are you saying I should stick to cooking rather then fighting?" | |||
He smiles, "I think the bugbears would rather you not have fought! " | |||
He walks over to start loading the horses | |||
'''Amber Bronkhorst''' | |||
Alex listens to Callsal and smiles | |||
"Well i suppose more knew what i was before i did. Like Julian. " | |||
Alex goes to get the horses of Hannah and herself she could whistle for Scully but that wouldn't bring Hannah's horse here, and Alex wanted to pack up camp anyway and take some good booze with them to share, she didn't really want to take it back again. | |||
Watching the exchange between Hannah and Callsal Alex smiles and adds. | |||
"you really went to town on those bugbears. But i am not complaining on that. " | |||
At her camp she packs and loads up some stuff she could offer at the huntingcamp. Some quality alcohol and other luxury things. Like tabacco and such. | |||
Bringing the horses to the others she nods. | |||
"Alright we are ready to go as well. So you lead the way. " She nods to Callsal. | |||
To Hannah she says. | |||
"Broke up camp was easy enough, after the visit we can always relocate somewhere if we still have time. " |
Latest revision as of 00:02, 5 February 2022
Michael James Watson
"I like the fire...But... we have to get fish out of the river somehow for dinner?" Hannah looks into the river uncertainly.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks at Hannah and smiles. "WEll we have certain ways to go with it, first we have to see what the options are here. Do not want to disturb the plant and animal life to much. " Alex starts to roll up the legs of her pants and take of her shoes so she can wade into the water and check a bit closer how the fish life is doing at this point. The last thing she wants is angry Rangers. It might also just have been an excuse to feel the grass and dirt under her feet as well as the soggy ground nearing the riverbed. ALex always enjoys returning to Arden and winding down and following the pace of her surroundings. She looks back and smiles "If no fish we can always gather some roots, other vegetation or hunt. Whatever really you want." As they had set up camp, Alex would have patiently show Hannah how best to do it to not disturb the surroundings to much. She does in a half joking but still serious tone qoute what Dancer had said. "When Benedict's men leave camp the locals can build a city. When rangers leave, noone will know they were there " If it is custom to have a recognition symbol or sign near camp she would have of course held to those customs. And of course does Alex have some extra good drinks with her and food. She does have something to celebrate with her Ranger friends, if they have time to celebrate that is.
Michael James Watson
she laughs,"yes, I've heard that one. Also the one that says; When Benedict's army decamps fom winter quarters the local bastards all know how to salute, when Julian's rangers decamp the local horses are tired and the sheep are confused." She laughs. It was odd after so long how easy making ranger notes was. A twist of a branch end. A trio of leaves on the ground. Lastly a trio of stacked rocks to mark a camp nearby. Hannah's joke is a familiar one but one the rangers laugh at.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs and shakes her head. "And i think for both goes... Whatever happens among the camp it stays there " Alex does a last check for the camp she checks on the horses again. Whispering soothing words to Scully. "I've missed this place as well my friend." After placing the ranger notes Alex quickly falls back in the routine she had learned years ago. The routine, the familiarity with it and the beautiful surroundings make Alex immediately relax alot more. Her mind calming. "So Hannah, have you gone camping in Arden more often? Or have you mostly been camping with armies? " Alex sounds genuinely interested in her question.
Michael James Watson
She fidgets around and brings a coffee pot out, filling it from a jug. She pulls out a sealed packet of tea, a familiar urban thing. "I think i have camped with less then a hundred people only a few times. Mostly CCC outings. Or caravan guard jobs. Excuse me if I'm bitter. I've won the Overall, served in the military of Diega for 4 years and was offered a commission even. I negotiated that service. It was clear i was better then a sergeant's cord. But i asked for Rasak or Tandak al martrenta Acadamy in Thelusia. Even the Royal CHambers in Diega. I was told, with respect if you can believe it, that i was not eligible for any of them. I did 6 years in Karshfra. Got on the royal guard, attended what counts for officer training in that place. Became friends with King Rinaldo, but when i asked for Rasak, i was released from service." She get the water boiling, pulls two cups out.
Michael James Watson
"After that it was the Merchant Guild, as a caravan guard. I won the fucking OVerall and something my great grandfather did kept me out of any respectable military academy. The refusal for Rasak alone killed my career. I wasn't even in charge of the caavan guards. I had to beat the hell out of a few to protect myself from motherhood."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex frowns looking at the packet of tea she shakes her head. "Oh no no no, we are not drinking that. " Looking about she looks for a few sprigs of lemon balm and some mint. Adding some dried jasmine flowers, which she always carries around, to the mix she hands that to Hannah. "That is proper tea " A wink and smile. She then looks more concered and worried at Hannah hearing what she has gone through. A frown forms. "So you mean this stain passed down from your grandfather is that bad? I wonder after showing what your potential is that any respectable military academy doesn't accept you. " There are moments she stays quiet to listen to her surroundings. To keep track of those little sounds. Change in song of birds. Different movement of animals wind change... Possible rangers nearby. After a bit Alex continues "I truly hope that my 'newly' discovered bloodline could rub off some of that stain on you. I know we are not besties and probably never will be but you have skills and potential to be greater would be a shame if you could not fullfill that "
Michael James Watson
"Its amazing what Prince Benedict saying-Oh, she's excellent with the sword. Not Rasak material but she's good enough for your military- does to one's career"
Amber Bronkhorst
"Hmmm and you think I can change his mind on that? Look i am happy for you to come along and fight and work with me but i doubt i can change the minds of people like Benedict...." Alex looks around then takes her cleaning things and lays out her bow and arrows knives and starts calmly cleaning them, it keeps the hands busy. She is in thought though about Hannah. "I am sorry that you are carrying the sjns of the father, making your life harder."
Michael James Watson
after pouring the tea she pulls a flask out, "Kashfran black gin?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs and nods "That can be added to any type of tea, thank you. " Moving the checked arrows back in the quiver Alex leans on her knees with her forearms looking at Hannah. "What are your goals? As in short term. Is there something you need to train in, something you really want to do? I might be able to help "
Michael James Watson
She sits down with the tea and gin, sips it. "Goals...King Rinaldo told me that for family reasons he couldn't request my inclusion in Rasak. But he suggested joining the army flat out. The Overal would make me at least a sergeant arms specialist and he gave me a letter for recommendation. Signed my deck. He gave me this flask of ever-refilling gin. He said he would speak to the great Prince but he didn't really know him well. I came back to Amber with a letter and a spotty career legend. I was seriously considering sitting in my billet, eating with the staff of Brightedge every day, and drinking myself to death. I had taken to going out and betting in bar fights. Ever been to Thin Whip's?" She looks, takes a sip of tea and then a slug from the flask. "I heard you were back at Brightedge. I was going to ignore you as best as I could but two things changed my mind. The first was Dame Fres. She said if i wanted it she would make me an officer of Brightedge. She said she had favors and one might get me into Rasak. But i knew that would cost her brutally. She did a lot for me and I owe her. I didn't want to owe her that much. She told me I was being too hard on myself and that i had centuries ahead of me if i wanted them. I didn't need to grow old. She said infact she was sure i couldn't drink myself to death. No idea why. That was the first tihing."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex stays silent sipping her tea and looking up at Hannah now and then a more calculating look on her face. But she remains silent and keeps on tending to her weapons as she listens.
Michael James Watson
"The second was at thing happened at Thin Whip's. Awhile back I was getting to be something of a regular. The man came and sat by me. Asked if i had an Autograph deck. I gave it to him and he signed Jurt's card. We sat drinking. He asked if i wanted to pick up some shifts bouncing for him. Said employees drank free. So what the hell? I started doing 3 nights a week, late. Ya know that place has a terrible reputation but I don't know why. You get more actual killing up at Bloody Arnolds. after a few months there was a nasty nasty dust up. He had to send a few people through a trump to Vulsar Base. I went too, carrying stretchers. It was incredible. I had never seen anything like it. We were in Medical when King Vance came in and talked to Jurt, friendly as can be. Jurt introduced us. Got him to sign my deck." She looks at Alex with a frown... "Jurt said that Vance could 'sense' something about me. So Jurt told me that if i wanted a bit more specialized military training he could get me in to Snikura." She stretches." I was considering it. Was even excited. I was sitting at Brightedge thinking about it and realized i was considering taking my life long goal of serving Amber and throwing it away to become an assassin for a Lord of Chaos...Then I saw you s itting by the archery range. I'd rather get over my childhood shit and travel with you then become and assassin. "
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex stays quiet for a bit she nods slowly. As she is carefully tending to her bow she speaks in a neutral calm tone. "So mom says you cannot drink yourself to death. Vance sensed 'something' about you.... And Jurt offers you something not many are offered. " With a raised eyebrow she looks up at Hannah "Curious. But i suppose there are things to discover about you. " Resting her bow on her lap Alex looks in the distance in the woods. "There are alot of secrets going around and some things can only worsen your position as they come to light.... But.... You could anticipate better on reactions then. Alot of things became obvious and clear to me after i learned who my dad was for example. " Taking a sip of her tea she then continues "I maybe can ask around. Poke some beehives see what spills. If you want that is." Lifting up her bow and looking it thoroughly over she speaks in a less neutral and more annoyed tone "I've been invited to Thin Whip's by Jurt but.... I just don't like him. So i declined. "
Michael James Watson
"I would have said he's not so bad but he offered to make me an assassin. " She sips the tea " I think what occured to me was I could go down a dark path out of ambition or I could do as Dame Fres said, take some of those years and do something different. See places like Vulsar Base. I could do that by just walking off down the Jeweled Road. But it occurred to me if you could get over your childish shit, you might be a better traveling companion then my anger. And look! Here we are, being spied on by Rangers and talking about running off to join the circus. My plan is working great!"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex listens and her face goes from a serious look to a raised eyebrow to a pleasant joyful laugh. "Hah yes here we are, over our childish shit. Talking about joining a circus. " Alex stands takes her bow and tests the string by pulling it slowly and evenly back she looks in the distance and also up in the trees where she would expect Rangers to be if they had spotted the camp yet, though they had not be quiet of course. "You had been dealt a bad hand. But i recently got handed some aces... Lets see if we can even the odds out." She stays standing watching the spots which would be perfect to watch them from. There are always those in a forest. Until she feels the tension of the bowstring is even and stable Alex slowly brings the boestring back in resting position. "As for being spied on..... The moment we stepped in Arden the Rangers knew of our presence. "
Michael James Watson
A trio of rangers slide out of the bushes. ONe has a deer over his shoulder. The hunter says, "Hello the camp. Hope you don't mind the intrusion. "I'm Callsal, these are Frant and Daro. He are off duty. Saw your Ranger mark. We'll travel on if you like but we have a deer and a boar to dress and prep. Mind if we do the cleaning here? Fresh venison" He smiles, looking over Alex then lingering on Hannah.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods and gestures to camp. "We got space, fresh tea, or if you prefer anything stronger. We got that as well." She gestures to Hannah "That is Hannah, my name is Alex. "
Michael James Watson
Callsal smiles, "What a pleasure to meet you Hannah. Welcome to the woods. Frant and Daro, go set up the frames and the leantoo. By the way boys, don't you fucking dare call this one Alex. She's listed as Spiker on the ranger rolls. Invited, but not initiated." Frant and Daro nod and go off to work. He winks at her and sits next the Hannah. Pulling out his own flask. Offering it to Spiker. "Frant and Daro are new. Its their first time on patrol. Dancer speaks well of you. You probably hadn't heard, why would you, she got a commission. LT. Taking a command up near Ober"
Amber Bronkhorst
ALex laughs and rubs her neck "i knew one of those names would stick rather then my own. but it is fine. " She takes the flask and takes a drink out of it. LOoking at the two setting up things she nods and rubs her hands remembering. Hearing about Dancer her smile widens. "OH really? fantastic! good on her. To bad though hoped i would have run in on her. or well more likely she would run in on me. And Hyjat and Ryce? How are they?" SHe hands the flask back and starts cleaning up her things from the blanket she had laid down. She looks a bit in the distance and clearly wants to ask something else but rubbing her arm she decides not to ask anything else and leaves the question about Hyjat and Ryce hang as the only one.
Michael James Watson
He thinks for a moments, "I know Ryce is with Dancer's command. Last i heard Hyjat had mustered out and was on security for Diaga Raks."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods slowly "Eh i might find them at a later point perhaps. " She nods to Hannah to see how she is doing. Turning to Callsal she asks in a smaller voice and more carefully. "And the commander, Duncan?" She quickly adds, "I mean how are things going in Arden, and with the other Rangers? and of course with that the Commander." The awkwardness was clear but Alex obviously still felt something for Duncan.... And it had all ended so abruptly. She even still has the picture,he gave her when Scully was at the gates, with her.
Michael James Watson
"Losing Prince Julian was hard on the Wardens of Arden. Almost a third followed him into shadow to the realm he is King in. A good 6th resigned or transferred. Warriors who had protected the woods for centuries just turning in their badges. So the Rangers havelost half their people. The new Warden of Arden, Lord Duncan of course, has been struggling for recruits. Thats how we got Frik and Frac over there. They have a couple years in the army and come from Tazilwere if you can believe it. " Sipping from his own flask he asks, "We heard you were acknowledged as royal. I'd say congratulations but Julian and Duncan always said it was a curse being of the blood. Would be cool to be super strong and fast." Hestands and nods, smiles at Hannah, and walks over to help in cleaning the two animals
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex listens while holding her bow again which she jad gained from Julian of course she nods slow. "Yes it must have been hard. So strange to see such a change suddenly, but if you are used to following one person. " Hearing the two are from Tazilwere Alex laughs, though it doesn't sound as genuine. As from the moment of Tazilwere everything had changed for her. Her hand mindlessly going to that spot that acts up when the abyssal mark reacts. "Yeah, thank you, reason why i am here as well. Had hoped to tell Dancer and some others myself or at least have a drink on it together. Perhaps see Commander Duncan. I do not know yet what i think of it. But the weight off the blood is getting more noticeable." As he smiles at Hannah Alex grins slightly. She checks out Hannah her reaction to Callsal perhaps if she got together with someone it might help lighten her mood as well. From her chest a hand goes to her pocket where she keeps Duncan's picture in. A slight smile on her face as she recalls the unhindered joy they had years ago.
Michael James Watson
Hannah looks back to Alex. "Is it a power of royal blood that extraordinarily gorgeous men just show up anywhere you go? The middle if the forest and here come rangers of Arden ready to serve. That's a handy talent. Speaking of which...did you get an elite?
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs heartily, "I do not know Hannah, though he might think the same about you." She adds a slight wiggle of her eyebrows. "though on a more serious note or answer. There would be a good chance that the blood does attract certain people. Be it a form of power and what the individual seeks from people with such power. And of course ther is a thing that those of the blood and who of them have walked the pattern are able to travel trhough shadows. but in the slightest they could will things just by intend or hope, so subconciously. " Alex abruptly stops signs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "I have already spend to much time with dad....." Falling silent once more realizing this is the first time she called Brand dad... "Hmm well, anyway, if you are finding him so gorgeous. He seems to be into you as well. So while we are camping and relaxing have at it! THere is more then only duty, and in your case ambition." She turns to start doing something else again and then reconciders and turns back with a smile "And it might have also helped that i have left some ranger notes, and of course the rangers would know we entered Arden the moment we did. This is also a way for them to check who is around. OH and to answer your question, yes, an elite is assigned she is at this point in my rooms in the castle as i have asked to give me some time to get to used to my current state, going from a protective elite myself to traveling with one. " A small shrug "Feels odd. But she will be joining us of course when we travel with Zachary. "
Michael James Watson
She smiles at the thought. "I took a few tumbles over the years. Nearly all of them inappropriate. Diega adores such clandestine flings. Kashfra is more honestly lusty. I once let myself be seen as easy enough for Prince Bleys when he visited there. It had proceeded into the unlacing stage when he connected me to my father. Then he remembered an important meeting. I was really disappointed. As for our ranger friend, well see." The next day the rangers set about drying the meat. The nearby fishing is excellent and they join you both in catching a fine fish dinner. Hannah takes a walk with the ranger leader and comes back with forest produce but no scratches. Still, a wonderful dinner is had and the rangers join in song at the fire afterwards.
Amber Bronkhorst
Seeing Hannah returned quite unscathed Alex frowns but you know her and his choice and all that. She will not make a point out of it. At the fire when songs start Alex takes out a couple of bottles of good stuff she brought hoping to share with old friends but new friends will do too. And of course will she share in song and music. Playing her violin in merry tunes to accompany the songs. Perhaps she will even perform a song of her own. A happy one of course, one she wrote about the battle with the monstrous Red Algosit Razorback to which she earned the name Spiker. Watching Hannah, Alex hopes that Hannah can relax and enjoy herself for ones ... Even with the inappropriate tumbles she mentioned the last day she seemed to have planned those for her ambition to work out. When more drinks have been drunk Alex at a point gets up and goes to check on the horses, they are making noise and she wants to still keep an eye out. This is not a campingground it's still Arden.
Michael James Watson
After a few days the rangers pack and make ready to go in the morning. The last night Hannah and <> seem to wander a bit on the evening constitutional. Alex thinks Hannah must have succeeded. Till a call to arms is made. Hannah comes running in nearly undressed and splattered with blood. She leaps on her gear yelling. "UP!UP! Bug bears in Arden! <> and I took two and he is leading the others on a chase!!! There are at least 30 we saw!!!"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks up surprised and at the point Hannah yells up Alex was indeed in the process of jumping up and grabbing her gear. She might have expected some wildlife to be bothering but nothing like an freaking army of bugbears. In Arden... As she swings her quiver on Alex asks in a quick tone. "What way, and how far? " She would guess that if Callsal was leading them away he would lead them to other rangers to receive assistance on dispatching them. Alex assumes, hopefully correctly, that the two young rangers are up in gear and ready to run out as well. Alex looks a moment at Scully she could rush to Callsal to help out on Scully it would be faster then on foot though it would depend on the terrain of course. Within minutes she is ready and looks back at the other two rangers.
Michael James Watson
They seem to have rol l ed out of the sack armed. One yells, "Did he lead yhem away from where they attacked, or to the right or left of it?" Hannah answers, " eastward, so, left I suppose." Alex knows the ranger's way. Left means he will be circling around back here.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods they wouldn't be full rangers if they were not always prepared. She looks at the two Rangers then at the terrain where they are camped. If he is circling back to them they now have the advantage to prepare for their arrival here. She looks at the two rangers "we need to funnel them, thin them out from the flanks. I will relieve Callsal from leading them away and bring them to where we need them to go. " Knowing after a couple of days the terrain Alex trusts her experience and knowledge where they can best wait up. When the three others are in place Alex will run up ahead to help out Callsal and lead them to the spot they chose to deal with the bugbears.
Michael James Watson
They look at each other when you issue orders. Something made them about to argue then they nodded and obeyed. Hannah strings her bow and sticks the arrows in the ground in front of her position. Alexandra catches her eye as she leaves to meet Casall. She says, "Bring them to us! Dang I wish i had my armor. Seemed foolish to bring it all camping. " Suddenly her full Plate is around her. SHe seems shocked as if it was an attack but then laughs, "This was a better prize then i knew! Not just good plate, magical plate!! Bring them in!!!!"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks curious to the two rangers as they seem to want to say something. But they press on seeing the situation with Hannah a small smile and a nod "Nice" And Alex moves quick and agile to where Callsal should be. She has a normal arrow ready the instructions of Julian at the rnd she had not forgotten. It was as natural as breathing to her. Keeping her eyes and ears open and her intuition sharp Alex moves out to find Callsal or an army of bugbears but probably both. She is ready when making visual contact with the first bugbear to release an arrow. Assessing a situation can very well be done while shooting arrows at enemies.
Michael James Watson
Callsal is laughing as her runs, turning and shooting arrows and then turning and running. He sees Alexandra and turns running toward her. Behind him are 30 bugbears. Callsal reaches Alexa and turns, He begins shooting in earnest, as do the two rangers further up in the trap. Hannah begins firing too. The bugbear look surprised to find so many dinners on foot trying to fight them. But two arrows each, expertly fired, drops one and they take a beating in the few seconds before they make it to sword range with Alex and Callsal and Hannah.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods to Callsal she basically gives command over to him as he is the senior ranger here. Though it will mostly come down to coordinated fighting anyway. Alex is proficient with a sword but she is better with a bow. Taking another shot Alex moves at the same time to the side. Giving herself time to reach for her blade. Alex stays near Hannah not to protect her but, as they have received the same basic training afterall and can coordinate their style the best, having eachother's backs. With a short nod to Hannah she gestures to a bugbear as their next target. Trusting her warfare, instincts and experience Alex moves with Hannah along the bugbears taking one target at a time to kill defending from the rest. All the while keeping an eye on the rangers
Michael James Watson
The group of 20 reach the 4 of you when sword range is met. Callsal pulls double daggers and moves to disable, going low to avoid the large clumsy two handed axes they are using. Hannah advances with the bastard sword she won, wading into them straightforwardly. The creatures are bigger then her but weaker. She is used to fightign tourney style but manages under pressure. Frik and Frac move in with boar spears and that seems to annoy the bugbears greatly.
Amber Bronkhorst
Seeing the preferred styles of the rest Alex holds a longer dagger along her pulling(arrow) hand to slice when bugbears come to close. But she remains on the bow. It is her best weapon and she is the fastest with it. Doing the rhythm of returning and normal arrows Alex keeps moving. She moves along the flank of the group pinning those getting to close to the others. She might not immediately kill them. But annoying them just like with the boar, is a great tactic to give the rest space to land killing strikes on the bugbears. As Alex stays on the move she tries moving along the bugbear group herding them around so none can sneak up on the rangers or Hannah. When a bugbear comes to close to her within striking distance she will use the blade in her arrow hand to run and slice at the bugbear to create again space.
Michael James Watson
The Bugbears put up a fierce battle but they have the no orginizationand are far less skilled then their opponents. Fric and Frac move from archery to paired short knives and start killing the wounded. Alex skewers one that falls at her feet, thrashing. Callsal eliminates the last ones.. The screaming of the wounded Bugbears comes to a sudden end, leaving a haunting silence. Callsal looks around, "Fric, Hannah. Drag the dead over here and stack them. Ah, Fric, show her how we do that. Frac, collect the personal effects. Alex, come with me. We should talk." He heads back up the way they came, stopping and examining the dead once he left behind.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex lowers her bow and relaxes it again as well as putting her quiver back. she does collect arrows again on the way as she goes with Callsal. When they are a bit further away she nods to him, "What is it, Callsal. Anything amiss?" Even if the battle is done she keeps a keen eye on her surroundings as she konws that when adrenaline drops you get less alert.
Michael James Watson
He casually pulls a pipe and does a quick pinch and pack. The pipe self lights. He goes on to the next dead, examines it and moves along. It seems he killed at least a dozen in his flight. At one he turns over he withdraws a piece of iron like a dull tent stake. "Nothing on our side. As you know from your Initiate trip bands like this wander into Arden all the time. But i felt this....here, take it. Think of Arden and apply your will to it."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks at the dead that Callsal himself had taken down. when he speaks she looks up. she looks at the piece of iron and hten takes it. After first just feeling it in her hands. She does as Callsal asks, thinking of Arden and applying her will. She grips tights on her bow wondering what this will do and if she will get a shot of pain again.
Michael James Watson
It seems mild but a very clear marker. almost like a yelling dog barking "here I am!!" "These have been turning up recently. Its not a metal in their technology so someone gave it too them. We think some simple ritual means someone who knows how could walk in shadow to this stake. And they have been showing up in Arden calling to all styles of monsters."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex clearly relaxing a bit more as she doesn't get the jolt of pain other things so far had given her. She turns the iron piece around in her hand just looking at it from all sides. "How strange, so someone is intentionally driving monsters towards Arden. But are htey mostly bands like these? Because how annoying it may be but the rangers clearly can deal with bands of bugbears. " She looks with a serious and worried look at Callsal as she does take it serious. "Or are there bigger bands? Bigger beasts? And what says the Commander of it so far?"
Michael James Watson
"As you saw there are many shadows Arden has contact with, does business with, has diplomatic relations with. Arden might have become its own nation, like Rebma became and though it isn't, it has enemies in nearby shadows that if questioned officially would deny any animosity to Amber. The viels between shadow and Arden can be narrow. I'm not one of Arden's wizards but i know this much; people, even groups of people wander in sometimes. But tugged alongi by a magical item? That may be new"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods Callsal isn't saying anything strange to her about the neighbouring shadows. "Hmm yes, i admit it is strange. So how many more of these. " She holds up the spike "Have you found in recent attacks? I mean are the attacks regular does there seem to be a pattern to from where they come? And what does the Commander say about it?"
Michael James Watson
"They have been found over the centuries really. Its long been suspected that a wizard from a number of possible shadows has been sinking these and geas on various stupid races to seek out the spikes. Whatever the spell is it dissipates in proximity to the spike and by then they are a violently oriented groups wandering Arden. Julian considered them a minor nuisance since the groups coming in were rarely really dangerous and the Rangers needed to keep on their toes. " He takes back the spike and looks it over. "The word from the new Commander is that these are now more then a nuisance. They are a clear and present danger to the security of Amber. Once he made that ruling...larger groups came through. A skaven army of over 500 attacked Snowhold near the Ice Wastes. A gaggle of Goblins on wargs came through near Ober. Over a 1000 goblins and wolves. And down here, a force of over 500 Bugbeas that these guys are part of. There is even a very confused Bretonians heavy cavalry that at Castle Arden now that came through from someplace deep in shadow under a powerful geas. They may end up staying, serving Adren. The Commander is considering developing a more orginized cavalry arm of what he is calling the Army of Arden."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex hands back the spike. Listening to the ranger and what seems to be going on. She kind of does agree with the Commander at this. It is a threat to Amber. A moment silence Alex looks off in the distance. "An Army of Arden. Well i suppose it is a logical response to this. Though what i find peculiar in what you are telling me. The moment the Commander decided it was a threat it really became one. Could be a clue to what is going on. Even if it is already for centuries. " Looking at the dead bugbears Alex nods "So we can expect more then? As only thirty now sounds like the scouting party. And what is the protocol do you need to report directly or just when you return? "
Michael James Watson
"Maybe. We were on a roving patrol. One of the directionless ones. More hunting then anything else. We have a Hunt camp about 40 miles from here. We should make our way there, show the spike, turn over the venison. Care to visit? Or are you and Hannah on a more private, romantic camping trip that we intruded on with deer and bugbears?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs. "Oh no no. Hannah and i are traveling companions. And that is a big improvement than the relation we had as kids where we were horrible to eachother. " She looks back to Hannah and the two others. Then a short nod "But yeah we can visit of course. Perhaps i see more familiar faces. So you are on foot or are your horses nearby? And we can help carry the stuff."
Michael James Watson
"We are on foot now but a whistle will get our mounts here. I see you still have a ranger horse"
Amber Bronkhorst
"Yes, Scully. I was taught to properly ride on Scully by Dancer. And after i had returned home Scully was send after me. With a note saying a bond between Ramger horse and it's rider is for life." She doesn't tell about the picture of Duncan that is hers. "Let's head back see how the three are doing, grab the venison then and go to the hunting camp." Alex nods towards where Frick and Frack and Hannah are gathering the bugbears.
Michael James Watson
He nods, "I've been a ranger for 40 years. Grew up out at Tonsta, thats a village up near the Ice Wastes. Born in the Patternfall baby boom. Did 10 years in the army, then joined the Rangers. 80 years an amberite and I've gone through 9 ranger horses, each a beaut. Not one bonded to me. You know, its a legacy of Morgantern that Ranger horses can bond. If they do they age according to their rider, so they can live indefinitely by being bonded to you. It knew you for what you are, of the blood, before you did it seems" He whistles, and moments later both the other rangers do. as they pack three horses come trotting up, laden with game, furs and meat. The bugbea bodies are burned. The armor, weapons, and personal effects are stacked nearby. From the weapons Callsal pulls a sturdy, ugly knife, and hands it to Hannah. "This is a Raks blade. Means it was made somewhere in shadow and was sold at Diaga Raks. Its a good blade. Utilitarian. Its more a tool then a fightinmg weapon. Keep it handy while you are in arden. It's is a good kitchen knife and a good as an axe for chopping kindling." She takes the knife and scowls, "Are you saying I should stick to cooking rather then fighting?" He smiles, "I think the bugbears would rather you not have fought! " He walks over to start loading the horses
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex listens to Callsal and smiles "Well i suppose more knew what i was before i did. Like Julian. " Alex goes to get the horses of Hannah and herself she could whistle for Scully but that wouldn't bring Hannah's horse here, and Alex wanted to pack up camp anyway and take some good booze with them to share, she didn't really want to take it back again. Watching the exchange between Hannah and Callsal Alex smiles and adds. "you really went to town on those bugbears. But i am not complaining on that. " At her camp she packs and loads up some stuff she could offer at the huntingcamp. Some quality alcohol and other luxury things. Like tabacco and such. Bringing the horses to the others she nods. "Alright we are ready to go as well. So you lead the way. " She nods to Callsal. To Hannah she says. "Broke up camp was easy enough, after the visit we can always relocate somewhere if we still have time. "