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''Female Elf Street Shaman''
''Female Elf Street Shaman''

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:Talismonger (Friendly, low-level): Remilia Auburn
*Remilia Auburn - Talismonger (Friendly, low-level): An older Salish elf, Remilia is a shaman who owns and runs a talismonger shop & dispensary called The Giving Tree, which specializes in plants, herbs, 'herbs' and Shamanic magic items. She has a gruff demeanor but genuinely tries to make the world, or at least the local community, a better place.
:Street Doc (Friendly, low-level): Diane Spencer
*Diane Spencer - Street Doc (Friendly, low-level): Dr. Spencer is an ex Lonestar medical examiner who quit the corp to give back to the community.  She's a no-nonsense doctor who runs a pay-what-you-can clinic.
:Native (Friendly, low-level): Her Salish cousin
*Books - Fence (Friendly, low-level): Trouble's human Salish cousin, Books is her go-to for fencing whatever she steals and procuring what she needs for her jobs. They are also each other's only family left in Seattle and are fairly close.

Revision as of 05:44, 27 April 2022

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Female Elf Street Shaman


Agility: d8
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d10
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6

Derived Attributes

Rank: Novice
Bennies: 3
Parry: 4
Toughness: 8 (3)
Pace: 6

Metahuman Type

  • Allure: +1 to Persuasion checks
  • Grace: d6 base Agility and Smarts
  • Low Light Vision: Ignore Darkness penalties
  • Impudent (minor): Minor elitist attitude

Iconic Framework

  • Arcane Background: Shaman
  • Power Edges: Mentor Spirit (Raven), New Powers
  • Training: d6 base Faith
  • Willful: +1 step to Spirit


Curious (major)
Loyal (minor)
Vengeful (minor)


New Powers
Power Points


Athletics: d4
C. Knowledge d4
Driving: d4
Faith: d8
Fighting: d4
Notice: d8+1
Occult: d6
Persuasion: d8+1
Shooting: d6
Stealth: d8
Thievery: d6


English d8, Sperethiel d6, Salish d6, Cascade Crow d6, Cityspeak d6


PP: 15
Mentor Spirit: Raven
  • +1 Notice skill
  • +2 Illusion spell
  • Quirk (Minor): a Raven must make a Spirit -1 test to avoid exploiting someone else’s misfortune or making an obvious insult at an inappropriate time.
  • Astral Projection
  • Disguise
  • Fly
  • Illusion
  • Intangibility
  • Invisibility
  • Suggestion
  • Summon Spirits


Cash: 240¥
Ares Viper Slivergun – Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP2, ROF 3, Shots 20; 3RB, Restricted
  • Integral Laser Sight (eliminates 2 points of penalties to Shooting due to range penalties, lighting/obscure-penalties, cover penalties or called shots)
  • Integral Sound Suppression (-4 to Notice at semi-automatic and -2 with full auto-fire hearing. Same penalty to visuals to see muzzle flash of the firing weapon)
  • Concealed Holster (hip/IWB)
  • Extra Ammo Clips x2
  • 100 rounds ammo (5 boxes of 20)
Ceramic Knife – Fighting skill (d4), Damage +d4 (d4+d4); +2 to hide on self, +4 vs. MAD detectors)
Comlink – Broadcast 50", Firewall 1, Hardness 6
  • AR Contacts and skintight AR gloves included
  • Subvocal Microphone
Eye Contacts – Flash Compensation 1
Earplugs – Audio Damper 1
Fake SIN – Basic (d6)
  • Fake License – Ares Viper Slivergun
Fetish x2
Glue Sprayer
Lined Coat – Armor 3, Ballistic Protection (-4 ballistic damage); Torso, Arms, Legs
Lockpick Set
Street Clothes x1
Trauma Patch x1


Dodge Scooter


Low: 3 months


  • Remilia Auburn - Talismonger (Friendly, low-level): An older Salish elf, Remilia is a shaman who owns and runs a talismonger shop & dispensary called The Giving Tree, which specializes in plants, herbs, 'herbs' and Shamanic magic items. She has a gruff demeanor but genuinely tries to make the world, or at least the local community, a better place.
  • Diane Spencer - Street Doc (Friendly, low-level): Dr. Spencer is an ex Lonestar medical examiner who quit the corp to give back to the community. She's a no-nonsense doctor who runs a pay-what-you-can clinic.
  • Books - Fence (Friendly, low-level): Trouble's human Salish cousin, Books is her go-to for fencing whatever she steals and procuring what she needs for her jobs. They are also each other's only family left in Seattle and are fairly close.