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:Impudent (minor): Minor elitist attitude
:Impudent (minor): Minor elitist attitude

'''Iconic Framework --Shaman''
'''Iconic Framework --Shaman'''
:Arcane Background: Shaman
:Arcane Background: Shaman
:Power Edges: Mentor Spirit (Raven), New Powers
:Power Edges: Mentor Spirit (Raven), New Powers

Revision as of 14:48, 24 April 2022

back to Savage Shadowrun PBP [1]

Female Elf Street Shaman


Agility: d8
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d10
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6

Derived Attributes

Rank: Novice
Bennies: 3
Parry: 4
Toughness: 8 (3)
Pace: 6

Metahuman Type --Elf

Allure: +1 to Persuasion checks
Grace: d6 base Agility and Smarts
Low Light Vision: Ignore Darkness penalties
Impudent (minor): Minor elitist attitude

Iconic Framework --Shaman

Arcane Background: Shaman
Power Edges: Mentor Spirit (Raven), New Powers
Training: d6 base Faith
Willful: +1 step to Spirit


Curious (major)
Loyal (minor)
Vengeful (minor)


New Powers
Street Shaman


Athletics: d4
C. Knowledge d4
Driving: d4
Faith: d8
Fighting: d4
Notice: d8+1
Occult: d6
Persuasion: d8+1
Shooting: d6
Stealth: d8
Thievery: d6

Languages -- English d8, Sperethiel d6, Salish d6, Cascade Crow d6, Cityspeak d6

PP: 10
Raven +1 Notice skill, +2 Illusion spell
Quirk (Minor) - a Raven must make a Spirit -1 test to avoid exploiting someone else’s misfortune or making an obvious insult at an inappropriate time.


Astral Projection
Summon Spirits

Cash: 240¥

Ares Viper Slivergun – Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP2, ROF 3, Shots 20; 3RB, Restricted
Integral Laser Sight (eliminates 2 points of penalties to Shooting due to range penalties, lighting/obscure-penalties, cover penalties or called shots)
Integral Sound Suppression (-4 to Notice at semi-automatic and -2 with full auto-fire hearing. Same penalty to visuals to see muzzle flash of the firing weapon)
Concealed Holster (shoulder)
Extra Ammo Clips x2
100 rounds ammo (5 boxes of 20)

"Ceramic Knife – Fighting skill (d4), Damage +d4 (d4+d4); +2 to hide on self, +4 vs. MAD detectors)

Comlink – Broadcast 50", Firewall 1, Hardness 6
AR Contacts and skintight AR gloves included
Subvocal Microphone
Eye Contacts – Flash Compensation 1
Earplugs – Audio Damper 1
Fake SIN – Basic (d6)
Fake License – Ares Viper Slivergun
Fetish x2
Glue Sprayer
Lined Coat – Armor 3, Ballistic Protection (-4 ballistic damage); Torso, Arms, Legs
Lockpick Set
Street Clothes x1
Trauma Patch x1


Dodge Scooter


Low: 3 months


Talismonger (Friendly, low-level): Remilia Auburn
Street Doc (Friendly, low-level): Diane Spencer
Native (Friendly, low-level): Her Salish cousin